Performance Indicators Report April 2022 – March 2023

This page shows progress for the set of performance indicators (PIs) for 2022/23.  These PIs are used to measure performance and are reported on regularly to the Cabinet as part of the Business and Budget monitoring reports.

Reduction in the Council’s Carbon Footprint

Status: Green

Current Target: 3550 tonnes (aim to minimise)

  • 2018/19: 4162 tonnes
  • 2019/20: 4065 tonnes
  • 2020/21: 3271 tonnes
  • 2021/22: 3289 tonnes

The latest result (provided January 2023) is for 2021/22 and was 3,289 tonnes, exceeding the target of 3,550 tonnes.  The result uses data for electricity, gas, water and waste for council owned and occupied buildings (known as Scope 1 and 2 emissions) and data for contracted waste services (Scope 3 emissions), with proxy modelling for other Scope 3 emissions.

The result for 2020/21 was lower and this is because emissions from the Council’s own estate have increased since 2020/21. This is predominantly due to an increase in gas usage.   Prior to the pandemic, air handling units would have functioned using approximately 30% fresh air and 70% recirculated air. The impact of drawing in a higher percentage of fresh air in colder months is that the gas boilers have to work harder to heat the air, which is being circulated through the building, and thus gas consumption increases.

It should also be noted that emissions from the waste collection service have reduced due to the suspension of the garden waste service for 8 months of the year.

Data shows annual result.

Percentage of Waste sent for Recycling, Reuse and Composting

Status: Red

Current Target: 58.0% (aim to maximise)

Q1 2021/22: 56.5%

Q2 2021/22: 55.7%

Q3 2021/22: 54.5%

Q4 2021/22: 54.1%

Q1 2022/23: 53.3%

Q2 2022/23: 55.7%

Q3 2022/23: 54.5%

Q4 2022/23: To be reported

Performance as at Q3 2022/23 (the latest available data) was 54.3% against a target of 58%.  There has been a slight increase in recycling performance since the previous quarter. Following a suspension of garden waste collections up to April 2022, the resumption of this service has now started to reflect a gradual upturn in the recycling rate.

Data shows rolling 12 month average as at the end of each quarter.

Percentage of streets with acceptable levels of litter

Status: Green

Current Target: 96% (aim to maximise)

Q1 2021/22: 100%

Q2 2021/22: 100%

Q3 2021/22: 100%

Q4 2021/22: 99%

Q1 2022/23: 100%

Q2 2022/23: 100%

Q3 2022/23: 100%

Q4 2022/23: To be reported

Performance as at Q3 2022/23 (the latest available data).  100% of streets were assessed as having acceptable levels of litter, exceeding the target of 96%.

Data shows the percentage for each quarter.

Percentage of Streets with Acceptable Levels of Detritus

Status: Green

Current Target: 92% (aim to maximise)

Q1 2021/2022: 98%

Q2 2021/2022: 99%

Q3 2021/2022: 96%

Q4 2021/2022: 95%

Q1 2022/2023: 97%

Q2 2022/2023: 95%

Q3 2022/2023: 95%

Q4 2022/2023: To be reported

Performance as at Q3 2022/23 (the latest available data).  100% of streets were assessed as having acceptable levels of detritus, exceeding the target of 92%.

Data shows the percentage for each quarter.

Residual Waste per Household

Status: Green

Current Target: 360kg (aim to minimise)

Q1 2021/2022: 358kg

Q2 2021/2022: 351kg

Q3 2021/2022: 350kg

Q4 2021/2022: 341kg

Q1 2022/2023: 338kg

Q2 2022/2023: 331kg

Q3 2022/2023: To be reported

Q4 2022/2023: To be reported

Performance as at Q2 2022/23 (the latest available data). 331kg of residual waste was collected per household, exceeding the target of 360kg or less.

Data shows rolling 12 month average as at the end of each quarter. This excludes street sweepings.

Number of Missed Bins per 100,000 Collections

Status: Green

Current Target: 80 (aim to minimise)

Month / NumberMonth / Number
April 2021/22: 80April 2022/23: 73
May 2021/22: 48May 2022/23: 69
June 2021/22: 83June 2022/23: 82
July 2021/22: 64July 2022/23: 79
August 2021/22: 63August 2022/23: 82
September 2021/22: 65September 2022/23: 63
October 2021/22: 67October 2022/23: 65
November 2021/22: 48November 2022/23: 64
December 2021/22: 73December 2022/23: 56
January 2021/22: 63January 2022/23: To be reported
February 2021/22: 77February 2022/23: To be reported
March 2021/22: 85March 2022/23: To be reported

Performance as at end December 2022 (the latest available data).  56 bins per 100,000 collections were missed, exceeding the monthly target of 80 or fewer.

Data shows the total (per 100,000 collections) for each month (October is the latest result).

Housing Delivery Test

Status: Unknown

Current Target: 96% (aim to maximise)

2019/20: 89%

2020/21: 81%

2021/22: 70%

The Outturn Report for 2021/22 stated that Mole Valley’s 2021 Housing Delivery Test (HDT) result was 70%. HDT results are published by the Government in January/ February each year. Between December 2022 and March 2023, the Government undertook a consultation on reforms to national planning policy which included proposed changes to the operation of the HDT. As a result, publication of the 2022 HDT results has been delayed by the Government until they have made a decision on the approach to HDT and the implementation of any proposed changes. The Government have stated they will respond to the consultation in Spring 2023.

Data shows the percentage of dwellings completed annually compared to the annual local housing need as assessed using the standard methodology set out in national planning policy.

Speed of Determining Applications for Major Development

Status: Green

Current Target: 63.0% (aim to maximise)

Q1 2021/22: 100.0%

Q2 2021/22: 100.0%

Q3 2021/22: 75.0%

Q4 2021/22: 69.2%

Q1 2022/23: 75.0%

Q2 2022/23: 90.9%

Q3 2022/23: 89.5%

Q4 2022/23: 86.4%

19 out of 22 applications (86.4%) were determined within 13 weeks during 2022/23, exceeding the target of 63%.

Data shows cumulative year to date average as at the end of each quarter.

Speed of Determining Applications for Minor Development

Status: Green

Current Target: 72.0% (aim to maximise)

Q1 2021/22: 35.9%

Q2 2021/22: 45.5%

Q3 2021/22: 44.0%

Q4 2021/22: 53.6%

Q1 2022/23: 86.0%

Q2 2022/23: 89.2%

Q3 2022/23: 91.1%

Q4 2022/23: 91.2%

302 out of 331 applications (91.2%) were determined within 8 weeks during 2022/23, exceeding the target of 72%.

Data shows cumulative year to date average as at the end of each quarter.

Speed of Determining Applications for Other Development

Status: Green

Current Target: 80.0% (aim to maximise)

Q1 2021/22: 35.9%

Q2 2021/22: 45.5%

Q3 2021/22: 44.0%

Q4 2021/22: 53.6%

Q1 2022/23: 86.0%

Q2 2022/23: 89.2%

Q3 2022/23: 91.1%

Q4 2022/23: 91.2%

302 out of 331 applications (91.2%) were determined within 8 weeks during 2022/23, exceeding the target of 72%.

Data shows cumulative year to date average as at the end of each quarter.

Speed of Determining Applications for Other Development

Status: Green

Current Target: 80.0% (aim to maximise)

Q1 2021/22: 26.8%

Q2 2021/22: 45.9%

Q3 2021/22: 50.5%

Q4 2021/22: 57.4%

Q1 2022/23: 98.0%

Q2 2022/23: 98.4%

Q3 2022/23: 98.4%

Q4 2022/23: 97.8%

751 out of 768 applications (97.8%) were determined within 8 weeks during 2022/23, exceeding the target of 80%.

Data shows cumulative year to date average as at the end of each quarter.

Number of Affordable Homes Completed

Status: Red

Current Target: 50 (aim to maximise)

Q1 2021/22: 0

Q2 2021/22: 0

Q3 2021/22: 1

Q4 2021/22: 1

Q1 2022/23: 0

Q2 2022/23: 17

Q3 2022/23: 17

Q4 2022/23: 25

The target is for 50 affordable homes to be completed by the end of the year.

25 affordable homes were completed in 2022/23 against a target of 50.  Whilst there are a number of developments in the pipeline which have affordable housing elements, these are not going to be coming to fruition until later in 2023/24 and 2024/25.  This includes 36 units at Kingston House Gardens in Leatherhead (6 units of accommodation under the Local Authority Housing Fund) and potential units on sites based throughout the district in Ockley, Dorking and Leatherhead.  Of the affordable housing that has been completed we have had two successful schemes in Brockham which have added much needed affordable housing to these communities, as well as the purchase of two properties for Housing First.  The adoption of a local plan will assist with future affordable housing delivery in the district.

Data shows cumulative year to date total as at the end of each quarter.

Percentage of identified trees in high risk areas inspected within designated timeframes

Status: Unknown

Current Target: 95% (aim to maximise)

Q1 2021/22: 100%

Q2 2021/22: 100%

Q3 2021/22: 100%

Q4 2021/22: 100%

Q1 2022/23: 100%

Q2 2022/23: To be reported

Q3 2022/23: To be reported

Q4 2022/23: To be reported

This PI has been reviewed and two new PIs agreed for 2023/24 which reflect the recently adopted policy in respect of tree inspections; data will be provided for these new PIs as part of the regular business and budget monitoring reports in 2023/24.

Data shows actual result as at the end of each quarter.

Percentage of remedial work completed on identified trees in high risk areas within agreed timeframes

Status: Unknown

Current Target: 100% (aim to maximise)

Q1 2021/22: 100%

Q2 2021/22: 100%

Q3 2021/22: 95%

Q4 2021/22: 100%

Q1 2022/23: 100%

Q2 2022/23: To be reported

Q3 2022/23: To be reported

Q4 2022/23: To be reported

Please see commentary above.

Data shows actual result as at the end of each quarter.

Number of Households in Bed & Breakfast Accommodation

Status: Data Only

Current Target: N/A

Month / NumberMonth / Number
April 2021/22: 9April 2022/23: 17
May 2021/22: 7May 2022/23: 17
June 2021/22: 5June 2022/23: 20
July 2021/22: 5July 2022/23: 14
August 2021/22: 8August 2022/23: 17
September 2021/22: 11September 2022/23: 15
October 2021/22: 11October 2022/23: 14
November 2021/22: 11November 2022/23: 15
December 2021/22: 11December 2022/23: 18
January 2021/22: 19January 2022/23: 23
February 2021/22: 17February 2022/23: 21
March 2021/22: 14March 2022/23: 24

We have seen a continual increase in the number of households approaching the Council as homeless during 2022/23.  Over the year we have placed 91 households in bed and breakfast and nightly stay accommodation, compared to 75 in 2021/22.

At the end of March 2022 the number of households that we had placed in nightly stay or bed and breakfast accommodation was 14, whereas in March 2023 it was 24. The average number of households over the year has been 18, split relatively equally between those with and those without children.

There has however been a steady flow of households leaving emergency accommodation and households approaching the council for assistance, with a weekly turnover of approximately two new households per week and two households per week being moved into alternative accommodation.

We have continued to accommodate single people since the pandemic, in the majority of cases under our power to do so rather than under any duty.

Data shows actual number of households as at the end of each month.

Number of telecare service users

Status: Data Only

Current Target: N/A (aim to maximise)

Q1 2021/22: 1269

Q2 2021/22: 1271

Q3 2021/22: 1276

Q4 2021/22: 1276

Q1 2022/23: 1265

Q2 2022/23: 1245

Q3 2022/23: 1220

Q4 2022/23: 1179

There were 1,179 telecare service users as at end March 2023.  Numbers have reduced over the year due to a number of external factors such as the cost of living crisis, and a continued high level of deaths over the winter period. These trends are consistent across other service providers within Surrey.

Overall for Mole Valley Life, and due to increasing partnership working with Districts & Boroughs in the area, Mole Valley Life has increased its total number of fully managed users from 3,486 to 4,326, an increase of 840 (24)%.

Data shows actual number of Mole Valley Life Telecare Users as at the end of each quarter. This does not include other Mole Valley Life clients such Reigate and Banstead and Tandridge users, and corporate connections.

Number of community transport journeys

Status: Data Only

Current Target: N/A (aim to maximise)

Month / NumberMonth / Number
April 2021/22: 150April 2022/23: 393
May 2021/22: 145May 2022/23: 436
June 2021/22: 160June 2022/23: 451
July 2021/22: 192July 2022/23: 394
August 2021/22: 219August 2022/23: 517
September 2021/22: 262September 2022/23: 439
October 2021/22: 334October 2022/23: 570
November 2021/22: 406November 2022/23: 570
December 2021/22: 325December 2022/23: 450
January 2021/22: 355January 2022/23: 534
February 2021/22: 338February 2022/23: 550
March 2021/22: 474March 2022/23: 628

There were 628 community transport journeys during the month of March 2023. This compares to 474 during the same period in March 2022 as the service has been built back after the pandemic.

Further work to develop a collaborative approach within the service continues to focus on Home to School Contract Work and the Demand Responsive Transport Service in partnership with Surrey County Council.

Data shows total number of journeys for each month. This does not include contract work such as Home to School or hire.

Youth Engagement – number of consultations

Status: Green

Current Target: 4 (aim to maximise)

Q1 2022/23: 1

Q2 2022/23: 2

Q3 2022/23: 2

Q4 2022/23: 4

Four consultations have been completed during 2022/23, meeting the target.  The consultations related to the Neighbourhood Fund Consultation, the Cotmandene Public Spaces Protection Order, the Climate Change Strategy and MVDC’s summer holiday programme.

Data shows number of consultations as at the end of each quarter.

The extent to which Transform Leatherhead is considered to be making progress towards the Masterplan vision (1 being not at all and 5 very well)

Status: Amber

Current Target: 4 (aim to maximise)

2021/22: 3

2022/23: 3

The result from the survey events that took place in March and April 2023 was that most people selected 3 (adequate progress), below the target of 4 (good progress).  It was noted that only 32 responses to the survey over a five week period were received online or in person (and the timing of the drop in events may have been a factor as it was not possible to promote the online survey once we were in the pre-election period.  The mean score for the extent to which respondents felt that TL was making progress towards delivery of the vision had increased slightly from a mean of 2.44/5 in 2022 to 2.88/5 in 2023.

Data shows latest survey result.

Number of new Mole Valley Employment and Skills Hub clients

Status: Green

Current Target: 570 (aim to maximise)

Q1 2021/22:

Q2 2021/22:

Q3 2021/22: 356

Q4 2021/22: 452

Q1 2022/23: 159

Q2 2022/23: 336

Q3 2022/23: 471

Q4 2022/23: 570

There were 570 new Mole Valley Employment and Skills Hub clients as at end March 2023, exceeding the target of 450.

Data shows cumulative year to date total as at the end of each quarter.

Percentage of rent collected within 21 days after the quarter day

Status: Amber

Current Target: 90.00% (aim to maximise)

Q1 2022/23: 95.55%

Q2 2022/23: 89.00%

Q3 2022/23: 93.00%

Q4 2022/23: 88.00%

The collection rate for Q4 2022/23 (rental period January – March 2023) was 88% against a target of 90%.  This was due to some larger rents being late to arrive.  We chase all late payers regularly.  In some cases late payments are due to tenants experiencing difficult trading conditions. There are a small number of tenants who don’t have payment plans but clear their rent in instalments.  We are looking at either moving those tenants onto monthly rental payments or where that is not appropriate, to charge late payment interest.

Data shows percentage of rent collected for each quarter.

Percentage of council tax collected

Status: Amber

Current Target: 99.20% (aim to maximise)

Month / NumberMonth / Number
April 2021/22: 10.90%April 2022/23: 10.90%
May 2021/22: 20.80%May 2022/23: 20.20%
June 2021/22: 30.30%June 2022/23: 30.40%
July 2021/22: 39.50%July 2022/23: 38.90%
August 2021/22: 48.60%August 2022/23: 47.80%
September 2021/22: 57.70%September 2022/23: 56.80%
October 2021/22: 67.50%October 2022/23: 66.50%
November 2021/22: 76.70%November 2022/23: 75.80%
December 2021/22: 85.20%December 2022/23: 84.80%
January 2021/22: 94.20%January 2022/23: 93.90%
February 2021/22: 96.50%February 2022/23: 96.30%
March 2021/22: 98.60%March 2022/23: 98.60%

Performance as at the end of March was 98.60% against a target of 99.20%.  Nationally, the combination of high costs of living, very high inflation levels and energy costs rising to unprecedented levels is having an impact on the amount of Council Tax collected, and the impact can be seen at a local level.  More customers are now choosing to spread their payment instalments over 12 months rather than the statutory 10 months.  There has also been an increase in S13A applications due to severe financial hardship.  The Council encourages people to get in contact if they are struggling to pay their Council Tax so that they can be supported. For 2023/24 the end of year target has been reduced to 98.5% which is consistent with collection performance over the last few years.

Data shows cumulative year to date total as at the end of each month.

Percentage of business rates collected

Status: Green

Current Target: 99.60% (aim to maximise)

Month / NumberMonth / Number
April 2021/22: 12.22%April 2022/23: 8.29%
May 2021/22: 21.39%May 2022/23: 17.91%
June 2021/22: 29.25%June 2022/23: 30.07%
July 2021/22: 39.06%July 2022/23: 32.30%
August 2021/22: 46.41%August 2022/23: 45.66%
September 2021/22: 56.01%September 2022/23: 55.75%
October 2021/22: 63.02%October 2022/23: 67.25%
November 2021/22: 73.24%November 2022/23: 77.65%
December 2021/22: 86.45%December 2022/23: 83.02%
January 2021/22: 91.82%January 2022/23: 87.89%
February 2021/22: 96.24%February 2022/23: 92.48%
March 2021/22: 97.90%March 2022/23: 95.22%

Performance as at the end of March was 95.22% against a target of 99.60%.  Nationally business rate collection has not recovered since the covid pandemic and we are seeing the impact locally, particularly with the combined impact of other economic factors in the country also impacting on businesses.

Data shows cumulative year to date total as at the end of each month.

Percentage of calls answered within 60 seconds by the Customer Services Unit

Status: Green

Current Target: 80% (aim to maximise)

Month / NumberMonth / Number
April 2021/22: 82%April 2022/23: 88%
May 2021/22: 83%May 2022/23: 80%
June 2021/22: 80%June 2022/23: 75%
July 2021/22: 79%July 2022/23: 76%
August 2021/22: 79%August 2022/23: 78%
September 2021/22: 78%September 2022/23: 78%
October 2021/22: 79%October 2022/23: 80%
November 2021/22: 80%November 2022/23: 80%
December 2021/22: 81%December 2022/23: 81%
January 2021/22: 82%January 2022/23: 82%
February 2021/22: 83%February 2022/23: 82%
March 2021/22: 83%March 2022/23: 83%

65% of enquiries were resolved at first point of contact by the Customer Services Unit, exceeding the target of 60%.

Data shows cumulative year to date average as at the end of each month.

Percentage of enquiries resolved at first point of contact by the Customer Services Unit

Status: Green

Current Target: 60% (aim to maximise)

Month / NumberMonth / Number
April 2021/22: 66%April 2022/23: 67%
May 2021/22: 67%May 2022/23: 67%
June 2021/22: 68%June 2022/23: 67%
July 2021/22: 65%July 2022/23: 67%
August 2021/22: 64%August 2022/23: 66%
September 2021/22: 63%September 2022/23: 66%
October 2021/22: 62%October 2022/23: 62%
November 2021/22: 62%November 2022/23: 65%
December 2021/22: 62%December 2022/23: 65%
January 2021/22: 62%January 2022/23: 65%
February 2021/22: 63%February 2022/23: 65%
March 2021/22: 63%March 2022/23: 65%

65% of enquiries were resolved at first point of contact by the Customer Services Unit, exceeding the target of 60%.

Data shows cumulative year to date average as at the end of each month.

Number of e-forms used to access Council services

Status: Data Only

Current Target: N/A (aim to maximise)

Month / NumberMonth / Number
April 2021/22: 1995April 2022/23: 1992
May 2021/22: 3693May 2022/23: 4452
June 2021/22: 5762June 2022/23: 8685
July 2021/22: 7792July 2022/23: 10,977
August 2021/22: 954August 2022/23: 13,120
September 2021/22: 11,157September 2022/23: 15,281
October 2021/22: 12,612October 2022/23: 17,317
November 2021/22: 14,004November 2022/23: 19,287
December 2021/22: 15,519December 2022/23: 21,146
January 2021/22: 17,475January 2022/23: 22,798
February 2021/22: 19,390February 2022/23: 24,938
March 2021/22: 21,782March 2022/23: 27,027

27,027 e-forms were used to access Council services as at end March 2023.  This is compared to 21,782 as at end March 2022, representing a 24% increase.

Data shows cumulative year to date total as at the end of each month.