Cllr Rosemary Hobbs

Ward: Holmwoods & Beare Green

Liberal Democrat Member

Rosemary has lived in North Holmwood for over thirty years with husband Paul and has three grown-up children. She worked extensively in Mathematics Education and as a secondary school Head of Department in Surrey.

Rosemary believes in local action to promote strong and cohesive community and has served in various capacities in the Holmwoods including Governor of St John’s Schools and Treasurer of her local Residents’ Association. Currently she is Treasurer of the Friends of Holmwood Common, leads a Health Walk and volunteers with two local organisations supporting residents in Dorking and the Holmwoods.

Elected for the first time in 2021, Rosemary is committed to representing the concerns and interests of local residents, protecting our beautiful environment and promoting the benefits of being outdoors for physical and mental health.

Contact Details

24 Bentsbrook Park
North Holmwood


Telephone number
01306 882831

Committee membership

Other Council appointments

Age Concern Mole Valley

Environmental Health & Licensing Joint Partnership Board

Joint Waste Collection Services Committee

Surrey Environment Partnership