Anti-social Behaviour and our Joint Enforcement Team

Our Joint Enforcement Team works across Mole Valley to help combat anti-social behaviour in Mole Valley.

Report anti-social behaviour online

Reasonable activity, such as children playing, everyday DIY (unless at unreasonable times), groups of young people in the street or in parks is not anti-social behaviour (unless they are being rowdy, abusive, causing damage or other crime).

Report Abandoned Vehicles

Report Fly-posting

Report Fly-tipping

Report Graffiti

Report Littering from Vehicle

Report Littering in a Park

Report Littering in a Street

Report Noise Nuisance

You can also report online:

  • community ASB such as nuisance neighbours
  • ASB in parks and open spaces

Report ASB

Contact the Environmental Health team if you are being affected by noise and noisy neighbours/businesses, loud music, bonfires and fireworks, or dogs.

Police will deal with the following ASB behaviour:

  • damaging property
  • graffiti
  • taking drugs in public
  • vehicle nuisance
  • inappropriate use, drunken, rowdy or threatening behaviour

Report to the Police

You can also report anonymously to Crimestoppers by either calling 0800 555 111 or by reporting online.

Community Mediation offers an alternative approach to resolving neighbour disputes and community ASB. Mediation Surrey offers a free service.

Domestic CCTV

Responsibility for enforcing the law for the use of domestic CCTV rests with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

If you feel you are being filmed inappropriately by domestic CCTV, see the ICO for guidance.

Contact us

Email, call us on 01306 885001 or speak to one of the JET in person when you see them out and about.

In an emergency, always dial 999 and in a non-emergency incident, dial 101 to speak to the police.

You can also follow the Joint Enforcement team on Facebook.

Find out more about our use of Fixed Penalty Notices.

To see more about how we tackle anti-social behaviour, see our Anti-social Behaviour Powers Policy Framework which is available on the Policies, Strategies and Plans page.

The ASB Case Review is designed to give victims of anti-social behaviour (ASB) the right to request a review of their case.