Trees and Development

We ensure adequate provision for the preservation and planting of trees when granting planning permission by making Tree Protection Orders (TPOs), and by imposing conditions requiring protective measures and landscaping as appropriate.

We have a number of planning policies that deal with trees, landscaping and sustainable green infrastructure as set out in the Mole Valley Local Plan.

National Planning policies

The National Planning Policy Framework includes a section on conserving and enhancing the natural environment.

It also recognises the rising interest in ancient woodlands, and ancient and veteran trees.

Good practice guides

Trees are particularly vulnerable to damage on development sites and may be affected, either immediately if removal or pruning is necessary to accommodate a development, or in the longer term as a result of disturbance during the development process.

There may also be demands from the occupants of new buildings to remove or prune trees.

Given the benefits that trees provide from a visual and more general environmental perspective, we try to ensure that an appropriate balance is struck between the need and desire for further development within Mole Valley, and the impact that this may have on the landscape.

Whether protected or otherwise, hedges and screening, along with large shrubs, must be properly considered at an early stage of development.

All trees and significant boundary screening should be indicated on proposals plans, along with any landscaping.

This may take the form of a full tree impact assessment produced by a specialist tree consultant, including constraints plans and tree protection method statements, in accordance with the current British Standard 5837.

Alternatively, on a very small site, tree detail could be incorporated into the design and access statement.

Ash Dieback

Current Works

For more information on Ash Dieback works taking place in Autumn/Winter 2023/20224, visit our page here.

Planning applications

It is currently not considered appropriate to downgrade the British Standard 5837 category of trees on development sites due to the potential risk of infection by Ash dieback.

Otherwise, it is not felt necessary to fell healthy trees, and infected trees will be judges on their merits.

Mature Ash trees appear to be more resistant, and it may well be that diseased mature trees do not need to be felled.


A 2012 Plant Health Order banned the movement of Ash plants, and therefore no Ash species can be approved in landscape schemes.

Since any existing schemes that include Ash cannot be fully implemented due to the ban, planting proposals should be modified, and can be dealt with simply as a minor amendment by using replacement species or increasing the numbers of other trees already listed.

Find a specific tree pest or disease on GOV.UK.