Environmental Health Licenses, Fees and Charges: 2024/25

Our fees and charges are reviewed each year.

Some of the charges are set by statute and others are determined locally.

Environmental Health

(L) = Licence, (R) = Registration

Site Licence (3 years) Fee (£)
New 650.00
Renewal 650.00
Variation 350.00
Replacement Licence 50.00
Change of Address (Site Manager) 50.00
Collectors Licence (3 years)
New 350.00
Renewal 350.00
Variation 350.00
Replacement Licence 50.00
Replacement Badge 40.00

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Skin piercing – premises: £125.50

Skin piercing – person: £95

Replacement Certificate: £20

Variation: £74.79

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Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 Fee (£)
Community Event (per trader) 25.00
Market (run by a market organiser) 350.00
Street Trading Consent (1 day) 125.00
Street Trading Consent (2 days) 150.00
Street Trading Consent (3 to 31 days) 300.00
Street Trading Consent (up to 6 months) 1,050.00
Street Trading Consent (up to 12 months) 1,500.00
Renewal of a 12-month Consent 1,250.00
Variation of a Consent 500.00
Change of Address (Consent Holder) 25.00
Replacement Consent 25.00
Replacement Badge 25.00

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Selling animals as pets: £350

Providing boarding for cats: £350

Providing boarding for dogs: £350

Providing home boarding for dogs: £270

Providing day care for dogs: £270

Hiring out horses: £350

Breeding dogs: £350

Keeping or training animals for exhibition: £350

Dangerous wild animals (vet fees payable in addition): £190

Zoo – four years (vet fees payable in addition) (L): £586.16

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Hackney Carriage Vehicles – new and renewal (includes internal plate): £440

Private Hire Vehicle – metered (new and renewal): £440

Private Hire Vehicle – non metered (new and renewal): £425

Transfer of vehicle (Change of Ownership): £125

Replacement Plate (External): £45

Replacement Plate (Internal): £25

Replacement Vehicle Licence: £25

Number Plate Change: £125

Private Hire Operator (5 years): £500

Replacement Licence: £25.00

Combined HC/PHV driver (new and renewal): £150

Knowledge Test: £50

Disclosure and Barring Certificate fee – at cost: £66.50

Replacement Driver’s Licence: £25

Replacement Driver’s Badge: £25

Drivers pack: £15

Change of Address (per licence): £25

Missed Appointment Fee: £40

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Return of stray dog £119.19 + any kennel fees incurred (per dog)

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Premises Fees for Gambling Act 2005

Figures in Parenthesis ( ) = DCMS maximum fees.

New Application: £3136.04 (£3500)

Annual Fee: £1000 (£1000)

Application to Vary: £1750 (£1750)

Application to Transfer: £1200 (£1200)

Application for Re-Instatement: £1200 (£1200)

Application for Provisional Statement: £3500 (£3500)

Licence Application (provisional statement holders): £1200 (£1200)

Copy licence: £25 (£25)

Notification of Change: £50 (£50)

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New Application: £3000 (£3000)

Annual Fee: £600 (£600)

Application to Vary: £1500 (£1500)

Application to Transfer: £1200 (£1200)

Application for Re-Instatement: £1200 (£1200)

Application for Provisional Statement: £3000 (£3o00)

Licence Application (provisional statement holders): £1200 (£1200)

Copy licence: £25 (£25)

Notification of Change: £50 (£50)

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New Application: £2500 (£2500)

Annual Fee: £1000 (£1000)

Application to Vary: £1250 (£1250)

Application to Transfer: £950 (£950)

Application for Re-Instatement: £950 (£950)

Application for Provisional Statement: £2500 (£2500)

Licence Application (provisional statement holders): £950 (£950)

Copy licence: £25 (£25)

Notification of Change: £50 (£50)

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New Application: £2000 (£2000)

Annual Fee: £750 (£750)

Application to Vary: £1000 (£1000)

Application to Transfer: £950 (£950)

Application for Re-Instatement: £950 (£950)

Application for Provisional Statement: £2000 (£2000)

Licence Application (provisional statement holders): £950 (£950)

Copy licence: £25 (£25)

Notification of Change: £50 (£50)

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New Application: £2000 (£2000)

Annual Fee: £750 (£750)

Application to Vary: £1000 (£1000)

Application to Transfer: £1200 (£1200)

Application for Re-Instatement: £1200 (£1200)

Application for Provisional Statement: £2000 (£2000)

Licence Application (provisional statement holders): £1200 (£1200)

Copy licence: £25 (£25)

Notification of Change: £50 (£50)

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Permit Fees for Gambling Act 2005

Notification (two or less machines): £50

New Licensed Premises Gaming Permit: £150

Variation of a Gaming Machine Permit: £100

Transfer of a Gaming Machine Permit: £25

Change of Name of a Gaming Machine Permit: £25

Annual Fee of a Gaming machine Permit: £50 (no annual fee for two or less)

Copy of Gaming Machine Permit: £15

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New Permit: £100

Renew: £100

Annual Fee: £50

Vary Permit: £100

Copy of Permit: £15

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New Permit: £200

Renew: £200

Annual Fee: £50

Vary Permit: £100

Copy of Permit: £15

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New Permit: £300

Renew: £300

Change Name: £25

Copy of Permit: £15

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New Permit: £300

Renew: £300

Change Name: £25

Copy of Permit: £15

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Licensing Act 2023 Fees

Premises and club application fees

Each premises that is licensable will be allocated to a fee band according to rateable value.

Rateable value: No rateable value to £4300

Application fee: £100

Annual fee: £70


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Rateable value: £4301 – £33000

Application fee: £190

Annual fee: £180


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Rateable value: £33001 – £87000

Application fee: £315

Annual fee: £295


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Rateable value: £87001 – £125000

Application fee: £450

A multiplier applied to premises where they are exclusively or primarily in the business or selling alcohol (mainly large town and city centre pubs):

City/town centre pub application fee: £900

City/town centre pub annual charge: £640

Annual fee: £320


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Rateable value: £125001 and above

Application fee: £635

A multiplier applied to premises where they are exclusively or primarily in the business or selling alcohol (mainly large town and city centre pubs):

City/town centre pub application fee: £1905

City/town centre pub annual charge: £1050

Annual fee: £350


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Number in attendance at any one time Additional Premises licence fee Additional annual fee payable
5000 to 9999 £1000 £500
10000 to 14999 £2000 £1000
15000 to 19999 £4000 £2000
20000 to 29999 £8000 £4000
30000 to 39999 £16000 £8000
40000 to 49999 £24000 £12000
50000 to 59999 £32000 £16000
60000 to 69999 £40000 £20000
70000 to 79999 £48000 £24000
80000 to 89999 £56000 £28000
90000 and over £64000 £32000

Business & Planning Act 2020

Grant of a Pavement Licence Fee: £500

Renewal of a Pavement Licence Fee: £350

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Miscellaneous Fees

Application for a grant or renewal of a personal licence: £37

Temporary event notice: £21

Theft, loss etc of premises licence or summary: £10.50

Application for a provisional statement (where premises is being built etc): £315

Notification of change of name and address: £10.50

Application to vary licence to specify individual as designated premises supervisor: £23

Application for transfer of premises licence: £23

Interim authority notice following death etc. of licence holder: £23

Theft, loss etc. of Club certificate or summary: £10.50

Notification of change of name or alteration of rules of club: £10.50

Change of relevant registered address of club: £10.50

Theft, loss etc. of temporary event notice: £10.50

Theft, loss etc. of personal licence: £10.50

Duty to notify change of name or address: £10.50

Right of freeholder etc. to be notified of licensing matters: £21

Application for a Minor Variation to Premises Licence: £89

Community Premises vary condition re DPS: £23

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We are also able to charge other fees in relation to their duties, most notably for temporary events and personal licences.

If you have any queries, email env.health@molevalley.gov.uk

Report a Licensing Complaint

Report Licensing Complaint

Other Business-Related Licences

If you have any queries, please email env.health@molevalley.gov.uk.

Fees and Charges

It is illegal to conduct ear piercing, tattooing, acupuncture or electrolysis unless the registration has been formally approved.

An applicant must ensure that the procedures, equipment and facilities used are safe, hygienic, can prevent the spread of disease and comply fully with the general duty of care required.

Once an application has been submitted and the fee paid, an inspection of the premises will be made.

If the inspector considers the applicant’s procedures and the premises to be suitable, then registration will be approved.

There are no powers to refuse registration, but the practice is controlled through compliance with byelaws in each case.

Byelaws requirements


  • any needle, metal instrument or other item of equipment used in the treatment, must be in a sterile condition and kept sterile until it is used
  • if pre-sterilised items are not used, then adequate facilities must be provided for the purpose of sterilisation

Premises and cleanliness

  • a ‘no smoking’ sign must be prominently displayed
  • all furniture and fittings in the treatment area must be kept clean and in good repair
  • all surfaces in any part of the premises used by clients must be kept clean and in good repair
  • any open cut, wound, sore or boil must be suitably covered by an impermeable dressing
  • any overall worn by the operative should be clean and in good repair
  • tables, couches, seats etc used in the treatment area must have a smooth, impervious surface which is regularly wiped down with disinfectant and covered by a disposable paper sheet, changed after each client
  • the operative should have sole use of the washing facilities which must provide hot and cold running water, soap (or a similar cleanser) and a nail brush
  • the operative should not smoke nor drink in the treatment area
  • the operative’s hands and nails must be kept clean

Further guidance

Registration holders must adhere to the following:

  • a person under the age of 18 years may receive body piercing provided that a written permission form is produced from, or the treatment is performed in the presence of, the person’s parent or guardian
  • it is an offence to tattoo any person under the age of 18 years, regardless of parental consent
  • records should be retained for a minimum of one year
  • nipple and genital piercing is prohibited on minors, regardless of parental consent
  • the health of the client and the suitability of the treatment should be discussed prior to its administration. It is advisable to keep written records of the name and address of every client and date of the activity. Accurate dates will be valuable if there is any question of an infection problem and can often help to protect the practitioner

Applying for a licence

Complete an application form on GOV.UK.

Tacit consent does not apply to this application as it is in the public interest for us to process your application before it can be granted.

Fees and Charges

Complete an application form on GOV.UK.

In summary, the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 provides the following:

  • scrap metal dealers and motor salvage operators will both be “scrap metal dealers”
  • an enhanced licence application process, including consultation with the police and Environment Agency. There will be two categories of licence – a site licence (can be for multiple sites within Mole Valley) and a collector’s licence (separate licences will be required for each council area where collections take place)
  • power for us to refuse or revoke a licence or impose conditions where appropriate, subject to the right to make representations before refusal, revocation or the imposition of conditions (these are limited to times of operation and a requirement that metal will be kept in its original form for a minimum of 72 hours)
  • licence to be displayed at site or on collector’s vehicle where it can be read by the public
  • sellers must produce personal ID at the point of sale
  • no cash purchases of scrap metal in any circumstances
  • police and us have authority to inspect sites
  • central on-line register held by the Environment Agency
  • fees are set locally
  • closure notice (from police or local authority) for unlicensed sites; closure orders (via magistrates’ court) if still used as such after seven days

Apply via gov.uk

For fees and other information including questions and applications, please get in touch with our Environmental Team below:

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Establishments can be:

  • sex cinemas: any premises used to a significant degree for showing films which are concerned primarily with, or relate to, or are intended to stimulate sexual activity
  • sexual entertainment venues: premises used for the following forms of entertainment: lap dancing, pole dancing, table dancing, strip shows, peep shows and live sex shows
  • sex shops: premises used for business which consist to a significant degree of selling sex articles

When considering an application for a sex establishment licence, we may only use the following criteria:

  • the location and situation of the premises in relation to other premises in the area
  • the suitability of the applicant
  • whether the number of sex establishments in that locality is equal to, or exceeds the number which the council considers appropriate for the area
  • whether the person applying is a ‘front’ person for someone else

Please also read the guidance notes.

Tacit consent does not apply to applications for this licence as it is in the public interest for the authority to process your application before it can be granted.

All premises where cooling towers and evaporative condensers are situated must register with their local authority.

The purpose of this is to identify potential areas that could give rise to the spread of infectious disease e.g. legionella, and to ensure that measures are taken to eliminate the risk of such infection arising to employees and the public.

For fees, information, or any other queries about licenses, get in touch here:

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Apply via gov.uk

Applying for a licence

All premises that have cooling towers and/or evaporative condensers must register with their local authority.

All changes and alterations should also be reported.

Complete an application form on GOV.UK.

For advice, more information or for a copy of the public register, email env.health@molevalley.gov.uk.

If you experience problems downloading and opening the forms, please do the following:

Firstly, please note this must be done on a computer or laptop and will likely not work on a hand-held device or mobile phone.

  • click the ‘download link’
  • separately open the Adobe Reader program from your Microsoft ‘Start’ Menu
  • within Adobe Reader go to ‘File’ and then ‘Open’ which should open your documents folder
  • within your folders click ‘Downloads’ and then find the form, open this document
  • once completed, follow the instruction at the end of the form to upload the application back on GOV.UK