Supplementary Planning Documents, Guidance and Policy Statements

We are currently consulting on three draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs):

  • Draft Affordable Housing SPD
  • Draft Planning Obligations SPD
  • Draft Design Guidance for House Extensions SPD

More information, including how to respond, can be found on our Consultations webpage.

Affordable Housing

The Affordable Housing SPD sets out in detail our approach to the implementation of the Core Strategy Policy CS4: The Provision of Affordable Housing.

This is an important document for all those considering new major housing development in Mole Valley.

This information can also be found on the CIL and Affordable Housing Contributions webpage. The Council also has Housing Strategies, such as the Affordable Housing Strategy and Tenancy Strategy, which will impact new developments of affordable housing.

Built-Up Areas Character Appraisal

The Built-Up Areas Character Appraisal SPD (2010) provides a character appraisal for the five main built-up areas in Mole Valley:

  • Ashtead
  • Bookham
  • Fetcham
  • Dorking (including North Holmwood and Pixham)
  • Leatherhead

Designing Out Crime

The Designing Out Crime SPD (2011) promotes a practical and co-ordinated approach to development management, highlighting best practice in the field of community safety and designing out crime.


The Landscape SPD (2013) identifies important characteristics of the landscape throughout Mole Valley, focusing on rural areas and landscape setting of towns and villages.

The SPD provides general guidance on landscape issues and how they should be addressed by developers and those responding to planning applications. It will assist with the implementation Core Strategy Policy CS13: Landscape Character.

Larger Rural Village Character Appraisal

The Larger Rural Village Character Appraisal SPD (2013) covers six villages:

  • Beare Green
  • Brockham
  • Capel
  • Charlwood
  • Hookwood
  • Westcott

It analyses the character and landscape setting of each village, as well as providing general guidance on character issues.

It will assist with the implementation Core Strategy Policy CS14: Townscape, Urban Design and the Historic Environment.

Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans

We have produced four heritage appraisal documents for guidance purposes:

Design Guidance for House Extensions

We have published Design Guidance for House Extensions (2000) to help to achieve well designed house extensions.

Locally Listed Buildings and Features

Surrey County Council (SCC) has compiled a list of Locally Listed Buildings and Features for Mole Valley. This list identifies buildings and other features and structures within the District that have a degree of heritage significance meriting consideration in planning decisions but which do not meet the criteria for designated heritage assets, otherwise known as non-designated heritage assets.

Mole Gap to Reigate Escarpment Special Area of Conservation

The Mole Gap to Reigate Escarpment Special Area of Conservation (SAC) is an area of Europe-wide significance for its nature conservation value. It covers 888 hectares of the North Downs, including Norbury Park, Headley Heath, White Down and Box Hill. Development in the vicinity of the SAC needs to be carefully managed to ensure important features are not placed at risk by increased recreational pressure.

The Special Area of Conservation Guidance Note identifies the main risks to the special nature conservation interests, the information that should be provided with planning applications, and the steps we will take to make sure proposed development does not harm the SAC.

Shopfronts and Advertisements

We have produced a supplementary planning guidance on shopfronts and advertisements (1999) to help ensure good design can flourish and that local character is protected.

Trees on Development Sites

Trees are a vital and integral component of the built environment therefore when considering proposals for development it is important to take into account the effect such proposals may have on existing trees and explore opportunities for new planting.

The Trees on Development Sites Supplementary Guidance Note provides a more comprehensive resume of the particular requirements we are likely to have regarding trees on development sites. The guidance also details the ways in which we will seek to maintain and enhance the contribution trees make to the quality of the built environment.

Developer Contributions

Financial contributions are provided by developers to pay for infrastructure to meet the needs of their development. SCC have produced a Developer Contributions Guide which sets out SCC’s approach to obtaining planning obligations from developers.


SCC have adopted Healthy Streets for Surrey design guidance which should be used to design all forms of new development, including new streets and public realm. The aim of the guidance is to ensure healthier and more sustainable streets for residents by prioritising air quality, physical activity and community wellbeing.

SCC have also published Information on Health and Spatial Planning to strengthen links between spatial planning and health.

Green and Blue Infrastructure

SCC’s have produced a design guide on best practice regarding Green and Blue Infrastructure.


The Surrey Landscape Character Assessment is a comprehensive assessment of the landscape character of the county. It takes account of the framework of the National Character Areas and describes variations in the landscape character at a county level.

Older People with Care

SCC have produced county-wide planning guidance for older people’s accommodation with care. Accompanying this guidance is a Mole Valley profile, setting out current and future need for extra care housing, residential care homes and nursing homes in the district.

Ordinary Watercourse Consents

Ordinary Watercourse Consents cover works that affect water flow within the channel of an ordinary watercourse. Works could include a new pipe (culvert), bridge, damn, pond or other structure in the watercourse or a change to the alignment or banks of the watercourse. An Ordinary Watercourse is any river, stream, brook, ditch, drain, culvert, pipe and any other passage through which water may flow which is not designated a Main River.

Sustainable Drainage Systems

SCC as Lead Local Flood Authority is  responsible for local flood risk and is required to provide consultation responses regarding surface water drainage provisions associated with major development. SCC has produced Sustainable Drainage System Design Guidance to summarise the information, and provide a checklist of the evidence, needed to demonstrate sustainable drainage systems have been properly considered.

Transport Development Planning

SCC have produced a Good Practice Guide to provide information on how they will consider highways and transportation matters for development proposals in Surrey.

Transport Plan

The Surrey Local Transport Plan 4 sets out SCC’s plan for transforming Surrey’s transport network over a ten year period (2022-2032). It aims to significantly reduce carbon emissions from transport to meet the commitment to have net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Tree Strategy

SCC have prepared a Tree Strategy with the vision of planting 1.2 million new trees by 2030.

Vehicular and Cycle Parking

SCC have produced Vehicular and Cycle Parking Guidance setting out parking standards and levels of parking provision expected from new developments. We have our own local parking standards which are set out in the Mole Valley Local Plan 2020-2039 (Appendix 13). Mole Valleys local parking standards are mostly based on Surrey’s guidance with the exception of the provision of vehicular parking for residential developments.

The Statement of Community Involvement and Local Development Scheme can be viewed on the Adopted Planning Policy Documents webpage.

The Council no longer has published policy statements following adoption of the Mole Valley Local Plan 2020-2039. Previous policy statements can be viewed on Archived Planning Policy Documents.