Home Planning & Building Local Plan and Other Adopted Planning Policy Documents
Local Plan and Other Adopted Planning Policy Documents
Plans and planning policy documents adopted by the Mole Valley District Council (MVDC).
Mole Valley Local Plan 2020-2039
The Mole Valley Local Plan 2020-2039 was adopted on 15 October 2024. It sets out a long-term strategic vision, objectives and the spatial strategy as well as the planning policies and site allocations that will guide future development of the district. The Plan looks ahead to 2039 and identifies where the main developments will take place and how places within the district will change, or be protected from change, over that period. The main role of the Plan is to guide decision-making on individual planning applications.
The Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State on 14 February 2022 and examined by an independent Planning Inspector. Examination-in-Public hearings took place during June, September and October 2022. The Inspectors’ final report on the Examination into the Mole Valley Local Plan was issued to MVDC on 18 September 2024.
Accompanying the adoption of the Local Plan, is the Sustainability Report and Adoption Statement.
Neighbourhood plans
Neighbourhood planning is a process by which communities can come together and prepare plans that will guide the type of developments they wish to see in their local area.
South East Plan Policy NRM6: Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area
The South East Plan was revoked on 25 March 2013 with the exception of Policy NRM6: Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area.
Surrey Minerals & Waste Plans
The development plan for Mole Valley also comprises a number of Development Plan Documents (DPDs) produced by Surrey County Council relating to minerals and waste.
These are:
- The Surrey Waste Plan 2019-2033 (2020)
- The Surrey Minerals Plan Core Strategy (2011)
- The Surrey Minerals Plan Primary Aggregates (2011), and;
- The Aggregates Recycling Joint DPD for the Minerals and Waste Plan (2013).
You can view these on the Surrey County Council website.
Statement of Community Involvement
MVDC published its Statement of Community Involvement on 7 December 2021. It describes how residents, businesses and organisations will be involved in planning policy consultations and how they can comment on planning applications.
Local Development Scheme
MVDC published its Local Development Scheme on 7 December 2021. It sets out which local planning documents have been adopted and will produce over the next three years.
For more information, email planning.policy@molevalley.gov.uk