Records Retention and Disposal Schedule

Please be aware that relevant documents listed in this schedule may be held beyond the stated retention period indefinitely, pending the outcome of the COVID-19 Inquiry by Central Government.


The aim of this schedule is to:

  • Assist in identifying records that may be worth preserving permanently as part of the council’s archives;
  • Prevent the premature destruction of records that need to be retained for a specified period to satisfy legal, financial and other requirements of public administration;
  • Provide consistency for the destruction of those records not required permanently after specified periods; and
  • Promote improved records management practices within the Council.

This information sets out the legislation, guidance and policy in connection with record retention; it cannot provide for every eventuality. All retention periods quoted are minimum periods for retention only. All records should be reviewed at the end of any quoted time and considered both as individual records and in relation to departmental records as a whole, bearing in mind the purpose and value of their retention. It has been set out in columns as follows:

  1. Record-Describes the kind of files and documents that the Council uses.
  2. Legislation and Other Requirements-Information about the actual law or the area of law that is appropriate for such records. There is not always a law setting out a retention period; in such instances it is guidance, departmental policy or usage that dictates the retention period.
  3. Retention Period -describes minimum retention periods. Where there is no clear indication as to when this time should be counted from it should be assumed that the retention time is from the time the file/record is closed.All retention periods quoted as legislative requirements are minimum periods for retention only.
  4. Disposal Policy -Disposal Policy describes what should be done at the end of the retention period; destroy or review it to see if it should be held for longer.
  5. Responsible Service -Department responsible for the documents

Transfer of Records to archival storage

Departments wishing to transfer permanent records to archival custody should contact the Surrey History Centre:

Destruction of Records

Where records are sentenced for destruction under the Schedule, backup copies stored on alternative media (server/microfilm/paper) should also be destroyed. This is vital to ensure compliance with the requirements of UK GDPR, Data Protection and Freedom of Information legislation. Whenever there is the possibility of litigation, the records and information that are likely to be affected should not be amended or disposed of until the threat of litigation has been removed. When records identified for disposal are destroyed, a register of such records needs to be kept. For records not covered by the Schedule contact the legal department or suitable experienced sources for further advice. It is not sufficient to document that a quantity of records had been destroyed on a certain date. Enough details should be retained to identify which records have been destroyed. Confidential records which are due to be destroyed must be disposed of in a secure manner. Statute of Limitations, Audit, Tax, VAT

Finance, Revenues and Benefits

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Audited Accounts: Statement of accounts produced each year and circulated to the public, other LA’s, staff, members etc Audit Permanent – Offer to Archivist Pass to Archivist as soon as approved by Auditors and by Council FINANCE
Financial System Reconciliations Audit 2 years Destroy FINANCE
Budget files & statements Audit 3 years Destroy FINANCE
Capital monitoring files Audit 3 years Destroy FINANCE
Budget monitoring files Audit 3 years Destroy FINANCE
Debtor invoices Statute of Limitations, Audit, Tax, VAT 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Debtor Records Statute of Limitations. VAT Min 6 years or until the date has been paid or written off whichever is later Destroy FINANCE
Credit notes Statute of Limitations, Audit, Tax, VAT 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Daily Takings records (i.e. till rolls) Statute of Limitations, Audit, Tax, VAT 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Sales records Ledger N/A 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Year End Ledger Audit 6 years plus current year Destroy
Journal Transfers Audit 2 years Destroy FINANCE
Cash Books Audit, VAT 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Petty Cash Imprest account Audit, Tax, VAT 2 years Destroy FINANCE
Finance Receipt Books Statute of Limitations, Audit, 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Petty Cash vouchers Statute of Limitations, Audit, Tax, VAT 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Cheque books and counterfoils Audit 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Cheque Lists Audit 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Returned Cheques Audit 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Unpresented cheque list Audit 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Bank Reconciliations Audit, VAT 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Bank Statements Statute of Limitations, Tax, VAT 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Bank paying in books Audit 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Delivery Notes Tax, VAT 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Goods received book Tax, VAT 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Stock inventories/stock sheets/stock control books Audit 2 years Destroy FINANCE
Inventories Audit 2 years Destroy FINANCE
Creditor Invoices received VAT 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Credit notes received VAT 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
CIPFA returns N/A 3 years Destroy FINANCE
Private Fund Records N/A 6 years Destroy FINANCE
Trust Fund Records N/A 6 years after money has been finally spent Destroy FINANCE
Finance correspondence where it provides evidence of income/expenditure Statute of Limitations, Audit, Tax, VAT 6 years plus current year Destroy FINANCE
Council Tax Local Govt. Finance Act 1992 We will keep all records relating to Council Tax for as long as you have an ongoing liability with us. Even if you have moved away and do not owe us any money, we will keep details of the property or properties and dates for which you were liable for Council Tax. This is in case there is a change to the Council Tax Band of the property. Council Tax re-banding can be backdated to 1 April 1993 and the band can increase or decrease. Hard Copy for a month. Documents scanned and then destroyed REVENUES
Business Rates Local Govt. Finance Act 1992 All records are held from 1993. Hard copy for a month. Documents scanned then destroyed REVENUES
Benefit Claim Forms and associated supporting documents received by Benefits Service Common Practice 6 years + current for dormant claims Destroy BENEFITS
Benefit records held on Academy Systems Common Practice 6 years + current for dormant claims Destroy BENEFITS
Benefits: Government Returns (DHP, Estimates, Subsidy) Common Practice 6 years + current Destroy BENEFITS
Self Isolation Payment Scheme Covid 19 Emergency Data will be kept for as long as is needed for audit purposes Destroy BENEFITS
Reopening High Street Safely Fund RHSSF Document Retention Policy 10 years Destroy with permission ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
Investigation files (hard copies) N/A Dispose immediately at file close Confidential waste FRAUD & INVESTIGATION TEAM
Individual investigation file records and linked documents and product held electronically on Case Management System – Depends on outcome see below CPIA Audit requirement Deleted by system administrator FRAUD & INVESTIGATION TEAM
No fraud proven cases As above 3 years As above FRAUD & INVESTIGATION TEAM
Prosecution As above 6 years or 6 months from sentence finished if later As above FRAUD & INVESTIGATION TEAM
Caution or other sanction As above 6 years from date of sanction As above FRAUD & INVESTIGATION TEAM
Referral received – not investigated CPIA and Audit Requirement 3 years Deleted by system administrator FRAUD & INVESTIGATION TEAM
Investigation summary and documents obtained to support individual Internal Business units decision making N/A Dependent on business unit disposal policy Relevant summary and documents will be transferred to affected business unit for purposes of legislative decision making FRAUD & INVESTIGATION TEAM
Recorded Interview under caution tapes / CD’s CPIA 3 years or in line with file destruction if prosecution / sanction case Confidential disposal FRAUD & INVESTIGATION TEAM
Informal recorded interview tapes and CD’s Audit requirement 3 years Confidential disposal FRAUD & INVESTIGATION TEAM
QB 50 notebooks CPIA 5 years from date of last entry Confidential waste FRAUD & INVESTIGATION TEAM
Interview under caution CD logs CPIA 5 years Confidential waste FRAUD & INVESTIGATION TEAM
RIPA documents RIPA 3 years Destroy FRAUD & INVESTIGATION TEAM
HBMS data receipt Audit requirements 3 years Delete from system FRAUD & INVESTIGATION TEAM
Data extract provided to external organisations for data matching or hubbing purposes for the prevention and detection of fraud purpose Audit requirements Immediately after data refresh provided Delete from system FRAUD & INVESTIGATION TEAM
Financial Investigation documents and system records POCA 6 years from date of confiscation or in line with investigation file destruction in no order Delete from system FRAUD & INVESTIGATION TEAM AND / OR FINANCIAL INVESTIGATOR
Driver Insurance Forms Replaced annually Destroy hard copies, delete electronic copies RISK MANAGEMENT AND PERFORMANCE
Insurance Registers (motor and property schedule) MVDC internal policy Permanent RISK MANAGEMENT AND PERFORMANCE
Insurance Claim Data and paperwork Statute of Limitations 6 years after all obligations / entitlements are concluded Delete or Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE & STRATEGY
Insurance Policy Records Permanent RISK MANAGEMENT AND PERFORMANCE

Contract Documentations

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Contracts Register N/A Permanent Electronic Database FINANCE
Sealed Contracts, including award & management of contracts Statute of Limitations 12 years from expiry of contract Destroy RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL
Signed Contracts, including award & management of contracts Statute of Limitations 6 years from expiry of contract Destroy RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL
Contract Tender (successful) that leads to a sealed contract Statute of Limitations 12 years from expiry of contract Destroy RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL
Contract Tender (successful) that leads to a signed contract Statute of Limitations 6 years from expiry date of contract Destroy RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL
Evaluation of tenders 1 year after contract award Destroy RELEVANT DEPT
Tenders (unsuccessful) 1 year after contract award Destroy RELEVANT DEPT
Sealed Contracts, including award & management of contracts Statute of Limitations 12 years from expiry of contract Destroy RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL
Signed Contracts, including award & management of contracts Statute of Limitations 6 years from expiry of contract Destroy RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL
Contract Tender (successful) that leads to a sealed contract Statute of Limitations 12 years from expiry of contract Destroy RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL
Contract Tender (successful) that leads to a signed contract Statute of Limitations 6 years from expiry date of contract Destroy RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL
Evaluation of tenders 1 year after contract award Destroy RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL
Tenders (unsuccessful) 1 year after contract award Destroy RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL
List of suppliers for tendering purposes Contract Standing Orders Permanent but review and update as necessary RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL
Service Agreements with voluntary organisations N/A 12 years from expiry-sealed 6 years from expiry-signed Destroy RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL
Pre-contract advice, e.g. expressions of intent (successful) 12 years from expiry-sealed 6 years from expiry-signed Destroy RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL
Pre-contract advice, e.g. expressions of intent (unsuccessful) 1 year after contract award Destroy RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL
SLA’s 6 years from expiry of agreement Destroy RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL
Consultancy agreements 12 years from expiry-sealed 6 years from expiry-signed RELEVANT DEPT/LEGAL

Human Resources

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Payroll Timesheets Overtime Sheets N.I. Records PAYE Deduction Records Deductions made under Construction Industry TDS Claim forms Statute of Limitations, Audit, Tax 6 years Destroy HR
Tax and PAYE Statute of Limitations, Audit, Tax 7 years Destroy HR
Subsistence and Mileage Claims 6 years Destroy HR
Personal files of employees, including: Application Forms Reference Reports Job descriptions/Person specs Contracts Discretionary Awards Termination Limitation Act 1980 Employment period + 6 years Destroy HR
Records relating to staff working with children 25 years after ceasing employment Destroy HR
Health and Safety training Employment period + 6 years Destroy Certificate to be retained by HR INFORMATION ASSET OWNERS, HR AND HEALTH & SAFETY TEAM
Disciplinary and grievance records (where established) Employment Act 2002 Employment period + 6 years. Warnings will not be active on employee files after expiry however a record of what has occurred will be kept for period above. Destroy HR – ANY OTHER INVOLVED PARTIES TO PASS TO HR ON CONCLUSION OF THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN THE CASE.
Disciplinary and grievance records (where unfounded) Destroy after decision (waiting to allow appeal) (AS ABOVE)
Medical Records COSHH Regulations 1994 40 years Destroy OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH
Police checks DBS 6 months Destroy DBS certificates are never kept – only the certificate no/issue date are retained by the manager
Recruitment documentation – both internal and external (unsuccessful applicants) N/A 6 months Destroy INFORMATION ASSET OWNERS
Performance and Development Reviews (Staff Appraisals) N/A 6 years after ceasing employment Destroy INFORMATION ASSET OWNERS and HR
Car Loans N/A 6 years after ceasing employment Destroy HR
Car Leasing 3 years after lease expires Destroy Could contain confidential information – Dispose of as Confidential Waste HR
Staff leave and flexi leave 6 years after ceasing employment Destroy HR
Identification & development of significant directions concerning industrial matters e.g. generic agreements & awards, negotiations, d i s p u t e s and claims lodged Permanent – Offer to archivist for review Transfer to place of deposit after administration use is concluded. Collective, not individual matters HR
Evidence of eligibility to work in the UK Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act (the 2006 Act) and sections 24 and 24B of the Immigration Act 1971 6 years after ceasing employment Destroy HR
Self certificates, Doctor’s certificates, Occupational Health documentation (including Management referral forms, workplace assessment reports and medical reports (but see above) Data Protection Act 2018 6 years after ceasing employment Destroy HR

Health and Safety Records

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Health and  Safety   induction   checklists Health  & Safety at Work Act 1974 Employment   period  + 6 years Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY / RELEVANT DEPARTMENT
Accident and incident reports and associated documents Reporting  of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985 Permanent Keep – do not destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
RIDDOR reports Reporting  of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985 Permanent Keep – do not destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
Violence at work records Departmental policy 6 years Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
Clients   of   Concern  Register and associated documents Departmental policy Destroy   once client   removed   from   Register Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
MVDC  Clients of Concern records on E-CINS Departmental policy Destroy   once client   removed   from   Register Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
Clients of Concern layer on QGIS Departmental policy Destroy   once client   removed   from   Register Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
New starters ’  H&S progress Health  & Safety at Work Act 1974 Employment   period  + 6 years Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
DSE   training records Health  & Safety at Work Act 1974 Employment   period  + 6 years Destroy HR and CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
Home workstation assessments Health  & Safety at Work Act 1974 Employment   period  + 6 years Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
Future training attendees – manual handling classroom training Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 Destroy once training complete Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
H&S training provider contracts/agreements Statute   of   Limitations 6 years from expiry of contract Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
Workrite contract Statute   of   Limitations 6 years from expiry of contract Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY / LEGAL TEAM
Health and Safety contract Statute   of   Limitations 6 years from expiry of contract Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY / LEGAL TEAM
RFQ paperwork Statute   of   Limitations 12 years from expiry of contract (successful), 1 year after contract award (unsuccessful) Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
Signed asbestos and legionella delegation letters Health  & Safety at Work Act 1974 Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. Permanent Keep  – do not destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
HSE inspection reports and associated documents Health  & Safety at Work Act 1974 Reporting  of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985 Management   of   Health  & Safety at Work Regulation 1999 10 years Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
Health and Safety Policy Health  & Safety at Work Act 1974 10 years Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
Health and  Safety   Audit  / spot check  reports Health  & Safety at Work Act 1974 Review after 5 years Review CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
Inspection records relating to accidents/incidents Statute of Limitations Permanent Keep – do not destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY / RELEVANT DEPARTMENT
Health and Safety risk assessments Management   of   Health  & Safety at Work Regulation 1999 Current and last 3 years Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY / RELEVANT DEPARTMENT
Responsible Persons for fire safety list Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 6 years Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
H&S contract invoices Audit 7 years Destroy CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY

Corporate Governance and Strategy

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Transparency documents Local Government Transparency Code 2015 Permanent (publish the last 6 years of financial documents) N/A CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY

Democratic Services

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Minute Books Local Government Acts 1972 and 2000 Permanent Must be available for public inspection for 6 years DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Agendas & Committee papers Local Government Acts 1972 & 2000 Permanent Must be available for public inspection for 6 years Offer to Archivist after admin use completed. (10 Years). DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Background papers in connection with agendas Local Government Acts 1972 and 2000 4 years Destroy DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Minute taking (e.g. drafts, notes, audio tapes etc.) Until date of confirmation of final minutes Destroy DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Webcast council meetings 6 months Destroy DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Members Allowances 2 years Destroy DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Records of Election Expenses Representation of the People Act 1983 2 years Destroy DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Election Form ‘A’s Representation of the People Regulations 1986 Current register + 1 year Destroy DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Voter Authority Certificate Elections Act 2021 10 years. Electors are expected to renew their VAC after that period. Destroy DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Ballot Papers & documents for Local Elections Local Elections (Principal Areas) Rules 2006 1 year after election Destroy DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Ballot Papers for European Elections European Parliamentary Elections Regulations 1999 1 year after election Destroy DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Ballot Papers & documents for Parliamentary Elections Parliamentary Elections Rules Forward to Clerk of Crown after election DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Declaration of Election Results 6 Months Destroy DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Electoral register – Full Version Representation of Peoples Act Permanent Offer to Archivist after admin use concluded DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Political Party Papers – e.g. Leader of Council papers, Leader of Opposition papers 3 years Destroy DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Honors Nomination Forms and associated documents and correspondence 5 Years after last action Destroy DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Emergency plans Civil Contingencies Act Revised annually, previous versions stored for 3 years Destroy DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Vulnerable People data Civil Contingencies Act Updated daily, previous version placed Destroy DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
Individual data collected during an incident Civil Contingencies Act As long as is required by law Destroy DEMOCRATIC SERVICES
The process of making local laws e.g. byelaws Permanent Offer to Archivist for review. . LEGAL

Corporate and Legal

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Constitution Local Government Act 2000 Permanent Offer copy to Archivist LEGAL
Corporate Complaints (incl. Ombudsman) N/A 6 years + current year Destroy CUSTOMER SERVICE UNIT
Standards /Monitoring Officer Complaints 6 years Destroy MONITORING OFFICER
Information requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 N/A 6 years Destroy CUSTOMER SERVICE UNIT
Data Protection Impact Assessments; Data Sharing Agreements and Privacy Notices N/A 6 years from when the system or process stops Destroy CUSTOMER SERVICE UNIT or relevant service area.
Performance indicator information Local Government Acts, various Permanent Offer copy to Archivist POLICY & PERFORMANCE
Concessionary Fares applications Transport Act 1985 1 year Destroy REVENUES
Corporate Strategy Common Practice Permanent Offer to Archivist POLICY & PERFORMANCE
Corporate/ Senior Management Team Board Minutes Common Practice Permanent Offer to Archivist STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP
Process of consulting the public and staff in the development of significant policies Common Practice 5 years from closure Offer to Archivist RELEVANT EXECUTIVE HEAD
Process of consulting the public and staff in the development of minor policies Common Practice 1 year from closure Destroy RELEVANT EXECUTIVE HEAD
Litigation files and papers Common practice 7 years after last action Major litigation – offer to archivist for review LEGAL
Charity files Permanent LEGAL
RIPA files Codes of practice 6 years or longer if relevant to pending or future proceedings Destroy LEGAL

Planning, Development & Building Control

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Planning Applications (inc Planning Decision Notices) Planning Appeals, Planning Registers Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Permanent – Offer all to Archivist after admin use completed Transfer the Planning Application Register to Archivist once the register has been completed (or at arranged intervals if it is held electronically) PLANNING
Tree Preservation Orders Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Until Order revoked + 7 years Destroy PLANNING
Building Control applications Registers (inc Building Control Decision notices) Building Act 1984 Permanent Offer to archivist PLANNING
Planning Application & Building Control Plans Permanent PLANNING
Consultation documents (housing commitments, local plan, structure plan) Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Retain until adopted Destroy PLANNING POLICY
Planning Enforcement Notices, Breach of Condition Notices Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Permanent PLANNING
CLEUDs, CLOPUDs Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Permanent PLANNING
CIL and S.106 Agreements Town & Country Planning Act 1990 Permanent PLANNING

Planning Scheme Development

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
LDF Structure Plan Local Plan Town Centre Plan Common Practice Permanent Offer to Archivist when plan is superseded PLANNING POLICY
Consultation to gain approval for the Structure Plan or Local Plans, etc Common Practice Permanent Offer to Archivist for review after 3 years PLANNING POLICY
Recording information on historical buildings, monuments and ecology at a specific site Common Practice Permanent – Offer to Archivist for review. Transfer to place of deposit after administrative use is concluded PLANNING
The process of inspecting buildings for the purpose of insuring compliance with building control and planning Common Practice 10 years after the issue of a certificate of final inspection Destroy PLANNING

Property and Land Management

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Drawings N/A Retain until property sold or demolished Destroy LEGAL/ PROPERTY
Acquisitions and disposals Leases Licences Wayleaves (incl. files) Permanent LEGAL/PROPERTY
Property Condition Surveys N/A Carried out every 3 – 5 years for planned building maintenance and kept for 7 years Destroy LEGAL/ PROPERTY
Bldg H&S files Construction Design & Management Regulations 6 years after end of agreement Destroy PROPERTY
Property files Landlord & Tenant Act Permanent LEGAL/PROPERTY
Ad hoc Inspections Carried out when visiting properties for other purposes where anything that requires attention is noted. If inspection is carried out following an accident involving a child, records are kept for 21 years. Destroy PROPERTY
Asset Management Plans N/A 5 years Destroy PROPERTY
Statutory registers eg asbestos Permanent PROPERTY
Local land charges searches 20 years Destroy PLANNING
Parks site management files 2 years Destroy PARKS
Countryside estate, cemetery and playground inspection sheets 21 years Destroy PARKS
Allotments PARKS
Trees and aboricultural Inspections 21 years Destroy PARKS

Environmental Health, Licensing, Waste Management, Cemeteries and Car Parks

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Application forms for Hackney Carriage/Private Hire licenses 5 years from expiry Destroy ENV HEALTH
Liquor licenses Licensing Act 2003 Lifetime of premises unless surrendered or revoked – then destroy Destroy ENV HEALTH
Licenses, Permits, etc Gambling Act 2005 Lifetime until revoked or surrendered Destroy ENV HEALTH
Temporary and Occasional Use Notices Gambling Act 2005 2 years Destroy ENV HEALTH
Street Collection licenses 2 years from date of license Destroy ENV HEALTH ENV HEALTH
Lottery applications 2 years Destroy ENV HEALTH ENV HEALTH
License/Registration forms Various 2 years Destroy ENV HEALTH
Duty of Care transfer notices Section 34 Environmental Protection Act 1990 2 years Destroy ENV HEALTH
Health and safety inspection reports Departmental policy At least 6 years, or until the next programmed inspection, whichever is longer (unless required for longer because of litigation, Ombudsman, or instruction by the HSC) Destroy ENV HEALTH
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 statutory notices Departmental policy Environment and Safety Information Act 1988 At least 10 years from date of service (NB: longer than statutory minimum of 3 years for public register of Notices affecting public safety. With same proviso as inspection reports above). Destroy ENV HEALTH
Health and safety complaint investigations Departmental policy At least 6 years from completion (with same proviso as inspection reports above) Destroy ENV HEALTH
Health and safety incident investigations (ie accidents, dangerous occurrences and occupational diseases) Departmental policy 10 years Destroy ENV HEALTH
Food hygiene inspection reports Food Safety Act 1990 (as amended) Food Law Code of Practice (England) At least 6 years, or until next primary inspection, whichever is longer (unless required for longer because of litigation, Ombudsman, or instruction by the FSA). Destroy ENV HEALTH
Notification of Infectious diseases Departmental policy At least 1 year (unless related to a food business in which case at least 6 years, with same proviso as inspection reports above) Destroy ENV HEALTH
Food sampling reports Food Safety Act 1990 (as amended) Food Law Code of Practice (England) At least 6 years (with same proviso as inspection reports above) Destroy ENV HEALTH
Food complaint/food premises complaint investigations Food Safety Act 1990 (as amended) Food Law Code of Practice (England) At least 6 years from completion (with same proviso as inspection reports above) Destroy ENV HEALTH
Food hygiene statutory notices Food Safety Act 1990 (as amended) The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 Food Law Code of Practice (England) At least 10 years from date of service (with same proviso as inspection reports above). Destroy ENV HEALTH
Pest Control – notice / info to service users HASAWA – Safe systems of work 3 Years Destroy ENV HEALTH
Dog register (stray and abandoned dogs) 10 years Destroy ENV HEALTH
Nuisance records sheets Environmental Protection Act 1990 6 years except where notice served when they remain as evidence for length of notice Destroy ENV HEALTH
Contaminated land Environmental Protection Act 1990 Until land is no longer contaminated (min – 25 years) Destroy ENV HEALTH
Houses of multiple occupancy Housing Act 2004 2 years after end of multiple occupation or 5 years after end of multiple occupation, or 5 years after premises no longer eligible for registration Destroy ENV HEALTH
Documents regarding storage of explosives and petroleum Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations 2002 Permanent Offer registers to Archivist after administrative use is concluded. ENV HEALTH
Grants e.g. property improvement, disabled, minor works HGC&R Act 1996 6 years Destroy ENV HEALTH

Waste Management

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Collection or transportation of household waste Common Practice 2 Years after last action Destroy ENV. SERVICES
Collection or transportation of controlled waste Common Practice 6 Years after last action Destroy ENV. SERVICES
Garden Waste Accounts Common Practice Duration of the subscription plus 6 years Destroy ENV. SERVICES
Management of sites used for disposal of waste Common Practice Permanent – Offer to Archivist Transfer to place of deposit after administrative use is concluded. ENV. SERVICES
Short-term storage of household waste – transfer sites Common Practice 10 Years after site closure Destroy ENV. SERVICES
Waste site plans and processes Common Practice Permanent – Offer to Archivist for review Transfer to place of deposit after administrative use is concluded. ENV. SERVICES
Waste Statistics (PI’s) N/A Financial year + 1 Destroy ENV. SERVICES

Registration, Certification and Licensing

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Licensing Registers Permanent Offer to Archivist ENV HEALTH
Licensing sites for the holding and use of toxic or hazardous substances (including petroleum, agricultural chemical products or herbicides) Common practice Permanent Offer to Archivist: Transfer to place of deposit after administrative use is concluded – 60 years after registration or entitlement lapses ENV HEALTH
Prosecution or sanction of an individual or organisation for failing to comply with their legal responsibilities Common Practice 7 Years from last action To Env. Health Manager for summarising, then destroy ENV HEALTH

Community Safety and Enforcement

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Reports of anti-social behaviour and low-level crime reports from residents and businesses such as abandoned vehicles, fly-tipping, fly posting, graffiti and littering. Environmental Protection Act 1990; Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005; Town and Country Planning Act 1990; Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. 6 years Destroy Community Safety and Enforcement
Community Protection Warning Notices Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. 6 years Destroy Community Safety and Enforcement
Fixed Penalty Notices Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. 6 years Destroy Community Safety and Enforcement
Community Trigger Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. 6 years Destroy Community Safety and Enforcement
Grant Applications N/A 6 years Destroy Community Safety and Enforcement

Cemeteries and Crematoria

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Register of Interments Cemetery Register Cemetery Plans Common Practice Permanent – Offer to Archivist Transfer to place of deposit after administrative use is completed PARKS
Regulation of burials and cremations eg permits applications, orders Common Practice 5 Years after last action Destroy PARKS


Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Car Park statistics N/A 2 years Destroy PARKING
Car Park Inspections N/A 7 years. In the event that an accident is reported that involves a child inspection reports will be kept for 21 years. Destroy PARKING
Season ticket data N/A 2 years after expiry Destroy PARKING
Penalty Charge notices Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 7 years Destroy PARKING
DVLA response forms re abandoned vehicles N/A 2 years from request Destroy PARKING
DVLA response forms re keeper details N/A 12 months Destroy PARKING
Photographs N/A 1 year for open cases, 6 months for closed cases Destroy PARKING
Body worn camera footage ACPO Guidelines 31 days unless required for investigation purposes when it will be deleted when the investigation has concluded Destroy PARKING
Parking Permit Applications N/A 1 month Destroy PARKING


Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Council House RTB’s, Correspondence Files Housing Act 1985 12 years after transfer Destroy LEGAL
Leaseholder files Housing Act 1985 For duration of lease Destroy LEGAL
Mortgages Statutory Last payment + 12 years Destroy LEGAL
Homelessness applications, housing applications and housing advice and options cases Housing Act 1996, Homelessness Act 2002 and Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 7 years unless there is an exceptional reason to keep records Destroy HOUSING
Housing emergency accommodation and bed and breakfast rent accounts and accounts for collecting former debts, collection of loans relating to the Council’s financial assistance to secure a tenancy in the private rented sector and loans for the prevention of homelessness Housing Act 1996, Homelessness Act 2002 and Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 7 years unless there is an exceptional reason to keep records Destroy HOUSING
Private rented sector properties and landlord and tenant details Housing Act 1996, Homelessness Act 2002 and Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 7 years unless there is an exceptional reason to keep records Destroy HOUSING
Proof of income and Council Tax and housing debt Housing Act 1996, Homelessness Act 2002 and Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 1 year unless there is an exceptional reason to keep the records Destroy HOUSING
Empty Property Housing authority function to bring empty homes back into use 7 years unless there is an exceptional reason to keep records Destroy HOUSING
Copies of Adult and Children Safeguarding referrals Held for monitoring and analysis purposes 12 months retention Referrals held on Housing client files are deleted after 7 years. Destroy HOUSING
Property Inspections Minimum of 7 years Destroy HOUSING
Accident reports that involve a child 21 years Destroy HOUSING

Centres for Retired People / Community Alarm & Telecare

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Membership application forms During currency of membership Destroy – shred MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Membership database – electronic During currency of membership Deleted on cessation of membership MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Annual Questionnaire forms Summary report of responses is retained indefinitely for comparative and mgt purposes. Destroy MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Statistics, spreadsheets etc Summary report of responses is retained indefinitely for comparative and mgt purposes. Destroy MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Vehicle Inspections 7 years – or where an accident is reported which involves a child 21 years. Destroy MOLE VALLEY LIFE

Centres for Retired People

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Catering Temperature Control List Health & Safety Act 1974 1 year Destroy MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Fire Safety log, Electricity log Indefinitely MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Fairfield Membership 2 years Destroy MOLE VALLEY LIFE

Community Alarm / Telecare

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Client records – paperwork corporate customers TSA (TeleCare Services Association) requirements, code reference number 2.1.17 12 months Destroy MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Client records – paperwork Mole Valley and Reigate & Banstead customers 12 months from archived Destroy MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Rotas – corporate customers None Destroy when out of date MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Staff Rotas – electronic TSA requires 6 months Indefinitely Destroy MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Procedures Manual TSA requirement Retain current version Destroy older versions MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Alarm Call Recordings 12 months Destroy MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Out of hours log forms 12 months Destroy MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Memo instructions to staff 3 years Destroy MOLE VALLEY LIFE
TSA Document 3 years Destroy MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Thank you, Issues and Complaints correspondence 3 years MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Job Sheets / paperwork Audit 3 years Destroy MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Job Sheets – electronic records Audit Indefinitely MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Work Confirmation Forms – electronic records Audit Indefinitely MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Purchasing paperwork – copies of orders, invoices etc. Audit 7 years Destroy MOLE VALLEY LIFE
Emergency Plan Civil Contingencies Act Permanent Offer to Archivist Revised annually previous versions stored for 3 years
Emergency Planning – correspondence N/A Weeded annually Destroy MOLE VALLEY LIFE


Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Consultations N/A 2 years Destroy COMMUNICATIONS
Promotional photographs and videos N/A Reviewed annually and deleted when no longer needed Destroy COMMUNICATIONS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

General Operational Files

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
General Correspondence & Management Operational Files N/A Defined locally Destroy ALL
Departmental/Section Meetings etc. 3 years Destroy ALL
Project meetings 3 years from closure of project Destroy ALL
E-mails 2 years for all general e-mails. Where an email relates to a subject matter mentioned in this schedule the relevant retention period is that applying to that matter General email automatically deleted after 2 years ALL
Examination and tests carried out on engineering controls in place under COSHH 5 years CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
Exposures under COSHH where health monitoring is undertaken 40 years CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
Health surveillance under COSHH 40 years from date of last entry CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
EC Declaration of conformity regarding lifting equipment and accessories As long as equipment is operated CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
Thorough examination of lifting equipment and accessories As long as equipment is operated CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY
Project Meetings etc. 3 Years from closure of project Destroy ALL

Dorking Halls and Leisure Centres

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
Leisure Centre Inspections 7 years – or where an accident is reported which involves a child 21 years. Destroy WELLBEING
Hire event files 6 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
6 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Yellow copies of orders 2 years plus current year Destroy DORKING HALLS
 2 years plus current year Destroy DORKING HALLS
Timesheets 2 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Petty cash book 6 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
PRS Documentation 6 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Comments forms 6 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Complaint forms 6 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Other correspondence 6 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Evaluation forms (Box Office) 3 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Evaluation Forms (Events) 3 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Staff rotas 7 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Mgmt Team and other staff mtg notes 3 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Risk Assessments Permanent Destroy DORKING HALLS
Daily inspection reports 7 years. In the event that an accident is reported that involves a child inspection reports will be kept for 21 years. Destroy DORKING HALLS
PAT records Current plus previous Current plus previous Destroy DORKING HALLS
Contract tenders (successful bids) 3 years after contract ends Destroy DORKING HALLS
Contract Tenders (unsuccessful bids) until end of contract Destroy DORKING HALLS
Staff Manuals Permanent Destroy DORKING HALLS
Emergency plans and Normal Operating Plans Permanent Destroy DORKING HALLS
Safety Audit reports Permanent Destroy DORKING HALLS
Safety Audit Reports Permanent Destroy DORKING HALLS
Show contract 6 years Destroy DORKING HALLS

Front Of House

Record Legislation and Other Requirements Retention Period Disposal Policy Responsible Service
User Drawer Reports Current year Destroy DORKING HALLS
Box Office Income Summary 6 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Film Returns 2 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Daily FOH Sales Summary 2 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Banking receipts 2 years plus current Destroy DORKING HALLS
Credit card weekly report 2 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Accident/Incident Report books Permanent Destroy DORKING HALLS
Stock control sheets 6 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Used receipt books 6 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Used receipt books 6 years Destroy DORKING HALLS
Lost property books 2 years from end Destroy DORKING HALLS
Event files (other than admin) As long as operationally useful Destroy DORKING HALLS