Performance Dashboard – 2022/23 Outturn
This page includes a summary for each of the priorities and guiding principles in the Council Strategy 2019-2024, highlighting progress on the status of key objectives in the 2022/23 Annual Plan and performance indicators relating to each priority theme and the guiding principles. The workstream related to the response to the pandemic provides a factual update on actions taken in response to the changing situation; a ‘progress status’ is therefore not included.
ENVIRONMENT: “A highly attractive area with housing that meets local need”
2022/23 Environment Annual Plan Objectives
“Complete the installation of Air Source Heat Pumps at Pippbrook and Dorking Halls and complete the feasibility study into the installation of solar canopies in appropriate car parks as part of implementing the Climate Change Strategy Action Plan and achieving carbon neutrality by 2030”
- Progress Overview: The installation of air source heat pumps at Dorking Halls and the Pippbrook offices is complete and they are operational. The feasibility work for solar canopies on selected car parks is ongoing. Work is progressing on the feasibility of installation at Leatherhead Leisure Centre alongside roof mounted PV and the tendering for the new leisure contractor.
- Status: Green
“Investigate options for alternative methods of funding Climate Change initiatives”
- Progress Overview: Officers receive a monthly update on grants available for a range of council related initiatives and services. The update is provided as part of our membership of the Local Enterprise Partnership. This ensures no opportunities are missed. In 2022/23 a competitive bid for Net Zero Living Fast Followers was made (£210,000) but was unsuccessful. This type of ‘horizon scanning’ will continue in 2023/24 during which bids to offset core spending on climate change, through UKSPF and Empty Homes Fund have already been made.
- Status: Green
“Continue work towards the adoption of a Local Plan”
- Progress Overview: Until December, the Council was making good progress on the Local Plan. The plan had been through an exhaustive Examination-in-Public between June and October 2022 and the Inspector had indicated that the plan could progress to its Main Modification consultation. However, in December 2022, the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing stated that councils need not develop the Green Belt to meet housing needs. Consequently, the Council asked the Local Plan Inspector if it could withdraw all the Green Belt sites from the plan. The Inspector has advised the Council to “pause the plan” until any new planning policy guidance regarding the Green Belt takes effect. Consequently, the plan is paused until the spring of 2023
- Status: Green
“Adopt and implement a revised CIL spending policy”
- Progress Overview: The process is in place and decisions on Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding are being made, with money being released to successful bids. There remains some refinement to undertake on the decision making process and the information to be provided by bidders but overall the objective of releasing funding for more significant projects has been achieved.
- Status: Green
“Work with JWS and Social Housing Providers to improve the accessibility of food waste collection in both social housing and nonsocial housing flats”
- Progress Overview: Active work to progress the project started in March with site visits to identify the 2,000 communal households to receive a food waste service.- The sites need to be visited to assess the suitability of bin stores for adding the service and confirm the service data held was correct, (or where there was no data held, confirm if they have a service already).
- Status: Green
“Improve the drainage at KGV football pitch, North Holmwood”
- Progress Overview: The drainage works have been rescheduled to take place during 2023/24. This is due to a combination of issues, including delays in progressing procurement due to lack of resources. It was considered that starting work during the winter months was too risky due to the high risk of the pitch being frozen. The revised completion date is now looking to be after the end of the season. Users of the pitch have been updated with the new timescales.
- Status: Red
- Commentary: Due to the issues outlined in the progress overview, this project has now been reprogrammed to take place during 2023/24.
“Provide a new playground at Cock Lane, Fetcham”
- Progress Overview: The new playground was officially opened by on 21 October 2022 by MVDC Chairman, Councillor Paul Potter, Cabinet Member for Leisure and Tourism, Councillor David Draper, and Fetcham Local Members. Over 100 children came to the opening to test out the new range of traditional and sensory equipment.
- Status: Green
2022/23 Environment Performance Indicators
Reduction in the Council’s Carbon Footprint
- Status: Green
- Commentary: The latest result (provided January 2023) is for 2021/22 and was 3,289 tonnes, exceeding the target of 3,550 tonnes. The result uses data for electricity, gas, water and waste for council owned and occupied buildings (known as Scope 1 and 2 emissions) and data for contracted waste services (Scope 3 emissions), with proxy modelling for other Scope 3 emissions.The result for 2020/21 was lower and this is because emissions from the Council’s own estate have increased since 2020/21. This is predominantly due to an increase in gas usage. Prior to the pandemic, air handling units would have functioned using approximately 30% fresh air and 70% recirculated air. The impact of drawing in a higher percentage of fresh air in colder months is that the gas boilers have to work harder to heat the air, which is being circulated through the building, and thus gas consumption increases.It should also be noted that emissions from the waste collection service have reduced due to the suspension of the garden waste service for 8 months of the year.
Percentage of waste sent for recycling, reuse and composting
- Status: Red
- Commentary: Performance as at Q3 2022/23 (the latest available data) was 54.3% against a target of 58%. There has been a slight increase in recycling performance since the previous quarter. Following a suspension of garden waste collections up to April 2022, the resumption of this service has now started to reflect a gradual upturn in the recycling rate.
Percentage of streets with acceptable levels of litter
- Status: Green
- Commentary: Performance as at Q3 2022/23 (the latest available data). 100% of streets were assessed as having acceptable levels of litter, exceeding the target of 96%.
Percentage of streets with acceptable levels of detritus
- Status: Green
- Commentary: Performance as at Q3 2022/23 (the latest available data). 100% of streets were assessed as having acceptable levels of detritus, exceeding the target of 92%.
Residual waste per household
- Status: Green
- Commentary: Performance as at Q2 2022/23 (the latest available data). 331kg of residual waste was collected per household, exceeding the target of 360kg or less.
Number of missed bins per 100,000 collections
- Status: Green
- Commentary: Performance as at end December 2022 (the latest available data). 56 bins per 100,000 collections were missed, exceeding the monthly target of 80 or fewer.
Housing Delivery Test
- Status: Unknown
- Commentary: The Outturn Report for 2021/22 stated that Mole Valley’s 2021 Housing Delivery Test (HDT) result was 70%. HDT results are published by the Government in January/ February each year. Between December 2022 and March 2023, the Government undertook a consultation on reforms to national planning policy which included proposed changes to the operation of the HDT. As a result, publication of the 2022 HDT results has been delayed by the Government until they have made a decision on the approach to HDT and the implementation of any proposed changes. The Government have stated they will respond to the consultation in Spring 2023.
Speed of determining applications for major development
- Status: Green
- Commentary: 19 out of 22 applications (86.4%) were determined within 13 weeks during 2022/23, exceeding the target of 63%.
Speed of determining applications for minor development
- Status: Green
- Commentary: 302 out of 331 applications (91.2%) were determined within 8 weeks during 2022/23, exceeding the target of 72%.
Speed of determining applications for other development
- Status: Green
- Commentary: 751 out of 768 applications (97.8%) were determined within 8 weeks during 2022/23, exceeding the target of 80%.
Number of affordable homes completed
- Status: Red
- Commentary: 25 affordable homes were completed in 2022/23 against a target of 50. Whilst there are a number of developments in the pipeline which have affordable housing elements, these are not going to be coming to fruition until later in 2023/24 and 2024/25. This includes 36 units at Kingston House Gardens in Leatherhead (6 units of accommodation under the Local Authority Housing Fund) and potential units on sites based throughout the district in Ockley, Dorking and Leatherhead. Of the affordable housing that has been completed we have had two successful schemes in Brockham which have added much needed affordable housing to these communities, as well as the purchase of two properties for Housing First. The adoption of a local plan will assist with future affordable housing delivery in the district.
Percentage of identified trees in high risk areas inspected within designated timeframes
- Status: Unknown
- Commentary: This PI has been reviewed and two new PIs agreed for 2023/24 which reflect the recently adopted policy in respect of tree inspections; data will be provided for these new PIs as part of the regular business and budget monitoring reports in 2023/24.
Percentage of remedial work completed on identified trees in high risk areas
- Status: Unknown
- Commentary: Please see commentary above
COMMUNITY WELLBEING: “Active communities and support for those who need it”
2022/23 Community Wellbeing Annual Plan Objectives
“Implement the new model of youth engagement making use of social media channels, to ensure young people are engaged with the Council”
- Progress Overview: The new youth forum went live this year and four consultations with young people across the District have been carried out. The consultations related to the Neighbourhood Fund Consultation, the Cotmandene Public Spaces Protection Order, the Climate Change Strategy and MVDC’s summer holiday programme.Visits to schools have been made to raise awareness of the opportunity to get involved in issues that matter to young people.
- Status: Green
“Prepare options for future delivery of leisure centres, including in-house consideration”
- Progress Overview: This year we have carried out a leisure management options appraisal and commenced the procurement of a single contract and operator for the provision of future services at Dorking Sports Centre and Leatherhead Leisure Centre. So far we have produced all documentation, contract, lease etc, published the contract notice, delivered a market engagement day for prospective bidders, evaluated standard questionnaires, commissioned building condition survey and served schedule of dilapidations, invited bidders to tender and responded to all clarification questions. We are now awaiting initial tenders for evaluation. The preferred supplier will be proposed at Cabinet in July and following mobilisation the new contract will go live in early December 2023.Timeframe is extremely tight which is being carefully managed through planning and support from specialist business units and consultants.There are significant financial risks to the Council related to both the loss of income from management fees and the cost of any non-compliance with dilapidations.
- Status: Green
“Work with Surrey County Council and Technology Enabled Care experts to continue to expand the innovative Enabling You WithTechnology pilot to include a Response Service operated by Mole Valley Life to attend clients who could otherwise have long waits for the Ambulance Service”
- Progress Overview: The Enabling You with Technology Pilot has now expanded to all District & Boroughs with Mole Valley being the chosen monitoring partner. Mole Valley are beginning to work with D&B’s to train respective teams on “Trusted Assessment”.200 Assessments have taken place with 173 being completed with a Connected Care installation.Currently reviewing technology and moving to a new TEC partner to provide more advanced reporting and better insights on the data.Pilot is moving to ‘Business As Usual’ for 2023/24.The Community Wellbeing Responder service has had a very successful 12 months:
- 806 Dispatches
- Average Response Time 24 Minutes
- 651 Ambulances Avoided (81%)
- The Service has been held up as best practice to Integrated Care Systems across the South East, and has been extended for another 12 monthsResponder Service has also been commissioned to work with the NHS and the Guildford and Waverley Alliance Urgent Community Response Team.Service has been evaluated by SECAmb (South East Coast Ambulance Service) to support the service and investigations are now taking place to accept referrals for CAT 3 Calls from 999.
- Status: Green
“Review the provision of CCTV and the monitoring arrangements in anticipation of the withdrawal of funding from Surrey Police”
- Progress Overview: A review of options has been completed to inform a way forward for CCTV in Mole Valley in light of Surrey Police’s decision to withdraw from monitoring across the County.A growth bid for replacement cameras and associated equipment was agreed and made available in the 2023/24 budget.Discussions with providers are ongoing to understand the affordability of different systems to enable an assessment of affordability.
- Status: Green
2022/23 Community Wellbeing Performance Indicators
Number of households in bed and breakfast accommodation
- Status: Data only
- Commentary: We have seen a continual increase in the number of households approaching the Council as homeless during 2022/23. Over the year we have placed 91 households in bed and breakfast and nightly stay accommodation, compared to 75 in 2021/22.At the end of March 2022 the number of households that we had placed in nightly stay or bed and breakfast accommodation was 14, whereas in March 2023 it was 24. The average number of households over the year has been 18, split relatively equally between those with and those without children.There has however been a steady flow of households leaving emergency accommodation and households approaching the council for assistance, with a weekly turnover of approximately two new households per week and two households per week being moved into alternative accommodation.We have continued to accommodate single people since the pandemic, in the majority of cases under our power to do so rather than under any duty.
Number of telecare service users
- Status: Data only
- Commentary: There were 1,179 telecare service users as at end March 2023. Numbers have reduced over the year due to a number of external factors such as the cost of living crisis, and a continued high level of deaths over the winter period. These trends are consistent across other service providers within Surrey.Overall for Mole Valley Life, and due to increasing partnership working with Districts & Boroughs in the area, Mole Valley Life has increased its total number of fully managed users from 3,486 to 4,326, an increase of 840 (24)%.
Number of community transport journeys
- Status: Data only
- Commentary: There were 628 community transport journeys during the month of March 2023. This compares to 474 during the same period in March 2022 as the service has been built back after the pandemic.Further work to develop a collaborative approach within the service continues to focus on Home to School Contract Work and the Demand Responsive Transport Service in partnership with Surrey County Council.
Youth engagement – number of consultations
- Status: Green
- Commentary: Four consultations have been completed during 2022/23, meeting the target. The consultations related to the Neighbourhood Fund Consultation, the Cotmandene Public Spaces Protection Order, the Climate Change Strategy and MVDC’s summer holiday programme.
PROSPERITY: “A vibrant local economy with thriving towns and villages”
2022/23 Prosperity Annual Plan Objectives
“Continue to work with partners to develop the community hub in North Leatherhead, including seeking opportunities for external funding of a community worker”
- Progress Overview: The trustees of Leatherhead Community Hub (LCH) are still considering whether or not they are able to take on responsibility for the whole of the LCH building, because of the risk associated with utility costs. MVDC signposted LCH to the LoCASE grant scheme and LCH have secured grant funding and third party match funding towards the cost of upgrading the heating and cooling systems at LCH. MVDC secured grant funding for LCH in 2022/23 for a community worker for 2023/24.Although the new lease has not been completed and this is holding up release of the CIL grant allocation, LCH still has an existing lease of part of the building and their offer continues to go from strength to strength, having recently celebrated their first anniversary.
- Status: Green
“Achieve the 2022/23 milestones for Opportunity Dorking, including working to secure the provision of a Community Hub in Pippbrook House and progressing the regeneration of the Foundry site in partnership with Dorking Museum”
- Progress Overview: The Foundry/Church Street WorkshopsA new One Public Estate Brownfield Land Release Fund was launched in July 2022, and a bid was submitted in August to fund demolition works to assist in bringing the site forward for a mixed use – residential and light industrial – redevelopment in line with the draft allocation in Future Mole Valley (site DS33). In late October, MVDC was notified on a confidential basis that the bid had been approved. A condition of the grant funding was that a contract for the grant funded works be in place by 31 March 2023. As a result, work began to prepare a planning application for demolition in a conservation area and was submitted in December 2022 (MO/2022/2145) and is pending determination. A competitive tender was undertaken in January 2023 for the demolition works contract and the contract was awarded in March 2023. Following a competitive tender process, an architect, supported by a quantity surveyor and a structural engineer, was appointed and commenced work in January 2023 on developing a viable scheme concept. The preliminary approaches were discussed at a stakeholder workshop on 10 March to which adjacent residents, businesses and community organisations were invited (although not all were able to attend). Discussions commenced in November 2022 and are ongoing with the three tenants whose leases come to an end in July 2023.Pippbrook HouseThe Conservation Management Plan has been completed. RJK in partnership with CHIP is not able to progress the original proposal to lease Pippbrook House to establish a Community Hub on a meanwhile basis, which would have enabled refurbishment and restoration to have been undertaken on a phased basis. For the building to be capable of being operated for a community hub, it is now necessary for substantial works to the roof to be undertaken in order to safeguard the interiors and consideration as to the mechanical and electrical services is also required. A capital bid has been included as part of the 2023/24 budget setting process and an expression of interest was submitted to the National Lottery Grants for Heritage programme.
- Status: Amber
- Commentary: Since approval in February 2021, progress on the proposals for the Foundry was delayed due to resource constraints and the decision to prioritise the car park refurbishment and EV Charging Point installation programme. The launch of the new fund from One Public Estate in July 2022 and the successful bid resulted in the approach to the site being separated into two distinct phases – phase 1 being demolition works, phase 2 being the development of a new scheme. The grant conditions have meant that phase 1 is being progressed in advance of phase 2, and also that there has been less time than anticipated to work with the remaining tenants in terms of identifying alternative premises.Progress on bringing Pippbrook House back into a sustainable use is also delayed as a result of the pandemic and the rethinking of RJK’s approach to the building. With some major works now required on health and safety and preservation grounds, bringing Pippbrook House back into use as a community hub will be further delayed.
“Achieve the 2022/23 milestones for Transform Leatherhead (with the Development Partner for Claire House and James House commencing redevelopment of
the site, progressing the proposals for Bull Hill and Swan Centre with our appointed JV partner and progressing the Riverside Park concept)”
- Progress Overview: Claire House & James House – the reserved matters application was determined in November 2022, and the judicial review period expired without challenge. Full planning consent now exists, however works are not yet in a position to commence. Before works can commence on site (approximately 12-14 month build programme), the legal agreements need to complete, further technical design work is required and a number of pre-commencement conditions have to be discharged.Appointment of Kier Property Limited as the joint venture partner for Swan Centre and Bull Hill redevelopment.Mole Valley District Council has been working with Kier Property to secure financial and legal agreements required to establish the joint venture. Originally, it was anticipated that this would be concluded by the summer of 2022. However, the invasion of Ukraine, very high inflation rates, market uncertainty in Autumn 2022, increasing Bank of England interest rates and consequential volatility in the commercial property market have meant that finalising the agreement has taken much longer than originally planned.Following the motion at Full Council in December 2022, a final approval is targeted from Mole Valley District Council Cabinet in June 2023, after which the agreements can be concluded.Riverside Park – The landscape architect was appointed in Autumn 2022 and has completed their baseline evaluation and surveys of the site. Two workshops have been held – an external stakeholder workshop on 19 January and a Member workshop on 20 February. The responses have been incorporated into a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)analysis for the site and will inform the development of concept proposals for consultation in Summer 2023.
- Status: Red
- Commentary: Market conditions have been particularly challenging in 2022/23 and this has had a detrimental impact on the timetable for progressing the establishment of the Joint Venture with Kier Property Limited for the Swan Centre and Bull Hill, and on moving into the delivery of the redevelopment of Claire House and James House.
“Undertake a feasibility study into the reconfiguration/extension of Dorking Halls prior to exploring Arts Council and other funding opportunities for implementation”
- Progress Overview: The feasibility study for Dorking Halls has been completed. An extension of Dorking Halls is feasible, but not viable. There are a number of options for refurbishment and reconfiguration, ranging from essential (such as mechanical and electrical services upgrade and addressing the fibrous plaster ceiling), to ones where there is a business case (audience seating comfort, extending the bar) or to improve accessibility (improvements to the back of house including dressing rooms). Opportunities for grant funding were scanned throughout the year by Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership.A capital bid has been included in the 2023/24 capital programme proposals but securing funding as a local authority owned and operated venue is challenging.
- Status: Green
“Retain the employment and skills hub in partnership with Surrey Lifelong Learning Partnership, DWP and a range of training providers and employers to support people of all ages in Mole Valley who are unemployed or facing redundancy”
- Progress Overview: By end of 2022, the Mole Valley Employment and Skills Hub (MV Hub) had already exceeded its targets for the year and was going from strength to strength. By the end of March 2023, 570 new clients had accessed the service, compared to a target of 450.Jobcentre Plus Redhill Work Coaches began attending the MV Hub outreach sessions at the Harvest Community Church on the Goodwyns estate in Dorking on a fortnightly basis. This was an important development as it helped MV Hub to engage with residents in North Holmwood, one of the most deprived areas of Mole Valley.MV Hub ran monthly outreach sessions at North Leatherhead Community Centre and at the Foodbank at the Christian Centre in Dorking.Other MV Hub achievements include: 290 employers and partner agencies working with the hub; 80 job search sessions; 191 referrals to partner organisations; 222 residents in receipt of training; 83 on-the-day job offers at 6 jobs fairs organised by the hub; 193 students of English as a second language; 10 company recruitment days; 216 on-site job interviewsOur application to the Department of Work and Pensions for a third year of funding was approved.
- Status: Green
“Continue targeted investment in our car parks to ensure that they are fit for the future”
- Progress Overview: Southside Car Park Refurbishment (Dorking) along with additional work to resurface the Chequers Yard footpath completed.St. Martin’s Walk Car Park Refurbishment (Dorking) – the contract was procured however the commencement of the works was deferred to March 2023 to reduce the risk of delays due to adverse weather conditions extending the programme duration and total contract costs. The refurbishment works commenced in March 2023 and are programmed to complete in June 2023.To offset this, 3 smaller Dorking car parks – Junction Road, West Street, South Street Car Park were refurbished during November 2022.Provision of Electric Vehicle Charging Points (EVCPs) across the district – Following a competitive tender process, EB Charging was appointed to install and operate the EVCPs. The phased installation programme commenced in February 2023 and is scheduled for completion in May 2023.Initial technical work in relation to Lower Road Bookham has commenced.
- Status: Green
“Improve the marketing and promotion of investment opportunities for business in the Mole Valley district and support the delivery of a targeted, free at point of use business support programme”
- Progress Overview: In 2022/23 MVDC developed a new business support offer, bringing together a package of measures to help the local economy grow, branded as Mole Valley For Business (MVfB).Initiatives included the following: Expert business advice – available to any existing business or start-up within the district. At the start of this project, 250 businesses took part in an in depth telephone survey which helped raise awareness and establish key trends. Since June 2022, over 100 businesses have received one-to-one advice, with over 50 businesses receiving 90-minute in depth sessions, delivered by Coast to Capital LEP and an independent business adviser specialising in support for start-ups. Monthly networking lunches – engaging approximately 40 businesses at each event with face-to-face conversations and covering topics such as apprenticeships, public speaking, greening your business and cutting energy costs, improving sales, and pricing techniques. The guest speakers have also delivered workshops as a follow up for those wishing to get into more detail on the given topics. Mole Valley for Business website – launched in spring 2022 already has impressive levels of engagement with the business community (over 5,000 users since launch). Professional photographs – a photography project has resulted in stunning images of the district and its local businesses which are used on the website and other channels; the photos are also used by the businesses themselves for their own showcasing purposes.
‘Spotlight’ business newsletter – a fortnightly publication with over 1,800 subscribers which is one of the main drivers pushing business engagement with the MVfB website, supported by a dedicated Twitter account that also keeps businesses up to date with the latest news, events and opportunities.
- Status: Green
2022/23 Prosperity Performance Indicators
The extent to which Transform Leatherhead is considered to be making progress towards the Masterplan vision (1 being not at all and 5 very well)
- Status: Amber
- Commentary: The result from the survey events that took place in March and April 2023 was that most people selected 3 (adequate progress), below the target of 4 (good progress). It was noted that only 32 responses to the survey over a five week period were received online or in person (and the timing of the drop in events may have been a factor as it was not possible to promote the online survey once we were in the pre-election period. The mean score for the extent to which respondents felt that TL was making progress towards delivery of the vision had increased slightly from a mean of 2.44/5 in 2022 to 2.88/5 in 2023.
Number of Mole Valley Employment and Skills Hub clients
- Status: Green
- Commentary: There were 570 new Mole Valley Employment and Skills Hub clients as at end March 2023, exceeding the target of 450.
GUIDING PRINCIPLES: Putting People First; Openness and Accessibility; Acting Sustainably; and Living within our means
2022/23 Guiding Principles Annual Plan Objectives
“Ensure that there is a focus on the identification of appropriate external funding sources to support the delivery of Council priorities and prepare and submit relevant bids”
- Progress Overview: £90,000 grant funding was secured to support the Foundry project. In addition, MVDC worked with the Local Enterprise Partnership to submit an application for a Heritage Lottery grant in support of establishing a community hub at Pippbrook House. The outcome of this application is awaited.A bid was prepared for submission in early April 2023 to round 2 of the Brownfield Land Release Fund – this is in support of Transform Leatherhead (Claire and James House).MVDC has also been allocated a grant of £120,000 to enable the installation of 3 changing places toilet facilities across Mole Valley. These are designed to support people with complex needs and multiple disabilities.
- Status: Green
2022/23 Guiding Principles Performance Indicators
Percentage of rent collected within 21 days after the quarter day
- Status: Amber
- Commentary: The collection rate for Q4 2022/23 (rental period January – March 2023) was 88% against a target of 90%. This was due to some larger rents being late to arrive. We chase all late payers regularly. In some cases late payments are due to tenants experiencing difficult trading conditions. There are a small number of tenants who don’t have payment plans but clear their rent in instalments. We are looking at either moving those tenants onto monthly rental payments or where that is not appropriate, to charge late payment interest.
Percentage of council tax collected
- Status: Amber
- Commentary: Performance as at the end of March was 98.60% against a target of 99.20%. Nationally, the combination of high costs of living, very high inflation levels and energy costs rising to unprecedented levels is having an impact on the amount of Council Tax collected, and the impact can be seen at a local level. More customers are now choosing to spread their payment instalments over 12 months rather than the statutory 10 months. There has also been an increase in S13A applications due to severe financial hardship. The Council encourages people to get in contact if they are struggling to pay their Council Tax so that they can be supported. For 2023/24 the end of year target has been reduced to 98.5% which is consistent with collection performance over the last few years.
Percentage of business rates collected
- Status: Red
- Commentary: Performance as at the end of March was 95.22% against a target of 99.60%. Nationally business rate collection has not recovered since the covid pandemic and we are seeing the impact locally, particularly with the combined impact of other economic factors in the country also impacting on businesses.
Percentage of calls answered within 60 seconds by the Customer Services Unit
- Status: Green
- Commentary: 83% of calls were answered within 60 seconds by the Customer Service Unit, exceeding the target of 80%.
Percentage of enquiries resolved at first point of contact by the Customer Services Unit
- Status: Green
- Commentary: 65% of enquiries were resolved at first point of contact by the Customer Services Unit, exceeding the target of 60%.
Number of e-forms used to access Council services
- Status: Data only
- Commentary: 27,027 e-forms were used to access Council services as at end March 2023. This is compared to 21,782 as at end March 2022, representing a 24% increase.