Strategic Risk Register – September 2024
This Register details the strategic risks faced by Mole Valley District Council in relation to achieving the priority outcomes and guiding principles as defined in the Council Strategy. It also notes the controls in place to mitigate the risk. These controls do not constitute MVDC internal procedures and may be amended to reflect the assessed risk level. The Register is owned by the Chief Executive.
Corporate Priorities
- Fairer – Supporting individuals and communities to lead safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
- Greener – Striving to become carbon neutral and maximising opportunities to ensure Mole Valley remains a highly attractive area.
- Opportunity – Enabling a prosperous local economy with thriving towns and villages.
- Progressing Together – Working with our partners and the Mole Valley community, our mission is to transform our services to ensure that they are modern, valued, efficient, digital by choice and accessible by all.
Surrey Local Resilience Forum Community Risk Register
Surrey’s Local Resilience Forum (LRF) is a multi-agency partnership made up of representatives from local public services, including the Emergency Services, Local Authorities, NHS England and the Environment Agency, which are all Category One Responders under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. Each year the Surrey LRF publishes the Surrey Community Risk Register which provides public information about the hazards that exist within the County and the control measures that are in place to mitigate their impact. The Register details the lead agency for each hazard identified. The responsibilities (specifically infrastructure/system failure and natural hazards) assigned to Mole Valley District Council are to be read in conjunction with this Strategic Risk Register.