Ash Dieback Works in Mole Valley

This autumn and winter (2023/2024) we will be undertaking essential health and safety works throughout the district focusing on removing dying ash trees with ash dieback where public safety is concerned. We will be concentrating on the following locations:

  • Kennel Lane Woods
  • Ashtead Park
  • Bentsbrook North Holmwood
  • Great Turners wood
  • Glory Woods

These sites have the largest proportion of ash trees and as such are the focus of our planned works.

What is ash dieback?

Ash dieback is a non-native fungus which weakens the structure of the tree which can lead to unpredictable failure such as branch loss. There is sadly no cure and the disease is spreading rapidly. It is expected that around 80% of the countries trees will eventually succumb to it.

How we are tackling this?

We are committed to retaining as many trees as possible and will therefore be focusing efforts solely on those tree infected by the disease that are located over footpaths or boundaries where public safety is an issue. Wherever possible trees will be left with the hope that some trees will show signs of natural resistance.

We are carefully monitoring the impact of these works. It is hoped that when trees are removed in these wooded locations natural regeneration will take place with trees that have sown naturally, taking the place of the removed tree. This has the advantage of working with nature by being guided by what grows naturally. Trees grown in this way establish faster and are better equipped to deal with local conditions. Works undertaken recently have shown this to be an effective and environmentally friendly approach.

Our approach is one of very careful intervention carrying out the bare minimum of works to ensure public safety. We will make all efforts to limit disturbance to the ecology of the site and will sensitively retain deadwood for habitats where it is practicable to do so.

More information

If you would like to discuss these works please feel free to either contact

Or join us on site at the following locations (dates to be announced).

  • Kennel Lane
  • Bentsbrook
  • Ashtead Park

There is also useful information on the Royal Horticultural Society website.