For information supplied online, there is no charge.
Unless otherwise specified, charging for hard copies will only occur if more than 50 pages are required, as long as this is for size A3 or below. 10p per sheet be charged where the request involves the supply of 50 or more copies of A3 size or below (i.e. £5 will be charged for the first 50 copies and 10 pence for each additional page).
Where to find the information
(NB ‘Online’ refers to
Who we are and what we do includes:
- Organisational information
- Council offices locations
- Structures
- Contact information
This information can be found online. See:
Map and Directions to Council Offices
Relevant service pages for specific contact info plus Contact Us
Salary and Organisational Information
MPs and Surrey County Councillors
County Council and District Council Functions
What we spend and how we spend it includes:
- Expenditure over £500
- Income and expenditure (projected and actual)
- Procurement
- Audit
This information can be found online. See:
Salary and Organisational Information
Selling to the Council and Tendering Opportunities
Election expenses information is available to view in hard copy and by appointment only at the Council’s offices at Pippbrook. Please call 01306 885001. Copies can be made at a cost of 20p per side. Spending returns are kept for 2 years after the date of the election to which they apply.
What our priorities are and how we are doing includes:
- Strategies and plans
- Performance Indicators
- Audits
This information can be found online. See:
Adopted Planning Policy Documents
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Future Mole Valley (Local Plan 2020-2037)
Plans, Policies and Strategies
Mole Valley Rural Community Strategy
Single Use Plastic Strategy for Surrey
How we make decisions includes:
- Decision-making processes
- Records of decisions
- Consultations
This information can be found online. See:
Councillors and Decision-Making
View Committee Meetings Live Diary
Future Mole Valley (Local Plan 2020-2037)
Public Spaces Protection Orders
Future Mole Valley (Local Plan 2020-37)
Consultations are publicised when live on the home page of the website. Hard copies may also be obtained on request by calling 01306 885001.
Information relating to current or historic MVDC consultations can be obtained from Communications by calling 01306 870624 or emailing
Our policies and procedures includes:
- Written protocols
- Policies and procedures
This information can be found online. See:
Salary and Organisational Information
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Plans, Policies and Strategies
Supplementary Planning Documents, Guidance and Policy Statements
For fees and charges, please see individual service areas e.g. Building Control, Environmental Health, Car parking etc..
Lists and Registers includes:
- Public registers
- Declarations of interest
- Register of gifts and hospitality
- Register of electors
This information can be found online and in hard copy. See:
Councillors’ Register of Interests
Parish Councils Declaration of Interest
The register of gifts and hospitality is available to view in hard copy at the Council offices at Pippbrook by appointment only. It is not available online.
The register of electors can be viewed in hard copy at the Council offices at Pippbrook, Dorking by appointment only. It is not available online.
Signage is on display in the vicinity of CCTV.
The services we offer include:
- Council services list
- Leaflets
- Advice & Guidance
- Newsletters/magazine
- Election information
This information can be found online. See:
See our News Website plus the home page of the website
Planning Development Advice and Guidance
Supplementary Planning Documents, Guidance and Policy Statements
Advice and Guidance on Housing Benefit
Map and Directions to Council Offices
Council Tax Information 2023-24
Non-Domestic Rates Explanatory Notes
Smoke Nuisance, Bonfires and Fireworks
Organising a Large Public Event
Open Data and Data Sets
This information can be found online. See:
Business Rates Information (FOI)
To request a hard copy of any information, please call Customer Services on 01306 885001.