Home Business & Licensing Paying your Business Rates
Paying your Business Rates
Direct Debit
To pay by direct debit, there is a choice of four payment dates each month:
- 1st
- 5th
- 15th
- 25th
All other payment methods not on direct debit are due on the 1st of each month.
Setting up a Direct Debit
Call 01306 879295 with your bank account details.
Complete and email a direct debit form to business.rates@molevalley.gov.uk
Online payments
E Billing
Receive your business rates bills electronically, complete an online form.
Over the telephone
Call 0300 1231064 and have your card details and your business rate account number available.
Home banking
You will need to quote:
- your non-domestic rate reference number
- your sort code 62-21-50 and account number 00000000.
The payment reference is your 9-digit Business Rates reference number which is shown on your bill.
Only the payee name that will be accepted is ‘Mole Valley District Council’
By post
Send your cheque payable to Mole Valley District Council, quoting your reference number and your name and address, on the back of the cheque to: Revenues Section, MVDC, Pippbrook, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1SJ.
Please do not send cash through the post.
12 monthly instalments
Your request must be made by 17 March and payment be made during April.
More information
Email business.rates@molevalley.gov.uk or call 01306 879295.