This page shows progress for the set of performance indicators (PIs) for 2024/25. These PIs are used to measure performance and are reported on regularly to the Cabinet as part of the Business and Budget monitoring reports.
Home My Council Performance Performance Indicators Report April – July 2024
Performance Indicators Report April – July 2024
Number of rough sleepers in the district on a given date
Status: Data Only
Current Target: N/A (aim to maximise)
There were fewer than 10 rough sleepers on a given night in July 2024.
Number of households in bed & breakfast and nightly stay accommodation
Status: Data Only
Current Target: N/A (aim to maximise)
Month / Number | Month / Number |
April 2023/24: 23 | April 2024/25: 18 |
May 2023/24: 23 | May 2024/25: 15 |
June 2023/24: 13 | June 2024/25: 13 |
July 2023/24: 16 | July 2024/25: 15 |
August 2023/24: 15 | August 2024/25: |
September 2023/24: 19 | September 2024/25: |
October 2023/24: 22 | October 2024/25: |
November 2023/24: 21 | November 2024/25: |
December 2023/24: 18 | December 2024/25: |
January 2023/24: 20 | January 2024/25: |
February 2023/24: 18 | February 2024/25: |
March 2023/24: 30 | March 2024/25: |
Data shows actual number of households as at the end of each month.
Number of households on the Housing Register
Status: Data Only
Current Target: N/A
Month / Number | Month / Number |
April 2023/24: 661 | April 2024/25: 668 |
May 2023/24: 683 | May 2024/25: 680 |
June 2023/24: 646 | June 2024/25: 684 |
July 2023/24: 635 | July 2024/25: 694 |
August 2023/24: 622 | August 2024/25: |
September 2023/24: 628 | September 2024/25: |
October 2023/24: 640 | October 2024/25: |
November 2023/24: 634 | November 2024/25: |
December 2023/24: 626 | December 2024/25: |
January 2023/24: 630 | January 2024/25: |
February 2023/24: 664 | February 2024/25: |
March 2023/24: 674 | March 2024/25: |
Data shows actual number of households as at the end of each month.
Number of households in emergency accommodation
Status: Data Only
Current Target: N/A
Month / Number |
April 2024/25: 50 |
May 2024/25: 45 |
June 2024/25: 45 |
July 2024/25: 45 |
August 2024/25: |
September 2024/25: |
October 2024/25: |
November 2024/25: |
December 2024/25: |
January 2024/25: |
February 2024/25: |
March 2024/25: |
Data shows actual number of households as at the end of each month.
Number of affordable homes completed
Status: Data Only
Current Target: N/A
Q1 2023/24: 0
Q2 2023/24: 0
Q3 2023/24: 0
Q4 2023/24: 7
Q1 2024/25: 1
The target is 47 affordable homes completed by the end of 2024/25. In 2024/25 we are expecting completion of affordable housing units at both Kingston House Gardens (36 units of accommodation) and Randalls Way (a Build to Rent scheme which will provide 36 flats at affordable private rent levels). We are experiencing difficulties on smaller schemes finding registered providers who are prepared to take on the affordable rented units which in some cases is leading to discussions of needing to either accept commuted sums in place or transferring them to shared ownership properties. This is a nationwide problem. The adoption of a Local Plan will assist with future affordable housing delivery in the District.
Data shows cumulative year to date total as at the end of each quarter.
Number of people who have received aids or adaptations to their homes via the disabled facility grant scheme
Status: Data Only
Current Target: N/A
Q1 2023/24: 8
Data shows cumulative year to date total as at the end of the quarter.
Percentage of approved disabled facility grant applications where the adaptation has been completed
Status: Green
Current Target: 90.0%
Q1 2023/24: 100.0%
Data shows cumulative year to date total as at the end of the quarter.
Time taken to repair/replace playground equipment
Status: N/A
Current Target: 10 working days
It is proposed that this performance indicator will change as set out in the covering report. Reporting against the revised PI will be included in future reports.
Percentage of waste sent for recycling, reuse and composting
Status: Amber
Current Target: 57.0% (aim to maximise)
Q1 2023/24: 55.8%
Q2 2023/24: 56.5%
Q3 2023/24: 56.6%
Q4 2023/24: 56.5%
Q1 2024/25: 55.8%
The recycling rates for Mole Valley are relatively stable and fluctuate slightly (down and up) per quarter. Although not hitting our own target, nationally we benchmark very well against other local authorities. There is a communications plan in place to engage with residents on the importance of reducing residual waste and increasing recycling, including reduction of contamination in household recycling (which affects our overall score). We have also successfully rolled out food recycling to flats in Mole Valley and this is having a positive impact on our performance. We are committed to encouraging and enabling increased recycling rates in line with national targets.
Data shows rolling 12 month average as at the end of each quarter.
n.b. The data published is the latest available data at the time of publication. The figures are provisional and are updated as further data from waste streams is confirmed. Final figures are submitted to Defra, a year or more in arrears.
Household waste and recycling per person
Status: Green
Current Target: 375.0kg (aim to maximise)
Q1 2024/25: 368.7kg
Number of missed bins per 100,000 collections
Status: Green
Current Target: 80 (aim to minimise)
Month / Number | Month / Number |
April 2023/24: 47 | April 2024/25: 69 |
May 2023/24: 63 | May 2024/25: 65 |
June 2023/24: 73 | June 2024/25: |
July 2023/24: 75 | July 2024/25: |
August 2023/24: 74 | August 2024/25: |
September 2023/24: 89 | September 2024/25: |
October 2023/24: 73 | October 2024/25: |
November 2023/24: 69 | November 2024/25: |
December 2023/24: 50 | December 2024/25: |
January 2023/24: | January 2024/25: |
February 2023/24: | February 2024/25: |
March 2023/24: | March 2024/25: |
Data shows the total (per 100,000 collections) for each month (May 2024 is the latest available data).
Percentage of streets with acceptable levels of litter
Status: Green
Current Target: 96% (aim to maximise)
Q1 2023/24: 98%
Q2 2023/24: 99%
Q3 2023/24: 98%
Q4 2023/24: 97%
Q1 2024/25: 99%
Data shows the percentage for each quarter.
Percentage of streets with acceptable levels of detritus
Status: Amber
Current Target: 92% (aim to maximise)
Q1 2023/24: 95%
Q2 2023/24: Unknown
Q3 2023/24: 86%
Q4 2023/24: 88%
Q1 2024/25: 87%
Joint Waste Solutions are working proactively with Amey to improve the level of street cleaning across the District.
Data shows the percentage for each quarter.
Reduction in the Council’s Carbon Footprint
Status: N/A
Current Target: 3000 tonnes (aim to minimise)
2018/19: 4162 tonnes
2019/20: 4065 tonnes
2020/21: 3271 tonnes
2021/22: 3289 tonnes
2022/23: 3630 tonnes
The result for 2023/24 will be provided at the end of Q4 2024/25.
Data shows annual result.
Percentage of trees due an inspection in Zone 1 areas that are inspected within the tree inspection policy timeframes
Status: Green
Current Target: 100% (aim to maximise)
Q1 2023/24: N/A
Q2 2023/24: 100%
Q3 2023/24: 100%
Q4 2023/24: 98%
Q1 2024/25: 100%
Data shows percentage of trees inspected within agreed timeframes as at the end of the quarter.
Percentage of trees due an inspection in Zone 2 areas that are inspected within the tree inspection policy timeframes
Status: Green
Current Target: 100% (aim to maximise)
Q1 2023/24: N/A
Q2 2023/24: 100%
Q3 2023/24: 100%
Q4 2023/24: 100%
Q1 2024/25: 100%
Data shows percentage of trees inspected within agreed timeframes as at the end of the quarter.
The extent to which Transform Leatherhead is considered to be making progress towards the Masterplan vision (1 being not at all and 5 very well)
Status: Unknown
Current Target: 4 (aim to maximise)
2021/22: 3
2022/23: 3
2023/24: Unknown
2024/25: Unknown
The survey for 2024/25 will take place in Q4 2024/25.
Percentage of major planning application decisions overturned at appeal
Status: Green
Current Target: 10.0% (aim to minimise)
Q1 2023/24: 2.7%
Q2 2023/24: 8.1%
Q3 2023/24: 8.1%
Q4 2023/24: 6.0%
Q1 2024/25: 8.0%
Housing Land Supply
Status: Unknown
Current Target: 4 years
The 2024-25 Housing Land Supply will monitor housing completions from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. As such, the 2024-25 result will not be known until July 2025 as time is needed to visit and confirm housing completions on or after 31 March 2025. As a result, performance against this PI will be reported at that point.
Percentage of council tax collected
Status: Green
Current Target: 39.20% (aim to maximise)
Month / Number | Month / Number |
April 2023/24: 11.20% | April 2024/25: 11.30% |
May 2023/24: 20.10% | May 2024/25: 21.00% |
June 2023/24: 29.60% | June 2024/25: 30.30% |
July 2023/24: 38.70% | July 2024/25: 39.40% |
August 2023/24: 47.70% | August 2024/25: |
September 2023/24: 56.80% | September 2024/25: |
October 2023/24: 66.40% | October 2024/25: |
November 2023/24: 75.40% | November 2024/25: |
December 2023/24: 84.40% | December 2024/25: |
January 2023/24: 93.40% | January 2024/25: |
February 2023/24: 95.90% | February 2024/25: |
March 2023/24: 98.30% | March 2024/25: |
Data shows cumulative year to date total as at the end of each month.
Percentage of business rates collected
Status: Green
Current Target: 35.68% (aim to maximise)
Month / Number | Month / Number |
April 2023/24: 11.46% | April 2024/25: 11.46% |
May 2023/24: 22.10% | May 2024/25: 23.20% |
June 2023/24: 32.63% | June 2024/25: 33.15% |
July 2023/24: 40.98% | July 2024/25: 43.16% |
August 2023/24: 50.70% | August 2024/25: |
September 2023/24: 57.89% | September 2024/25: |
October 2023/24: 67.01% | October 2024/25: |
November 2023/24: 75.79 | November 2024/25: |
December 2023/24: 81.48% | December 2024/25: |
January 2023/24: 92.12% | January 2024/25: |
February 2023/24: 92.12% | February 2024/25: |
March 2023/24: 95.54% | March 2024/25: |
Data shows cumulative year to date total as at the end of each month.
Percentage of commercial rent collected within 21 days after the quarter day
Status: Red
Current Target: 90.00% (aim to maximise)
Q1 2023/24: 95.00%
Q2 2023/24: 97.00%
Q3 2023/24: 58.00%
Q4 2023:24: 73.00%
Q1 2024/25: 77.00%
A significant late payment by one public sector tenant has since been received.
Data shows percentage of rent collected for each quarter.
Customer satisfaction with Leatherhead Leisure Centre
Status: Unknown
Current Target: 80% (aim to maximise)
The target for customer satisfaction with Leatherhead Leisure Centre is now proposed as 80%. If approved by Cabinet in September 2024, performance against the target will be reported in future Business and Budget Monitoring Reports.
Customer satisfaction with Dorking Sports Centre
Status: Unknown
Current Target: 80% (aim to maximise)
The target for customer satisfaction with Dorking Sports Centre is now proposed as 80%. If approved by Cabinet in September 2024, performance against the target will be reported in future Business and Budget Monitoring Reports.
Customer satisfaction level for Dorking Halls
Status: Green
Current Target: 85% (aim to maximise)
Month / Number | Month / Number |
April 2023/24: 93% | April 2024/25: 93% |
May 2023/24: 93% | May 2024/25: 90% |
June 2023/24: 94% | June 2024/25: |
July 2023/24: 90% | July 2024/25: |
August 2023/24: 89% | August 2024/25: |
September 2023/24: 96% | September 2024/25: |
October 2023/24: 94% | October 2024/25: |
November 2023/24: 95% | November 2024/25: |
December 2023/24: 92% | December 2024/25: |
January 2023/24: 92% | January 2024/25: |
February 2023/24: 96% | February 2024/25: |
March 2023/24: 96% | March 2024/25: |
Performance as at May 2024, before Dorking Halls closed for essential works on the plaster ceiling in the Grand Hall. Customer satisfaction surveys will continue to be sent following any planned events.
Data shows the percentage of customers rating their visit to Dorking Halls as either 4 stars (good) or 5 stars (excellent), as at the end of each month.
Percentage of calls answered within 60 seconds by the Customer Services Unit
Status: Red
Current Target: 80% (aim to maximise)
Month / Number | Month / Number |
April 2023/24: 92% | April 2024/25: 67% |
May 2023/24: 90% | May 2024/25: 71% |
June 2023/24: 86% | June 2024/25: 69% |
July 2023/24: 85% | July 2024/25: 71% |
August 2023/24: 87% | August 2024/25: |
September 2023/24: 86% | September 2024/25: |
October 2023/24: 86% | October 2024/25: |
November 2023/24: 86% | November 2024/25: |
December 2023/24: 87% | December 2024/25: |
January 2023/24: 87% | January 2024/25: |
February 2023/24: 86% | February 2024/25: |
March 2023/24: 85% | March 2024/25: |
As part of our ‘making best use of resources’ plans, more calls are now being directed into CSU, which is increasing the volume and breadth of calls on which CSU is able to advise our residents. This can result in a slightly longer waiting time (currently averaging 77 seconds), as they respond to this increased volume and because calls may be a longer duration as the team responds to more complex topics. However, as CSU is able to resolve the majority of calls at first point of contact, we are offering better customer service, as our residents are able to get more of the information and answers they need from us more quickly.
Data shows cumulative year to date average as at the end of each month.
Percentage of enquiries resolved at first point of contact by the Customer Services Unit
Status: Green
Current Target: 60% (aim to maximise)
Month / Number | Month / Number |
April 2023/24: 61% | April 2024/25: 62% |
May 2023/24: 65% | May 2024/25: 68% |
June 2023/24: 65% | June 2024/25: 69% |
July 2023/24: 65% | July 2024/25: 68% |
August 2023/24: 65% | August 2024/25: |
September 2023/24: 65% | September 2024/25: |
October 2023/24: 65% | October 2024/25: |
November 2023/24: 65% | November 2024/25: |
December 2023/24: 65% | December 2024/25: |
January 2023/24: 64% | January 2024/25: |
February 2023/24: 64% | February 2024/25: |
March 2023/24: 64% | March 2024/25: |
Data shows cumulative year to date average as at the end of each month.
Number of e-forms used to access Council services
Status: Data Only
Current Target: N/A (aim to maximise)
Month / Number | Month / Number |
April 2023/24: 1,779 | April 2024/25: 2310 |
May 2023/24: 3,894 | May 2024/25: 4603 |
June 2023/24: 5,885 | June 2024/25: 7804 |
July 2023/24: 7,871 | July 2024/25: 10671 |
August 2023/24: 10,032 | August 2024/25: |
September 2023/24: 12,139 | September 2024/25: |
October 2023/24: 14,462 | October 2024/25: |
November 2023/24: 15,846 | November 2024/25: |
December 2023/24: 17,202 | December 2024/25: |
January 2023/24: 19,250 | January 2024/25: |
February 2023/24: 21,719 | February 2024/25: |
March 2023/24: 24,020 | March 2024/25: |
Data shows cumulative year to date total as at the end of each month.
Number of customers signed up to ‘My Account’ (self-service portal)
Status: Data Only
Current Target: N/A (aim to maximise)
Month / Number |
April 2024/25: 5767 |
May 2024/25: 6201 |
June 2024/25: 6635 |
July 2024/25: 7067 |
August 2024/25: |
September 2024/25: |
October 2024/25: |
November 2024/25: |
December 2024/25: |
January 2024/25: |
February 2024/25: |
March 2024/25: |
Data shows the total ‘live’ accounts as at the end of each month.