Domestic Violence and Abuse

Domestic violence and abuse comes in many forms and can affect anyone regardless of gender, age, disability, sexuality, religion, ethnic group, social status or wealth. It can include mental, emotional, financial, sexual and physical abuse.

It commonly occurs behind closed doors, leaving people feeling powerless to stop the emotional and physical pain. Children can also be affected by hearing arguments, being caught in the middle, witnessing or experiencing abuse themselves.

The First Steps

The first thing is to recognise you are being abused and that you do not deserve it. Domestic violence is a crime. To report it, call Surrey Police on 101.

Help and Contacts

We may be able to help you through one of the schemes available depending on your circumstances.

Some of the options available are:

  • Sanctuary Scheme: offering a range of individually tailored security improvements enabling victims to stay safely in their own homes
  • Surrey Mobility Scheme: helping existing tenants of social landlords transfer to alternative accommodation within Surrey
  • Private rented accommodation: help with finding alternative accommodation. This may include assistance with some of the costs involved, such as security deposits and bonds
  • Making a homeless application: you have the right to make an application to any council as homeless, but the relevant criteria must be satisfied before a council has a duty to find you somewhere to live
  • Information is also available regarding legal issues such as injunctions, occupation orders and exclusion orders and referrals to agencies who can assist in obtaining them

Legal Advice and Help

Visit the .Gov.UK website to see if you may be entitled to Legal Aid and for further information about this.

You can also find solicitors in your area who specialise in Family Law on the Law Society website.

Local Support and Advice Organisations

Citizens Advice Mole Valley
Free, confidential, impartial and independent advice
01372 361160 or 01306 876805

East Surrey Domestic Violence Outreach Service
01737 771350

Surrey County Council
0300 200 1005

Surrey Domestic Abuse Helpline – Provided by Your Sanctuary
01483 776822

Surrey Police

Victim Support
Free and confidential support to help people affected by crime, deal with their experience, whether or not the crime is reported
0808 1689111

Surrey Against Domestic Abuse

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Private renting