We operate a Cabinet model of governance, which currently consists of the Leader and Deputy Leader and eight lead members (also known as Cabinet Members), who have responsibility for various services.
The Cabinet makes decisions on services within our policies and budgets.
The Cabinet must comprise:
- The Leader of the Council
- The Deputy Leader of the Council (who acts in the absence of the Leader)
- No more than eight other councillors appointed to the Cabinet by the Leader
In addition, the minimum number of members with which the Cabinet can function is three; a Leader, Deputy Leader and one other member.
The Leader produces a Forward Plan for each year, which is updated on a monthly basis and covers a four month period.
Those decisions which are outside the terms of reference of the Cabinet are taken by the council or one of the decision making committees.
Officer Decision Making
Officer Key Decisions – key decisions to be taken by officers are included in the Leader’s Forward Plan and will be published once taken.
Other recorded officer decisions – regulations require some other officer decisions to be recorded.
The Cabinet is monitored and supported by the following committees:
- Scrutiny Committee
- Audit Committee
Councillors who are not members of the Cabinet perform a scrutiny role as members of our Scrutiny and Audit Committees.
The Scrutiny Committee undertakes ‘forward looking’ work such as helping to shape policy and making recommendations to the Cabinet before final decisions are taken.
The Audit Committee reviews our past performance.
Both committees are responsible for monitoring the decisions made and actions taken by our Cabinet and any Council functions, with the exception of regulatory decisions of the Standards Committee, to ensure that any decisions taken are appropriate and mindful to the needs of Mole Valley residents.
Agendas and Minutes
View the agendas and minutes for the Cabinet.