Performance Dashboard – 2023/24 Outturn
COMMUNITY WELLBEING: “Active communities and support for those who need it”
2023/24 Community Wellbeing Annual Plan Objectives
“Continue to support residents impacted by the cost of living crisis, including signposting and collaboration with other organisations”
- Progress Overview: We supported residents with the cost of energy by administering an Energy Support Scheme that provided a payment of £400 to households who used alternative fuel such as oil and bottled gas, and also to households who didn’t have a direct relationship with their energy provider such as those living in park homes.We continue to support households who are struggling to pay their council tax through the Council Tax Support Scheme. In addition we have been supporting households through a discretionary council tax hardship fund.MVDC part funded a Community Development Worker based at the Leatherhead Community Hub. This role supports residents in North Leatherhead who may be affected by the cost of living crisis.
During cold weather Warm Hubs remained open across Mole Valley as part of the response to the cost-of-living crisis. A Warm Hub is a building designated as a warm and safe sanctuary that anyone can go to for free.
The UKSPF funded community capacity building and infrastructure support grants awarded by MVDC helped support a number of initiatives, including –
- sport and recreation activities to be provided across a number of community spaces
- the provision of fishing equipment to enable those who ordinarily wouldn’t be able to afford to take part
- funding of film afternoons during winter months for those who struggle to heat their homes
As mentioned under other Annual Plan objectives, we have also provided access to free holiday activities during the summer holiday, and supported people to find work through the employment and skills hub. We continue to signpost our communities to support and advice.
- Status: Green
“Work with Surrey County Council and Technology Enabled Care experts to build on the success of the innovative Enabling You With Technology service and Community Responder Service, so that older and vulnerable residents can live independently in their own homes”
- Progress Overview: Conversations are ongoing with Surrey County Council Commissioners in relation to ongoing funding for technology enabled services following a restructure of service provision.The East Surrey Responder Service have now attended 2,420 incidents, resolving 89% of those without the requirement for escalation to the emergency services and a response time of 26 minutes.A further 12 months has been agreed with Surrey for the service.
NHS Guildford and Waverley Service have attended 186 incidents with 89% resolved without escalation and a response time of 34 minutes. The NHS have agreed to a 6 month extension to the service.
An evaluation of the responder service has shown that for every £1 spent it gives a return on investment (ROI) of £2.71 on cost avoidance to the system.
Mole Valley Life Monitoring & Responder Services recently won a place on the Northern Housing Consortium framework which will enable someone to easily procure the service
- Status: Green
“Continue to provide Disabled Facilities Grant funding to enable residents to remain in their own homes as long as possible”
- Progress Overview: We have continued to provide Disabled Facilities Grants during the year. These grants go towards the cost of providing adaptations and/or facilities to meet necessary basic housing needs for someone with a disability. During 2023/24, we have supported over 45 people to remain in their own homes, and we have nearly 70 more cases that we are currently processing. In addition, 64 clients have also been assisted by the Handyperson service (a subsidised service for minor repairs, improvements and adaptations to the home and garden, for elderly or disabled clients).
- Status: Green
“Build community capacity and support community infrastructure through the implementation of a grant scheme to support this work”
- Progress Overview: At its meeting on 28th November 2023 Cabinet agreed to award funding to 10 projects as part of the 2nd round of UKSPF CCBISGS. The projects supported will help to build capacity to deliver social action projects and/or carry out works to improve community infrastructure, in turn helping to build pride in place and/or increase life chances. All grant awards have now been paid and organisations have 12 months in which to complete their projects.
- Status: Green
“Support the development of new community groups and volunteer workforces to contribute to, for example, the Council’s response to the Ecological and Climate Change Emergencies”
- Progress Overview: Following a Communications Campaign in Feb/March asking for expressions of interest in creating, developing community gardens, 13 expressions of interest were received. These are being reviewed in consideration of funding for the projects.
Amongst the ongoing and future potential projects there are a number of community gardens being considered, a herb garden, pond clearance, litter picks and a youth project working with Surrey Police.
50% of the funding for projects has been allocated, consideration of the remaining allocation will continue into 2024/25.
- Status: Green
“Enable young people to access and take part in a range of activities that they might not ordinarily be able to afford by running a programme of out of school activities”
- Progress Overview: A wide range of holiday activities were delivered over the summer holidays. Over 100 sessions were attended and nearly 750 children and families took part. 137 responses to feedback were obtained with 120 responding that the sessions were either good or excellent.
- Status: Green
“Complete the re-procurement of leisure centres contract so that communities continue to have access to good quality sports and leisure facilities”
- Progress Overview: The leisure procurement is complete and the new operator GLL have made a positive start to the new contract. Improvements have been made at Leatherhead Leisure Centre and feedback is that customers are seeing tangible positive differences. Work continues to finalise dilapidations with one of our outgoing operators.Officers are working closely with GLL to achieve the improvements to the centres and in developing the Active Communities Programme which is promising to offer a wide variety of exciting additional opportunities for communities in Mole Valley.Whilst there will be future plans to add to the Active Communities Programme, this currently includes inclusive swim sessions, the Friday Night Project and the development of a warm hub at Dorking. GLL’s Sports Foundation is actively encouraging talented athletes and sports people to apply for a range of support from financial, access to facilities, physiotherapy and mental health and wellbeing mentoring. GLL’s Sports Foundation has also extended further support to looked after children and their families and care leavers to encourage participation in physical activity. Also extended are concessions for asylum seekers and refugees. GLL have already set up community partnerships with a number of disability and mental health organisations in Mole Valley. Exercise on Referral has been subsumed into GLL’s Health Referral programme which has widened its scope and further developed the scheme.
- Status: Green
“Undertake refurbishment works at Dorking Halls”
- Progress Overview: Atkinsrealis, together with a specialist design team, completed the RIBA Stage 1 report on the baseline plus option for Dorking Halls identified by Burrell Foley Fischer between September-November 2023. This led to a report to Cabinet in January 2024 which approved a budget allocation of £3.24 million to progress the first phase of works in Summer 2024, approved the procurement strategy, and noted the likely scope of works for Summer 2025 and that Atkinsrealis would continue to oversee the design and other specialist technical and costs advice for Summer 2024 and Summer 2025 up to the next Cabinet approval gateway.The focus of the Summer 2024 works was to remove the fibrous plaster ceiling which is challenging and onerous from a health and safety perspective. Other works packages were identified on the basis that they could be included within the proposed four month closure period, did not require planning consent or involve long lead in times for securing specialist materials and equipment.The procurement strategy for Summer 2024 was based on using a JCT Design and Build contract and using a multi-supplier framework. Disappointingly, no supplier on that framework was willing to participate in the procurement process. An alternative procurement strategy was identified and approved by Cabinet in March 2024. This involves the design work continuing under Atkinsrealis (and the specialist design and technical team) and using the LHC Procurement Group framework to appoint Galliford Try under a Pre-Construction Services Agreement, with a JCT standard building contract.
As of year end, the closure is still planned to start in June 2024 and to last approximately four months, with the focus being on a permanent replacement (rather than an interim solution until 2025) of the Grand Hall ceiling. This may mean that some of the potential works identified for inclusion in Summer 2024 have to be deferred/omitted for budgetary reasons, but overall this represents a better use of the overall budget allocated in the Capital Programme.
- Status: Red
- Commentary: In common with many construction projects, there is a risk of cost overrun and late completion and there is a full risk register accompanying this project. A contingency plan is in place should there be a delay in reopening Dorking Halls and a quantity surveyor is a key part of the Atkinsrealis team supporting MVDC to identify areas for value engineering and scope reductions to mitigate the risk of cost overrun. Additional surveys have been identified to assist in reducing the ‘unknowns’ ahead of works starting on site.
“Provide funding to support communities to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III”
- Progress Overview: This work was completed in time for the Coronation with each larger area (Dorking, Leatherhead, Bookham, Fetcham and Ashtead) receiving up to £2,500 towards their celebrations, and all other ward areas receiving up to £400.
- Status: Green
2023/24 Community Wellbeing Performance Indicators
Number of telecare service users
- Status: Data Only
- Commentary: There were 1,150 Mole Valley Life telecare service users as at end Q4 2023/24. There has been a steady improvement in the referrals from system partners and we continue to develop pathways for easy access into the service. Overall, Mole Valley Technology Enabled Care customers across all our partners now stand at 5,111, which is an increase of 15%. Please see the Performance Indicators Report on the Performance page for further information on this PI.
Number of community transport journeys
- Status: Data Only
- Commentary: There were 634 community transport journeys during the month of March 2024 and a total of 5,996 for the year. New service developments with Non-Emergency Patient Transport and Demand Responsive Transport help build a holistic transport service for Mole Valley Residents. Please see the Performance Indicators Report on the Performance page for further information on this PI.
Number of households in bed and breakfast accommodation
- Status: Data only
- Commentary: We have seen a marked increase in the number of households approaching the Council as homeless during 2023/24. Over the year we have placed 157 households in bed and breakfast and nightly stay accommodation, compared to 91 in 2022/23 (a 72% increase). At the end of March 2023 the number of households that we had placed in nightly stay or bed and breakfast accommodation was 24, whereas in March 2024 it was 13. The average number of households over the year has again been 18, split relatively equally between those with and those without children. There has however been a steady flow of households leaving emergency accommodation and households approaching the Council for assistance, with a weekly turnover of approximately two new households per week and two households per week being moved into alternative accommodation. We have continued to accommodate single people regardless of priority need, in the majority of cases under our power to do so rather than under any duty. This has helped us to keep rough sleeping in the district to low levels. Please see the Performance Indicators Report on the Performance page for further information on this PI.
Number of households on the Housing Register
- Status: Data Only
- Commentary: At the end of March 2023 we had 668 households on the housing register, whilst at March 2024 the figure stands at 674. During this time however there has been an increase in the number of housing register applications received from people wishing to join the housing register. In 2022/23 we received 605 applications whilst in 2023/24 this figure had increased by 3% to 624 applications. Some applicants will have come off the register due to not renewing their applications, whilst others will have been rehoused through the housing register into social housing. This figure was 163 households in 2023/24. Please see the Performance Indicators Report on the Performance page for further information on this PI.
ENVIRONMENT: “A highly attractive area with housing that meets local need”
2023/24 Environment Annual Plan Objectives
“Implement the revised approach to CCTV across the District”
- Progress Overview: Following the decision of Surrey Police to withdraw from proactive involvement in the provision of CCTV, arguing that they do not value it as much as other forms of evidence, MVDC consulted the public around future provision from 2024. MVDC needs to make a decision about what kind of CCTV service is appropriate to provide into the future and what is affordable in the circumstances. The consultation elicited 404 results including that 61% of respondents said CCTV made them feel safer.Options are now being considered regarding the number of cameras that could be retained and the type of monitoring that presents most value for money for Mole Valley. These options will be presented to Cabinet in the summer.
- Status: Green
“Continue to work towards adoption of the Local Plan as required and when adopted, commence work on Supplementary Planning Documents as set out in the Local Development Scheme“
- Progress Overview: The Main Modifications consultation as ended. The timetable is now to get the responses received and any commentary the Council wishes to add to the Inspector during the week commencing 13th May. The response from the Inspector will assist in understanding the future timetable.
- Status: Red
- Commentary: This objective remains red as it is behind the programme set out in the Local Development Scheme.
“Use funds collected from developers, from sites where it has not been possible to provide affordable homes as part of that development, to subsidise the provision of affordable housing elsewhere in the District“
- Progress Overview: Monies are being used towards Kingston House Gardens and Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) properties in 2023/24 and 2024/25.Whilst commuted sums are being used to subsidise the Kingston House Garden Development (due for completion in autumn 2024) and Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) purchases, there are few other sites on the horizon where these funds can be utilised. It is envisaged that some of these sums can be used to help reduce rent costs if required at future larger scale developments, however these are not due to start on site in the 2024/25 year.
- Status: Green
“Continue to implement the Climate Change Strategy Action Plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, including investigating options for alternative methods of funding Climate Change initiatives, particularly solar provision at Leatherhead Leisure Centre and electric vehicle charging provision for the Council motor fleet“
- Progress Overview: The feasibility study in respect of solar provision at Leatherhead Leisure Centre which was undertaken in October 2021 is to be reviewed and updated. This is necessary due to improvements in solar technology since that time. We are currently in the process of identifying consultants who can carry out this work for us. This will allow us to develop a specification for tender.A capital bid for 2024/25 has been agreed for this project. The total cost is anticipated to be around £658k. Funding is a mix of £180,000 from Empty Homes Grant, £140,000 Swimming Pool Support Grant, £338,000 of borrowing or supplier capital financing.
- Status: Green
“Reduce the Council’s carbon emissions by installing LED lighting in Dorking and Leatherhead Leisure Centres”
- Progress Overview: Work has been completed at Dorking Sports Centre and is underway at Leatherhead Leisure Centre.
- Status: Amber
- Commentary: It had been anticipated that both projects would have been completed in the financial year 2023/24. However, works at Leatherhead should be completed before June 2024.
2023/24 Environment Performance Indicators
Percentage of streets with acceptable levels of litter
- Status: Green
- Commentary: 97% of streets were assessed as having acceptable levels of litter, exceeding the target of 96%.
Percentage of streets with acceptable levels of detritus
- Status: Amber
- Commentary: 88% of streets were assessed as having acceptable levels of detritus, against a target of 92%. Joint Waste Solutions are working proactively with Amey to improve the level of street cleaning across the District.
Percentage of trees in Zone 1 areas inspected within agreed timeframes
- Status: Amber
- Commentary: 98% of trees in Zone 1 areas were inspected within agreed timeframes, against a target of 100%. A Tree Officer was recruited during the final quarter of 2023/24 to carry out inspections and it is anticipated that during 2024/25 targets will be more consistently met.
Percentage of trees in Zone 2 areas inspected within agreed timeframes
- Status: Green
- Commentary: 100% of trees in Zone 2 areas have been inspected within the agreed timeframes.
Number of affordable homes completed
- Status: Red
- Commentary: Funds are being collected from developers for sites where it has not been viable to provide affordable homes as part of that development and this goes to subsidise the provision of affordable housing elsewhere in the District. During 2023/24 the initial payment to Clarion for the conversion of 16 of the properties on the Kingston House Gardens development from affordable to social rent has been paid, as agreed at Cabinet in November 2020.Under the Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) round 1, properties have been sought which has resulted in four Clarion properties being made available for resettlement of Afghan and Ukrainian households using both LAHF and commuted sums funding. Funding has also been agreed from commuted sums for a 4 bedroom bridging property although this property has not yet been identified by the housing provider. Under LAHF round 2, commuted sums have enabled the purchase of a 3 bedroom temporary accommodation unit and a second is in the process of being purchased. A further 3 bedroom house for Afghan resettlement purposes to be owned by Mount Green housing is still being sought. The adoption of a Local Plan will assist with future affordable housing delivery in the District. The final units on the Tanners Lane development completed in 2023/24 therefore adding to the end of year total of 7 affordable homes completed. There have been difficulties for developers identifying registered providers to take on S106 sites and this is a piece of work we are following up with Chartered Institute of Housing, Homes England and through the Surrey Chief Officers Group.
Housing Delivery Test
- Status: Red
- Commentary: Mole Valley’s Housing Delivery Test result was 58% for the year 2022. This means the Council must continue to operate the “Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development”. This means that housing policies in the Local Plan must be set aside in its planning decisions and the Council must follow the housing policies in the NPPF.The Council was already required to operate the “Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development” because:
- The previous Housing Delivery Test was only 70% and so in the “Presumption” band
- The Local Plan was more than five years old
- The Council is unable to demonstrate a Five-Year Housing Land Supply.
Local Development Scheme – milestones met
- Status: Unknown
- Commentary: Local Development Scheme milestones were being met until December 2022. There was then a year long hiatus while the Government considered the National Planning Policy Framework. Consultation on the Main Modifications has now been completed and will be forwarded to the Inspector, together with any Council commentary, week commencing 13th May. Whilst progress is now being made it is it is not possible to report against the original Local Development Scheme milestones.
Percentage of waste sent for recycling, reuse and composting
- Status: Green
- Commentary: Performance as at Q3 2023/24 (the latest available data). The percentage of waste sent for recycling, reuse and composting has continued to increase during 2023/24.
Residual waste per household
- Status: Amber
- Commentary: Performance at Q3 2023/24 (the latest available data) was close to the target level (362kg against a target of 360kg). Performance is expected to continue to improve as we work with residents to expand services such as the roll out of food waste to communal properties in Mole Valley and the dry mixed recycling improvement project.
Number of missed bins per 100,000 collections
- Status: Green
- Commentary: Performance as at December 2023 (the latest available data). The number of missed bins has been decreasing in the months up to December and at December sits at 50 per 100,000 collections.
Reduction in the Council’s Carbon Footprint
- Status: Red
- Commentary: The result for 2022/23 is above the nominal target level for the year of 3,155 tCO2e. MVDC achieved emissions reductions in both 2019/20 and 2020/21. The significant reduction seen in 2020/21 was predominantly due to the closure of leisure and sports facilities during Covid–related lockdowns. In 2021/22, there was a small overall increase in emissions, driven largely by the re-opening of the leisure centres post-Covid being balanced out by a reduction in emissions from procured goods and services. The latter was partly attributable to lower emissions from the waste collection service, with the suspension of the garden waste service for 8 months of the year. Increases post 2021/22 were likely given recovery after Covid to more normal operating conditions. In 2022/23, emissions increased overall by 16% compared to the previous year, to 3,630 tCO2e. Nearly all of this increase was attributable to the Council’s procured goods and services, in particular from the waste collection service, grounds maintenance and from contracted out accommodation services, i.e. bed & breakfast accommodation and nightly stays.
PROSPERITY: “A vibrant local economy with thriving towns and villages”
2023/24 Prosperity Annual Plan Objectives
“Achieve the 2023/24 milestones for Opportunity Dorking: apply for National Lottery Grants for Heritage funding for Pippbrook House, progress the regeneration of the Foundry/Church Street site through demolition and scheme development to RIBA Stage 2 Concept Design, and obtain Cabinet approval of the Dorking Asset Management Plan”
- Progress Overview:Pippbrook HouseAn Expression of Interest application to the National Lottery was made in February 2023 but was not accepted. In response to the feedback, a further Expression of Interest was submitted in February 2024, but was again rejected. This will be picked up as part of the 24/25 Annual Plan objectives for Opportunity Dorking.
In line with the Conservation Management Plan for the building, capital funding was been allocated in the capital programme for 2023/24 and 2024/25. In September 2023, Cabinet approved the funding to undertake a specialist investigative and intrusive structural assessments. This was followed by Cabinet approval in November 2023 of a budget of £1.404 million to enable urgent and essential repairs to the structure so that it is weathertight. The contract was tendered and tender return date was in March.
Planning for listed building consent has been submitted and is targeted to be heard at July 2024 Development Management Committee.
As of year end, subject to securing planning consent, it is anticipated that works will start in August 2024 and anticipated to last up to a year.
The Foundry
The planning application for demolition was approved in October 2023. Demolition commenced in January 24 and completed in February 2024 Concept design (RIBA Stage 1) for the future development is complete. Cabinet approved funding at its meeting in October 2023 to progress to a full planning application and to proceed to RIBA 3-5 . Tendering for the next stage of design through to submission of a planning application is now completed and further design work is underway.
Dorking Asset Management Plan
Following a number of Cabinet decisions on MVDC assets in 2022-23, which referenced the Dorking Asset Management Plan, the plan was shared at a newly formed cross-party Cabinet working group, the Strategic Asset Management Group in October 2023 and its contents were discussed and noted.
- Status: Green
“Achieve the 2023/24 milestones for Transform Leatherhead: Claire House and James House development partner to commence redevelopment, work with our Joint Venture partner to undertake consultation and detailed design for Phase 1 of the Bull Hill and Swan Centre regeneration scheme, and Riverside Park Landscape Architect to produce the Final Concept Design Masterplan“
- Progress Overview:Claire House and James HouseThe Council’s preferred partner, Marshall Eaton, successfully secured reserved matters consent for the scheme in November 2022, however as of end March 2023, was not in a financial position to proceed.
After a full revaluation of the delivery options was undertaken, the recommendation to work with McCarthy Stone (MCS) was approved by Cabinet in July 2023. As of year end, the contracts had not been exchanged, however, that milestone was reached shortly afterwards.
In parallel, MVDC successfully applied for a grant of £560,000 from the One Public Estate Brownfield Land Release Fund to fund the demolition and associated site clearance costs to assist in improving viability and unlock the site. The grant required MVDC to be in contract for the demolition works by 31 March 2024, and following a competitive tender process, that condition was satisfied. An application to MVDC to amend the existing planning consent for the site so as to permit the redevelopment to take place in two phases – phase 1 being demolition and phase 2 being the new development – was submitted in February 2024 and is yet to be determined. Subject to that variation being approved, it is anticipated that demolition will commence in September 2024.
Joint Venture
The volatile economic environment delayed reaching legal and financial close on establishing the joint venture between MVDC and Kier Property Developments Limited (KPD). Following Cabinet approval in July 2023, the legal agreements were concluded on 9 October 2023 and the joint venture entities were established. To enable a full range of technical surveys to be undertaken and the design and other key disciplines team to be appointed by the joint venture, an interim business plan was approved by Cabinet in November 2023 with the first Annual Business Plan (a key part of the joint venture governance framework) was approved in February 2024.
KPD has undertaken initial engagement activities with a range of stakeholders (statutory and non-statutory) and attended the Transform Leatherhead Forum in February 2024. Work is well advanced for full public consultation on the concepts for Bull Hill and Swan Centre in May 2024, for a planning performance agreement to be entered into with MVDC as the Local Planning Authority, and for a community design review panel, led by Design South East, to be established, commencing in May 2024.
Riverside Park
Following a number of detailed technical surveys and workshops with a wide range of stakeholders with a particular and specific interest in the Riverside, a draft Concept Design Masterplan for the Riverside in Leatherhead was prepared by Allen Scott, the appointed Landscape Architect. This was the subject of full public consultation in September and October and included two drop in in-person events at the Swan Centre as well as being online. The consultation closed on 31 October 2023. The consultation fed into the final recommendations by the Landscape Architect and conclude this phase of work and the results published online.
The project was approved for inclusion in the MVDC Capital Programme, but further work is dependent on completing the disposal of Claire House & James House and the associated capital receipt, which has been ringfenced accordingly.
- Status: Green
“Continue targeted investment in our car parks to ensure they are fit for the future. This includes completing works to St Martin’s Walk car park in Dorking and refurbishing Lower Road car park in Bookham”
- Progress Overview: The multi-year Car Park Refurbishment Programme has delivered improvement works to: Ashtead Peace Memorial Car Park (Ashtead), Southside, St Martin’s Walk, South Street, West Street and Junction Road (Dorking), Lower Road (Bookham) and provided match funding to a successful Coast-to-Capital grant award for the establishment of 90 electric vehicle charging bays in various car parks in Dorking, Leatherhead, Ashtead and Bookham.A latent defect at St Martin’s Walk car park has been identified and will be addressed in spring 24 but the car park is fully open and useable.The works to Lower Road car park in Bookham completed successfully in Autumn 2023.
Following the award of contract for Leatherhead Leisure Centre to the new operator, GLL, the final installation for the remaining 8 bays in centre’s car park has been agreed and is anticipated to be completed in the first quarter of 2024/25.
- Status: Green
“Retain the employment and skills hub in partnership with Surrey Lifelong Learning Partnership, DWP and a range of training providers and employers to support people of all ages in Mole Valley who are unemployed or facing redundancy“
- Progress Overview: There were 357 new Mole Valley Employment and Skills Hub clients (on benefits) during 2023/24, exceeding the target of 330. The total figure, including non-DWP customers was 664 people. There were over 300 attendances at various training events, including digital skills, throughout the year, and 211 job outcomes were secured. The Hub continued to be based in the Swan Centre, always attracting a high number of drop-ins due to its prominent position at the shopping centre entrance on Leatherhead High Street. Many events were delivered during the year including jobs search sessions, employability with digital buddies programme, well-being courses with Kingston Adult Education, assertiveness and self confidence workshops, English for Speakers of Other Languages classes with the Language Hub, energy support workshops, skills for life (Multiply), and regular jobs fairs in Leatherhead and Dorking. The Dorking Jobs Fair held at Dorking Halls on 22 February attracted 150 jobseekers and exhibitors included 19 employers, two volunteering organisations and education provider NESCOT offering courses and apprenticeships. The Hub also continued to deliver outreach services from the Harvest Community Church in Dorking and the Community Hub in North Leatherhead. The Friday drop-in advice clinic in Dorking has been particularly successful in engaging customers with many partners who regularly attend including the Jobcentre, Citizens Advice, SES Water, Clarion Housing, and the National Careers Service.The service will be funded from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in 2024/25 with the DWP offering funding solely for a specialist youth focus on direct support for 18-24 year olds to overcome barriers to employment.
- Status: Green
2023/24 Prosperity Performance Indicators
The extent to which Transform Leatherhead is considered to be making progress towards the Masterplan vision (1 being not at all and 5 very well)
- Status: Unknown
- Commentary: Due to workload pressures between the Transform Leatherhead Forum on 29 February 2024 and the commencement of the pre-election period on 18 March 2024 this work was not concluded during 2023/24.
Number of new Mole Valley Employment and Skills Hub clients on benefits
- Status: Green
- Commentary: There were 357 new Mole Valley Employment and Skills Hub clients (on benefits) during 2023/24, exceeding the target of 330.
Customer satisfaction level for Dorking Halls
- Status: Green
- Commentary: 96% of customers rated their visit to Dorking Halls as either 4 stars (good) or 5 stars (excellent), exceeding the target of 85%.
GUIDING PRINCIPLES: Putting People First; Openness and Accessibility; Acting Sustainably; and Living within our means
2023/24 Guiding Principles Annual Plan Objectives
“Review our Council Strategy and Medium Term Financial Plan to ensure the sustainability of council services beyond April 2023“
- Progress Overview: The Council Strategy was considered by Scrutiny on 23 January and Cabinet on 6th February and was approved by Council on 20 February 2024. The new Strategy will be effective from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2028. The Strategy will be available as accessible web pages on the MVDC website but also as printed copies via MVDC’s Customer Services Unit. A communications campaign launched the adopted Strategy utilising MVDCs channels, including a press release, social media, the Leader’s statement, residents’ newsletter and other stakeholder engagement. Progress against the commitments under each of the four priorities will be reported regularly to Cabinet in the Business & Budget Monitoring Reports.A report presenting the updated MTFP was taken to Cabinet in November and included approval of a new Fees and Charges Pricing Strategy. A suite of reports were considered by Scrutiny on 23 January and Cabinet on 6th February and were approved by Council on 20 February 2024. These included the Budget and Council Tax Resolution report, the Capital Investment and Treasury Management report and the detailed Transformation Business Cases that support the Transformation Programme.
- Status: Green
“Embark on a programme of Customer Service and Digital Transformation. Bring forward a strategic framework for transformation that will lead to improved customer service, increase efficiency and reduced costs, where there is a clear business case”
- Progress Overview: We designed a strategic framework for transformation (Evolve 2026) with a focus on service transformation, customer engagement, digital modernisation and people and skills. Key drivers include enhanced customer service, increased efficiency, and reduced costs/increased income (aligned to Mid Term Financial Plan savings). Via a series of service reviews we have identified a major transformation programme to support delivery of the MTFP, with project owners allocated to each workstream. Robust governance is in place (via a dedicated Transformation Board and Strategic Design Authority) to monitor, track and report on progress of each project in terms of benefits realisation between now and 2026-27.
- Status: Green
“Continue to engage in discussions regarding greater collaboration among Surrey authorities and ensure that any changes are in the best interests of the Mole Valley community”
- Progress Overview: East Surrey authorities have agreed to collaborate on the delivery of 5 economic development projects. MVDC has appointed a joint Finance Manager with Spelthorne Borough Council to lead on setting up a shared finance service with effect from April 2025. It has been confirmed that Surrey will be given devolved powers – MVDC will take part in any discussions, particularly regarding any powers which can be devolved to it from SCC. Mole Valley Life continues to expand and is now delivering services within Elmbridge.
- Status: Green
“Consider the opportunities and benefits that could be delivered through the provision of a joint depot for Mole Valley and Elmbridge in close proximity to the existing facilities at Randalls Road”
- Progress Overview: Phase 1 outline site design has been carried out by Eunomia. This shows that land outside of MVDC ownership will be required. The baseline design has been costed and Eunomia have issued their final report on feasibility. Next step is to assess the values of the respective existing depots, and value the land requirement for the new depot to inform a business case.
- Status: Green
2023/24 Guiding Principles Performance Indicators
Percentage of calls answered within 60 seconds by the Customer Services Unit
- Status: Green
- Commentary: 85% of calls were answered within 60 seconds by the Customer Service Unit, exceeding the target of 80%.
Percentage of enquiries resolved at first point of contact by the Customer Services Unit
- Status: Green
- Commentary: 64% of enquiries were resolved at first point of contact by the Customer Services Unit, exceeding the target of 60%.
Number of e-forms used to access Council services
- Status: Data Only
- Commentary: 24,020 e-forms were used to access Council services between April 2023 and March 2024. The number of forms used to access Council services for 2023/24 was lower than the previous year largely due to the energy rebate initiative for the cost of living crisis which significantly inflated figures in June 2022, but also due to on street parking enforcement moving to Surrey County Council from 1 April 2023 which lowered the number of forms this year. Please see the Performance Indicators Report on the Performance page for further information on this PI.
Percentage of commercial rent collected within 21 days of invoice
- Status: Red
- Commentary: Performance at Q4 2023/24 is below target, at 73% against a target of 90%. Further payments are due by the end of April 24 from four tenants, which will sum over £240,000.
Percentage of council tax collected
- Status: Amber
- Commentary: Performance as at the end of March is 98.30%, just below the target of 98.50%. We have found increased numbers making contact to request arrangements or pay over 12 months instead of 10 to reduce the households monthly outgoings due to the continued high costs of living nationally. The Council encourages people to get in contact if they are struggling to pay their Council Tax so that they can be supported.
Percentage of business rates collected
- Status: Red
- Commentary: Performance as at the end of March is 95.54% against a target of 98.5%. Due to the high costs of living some businesses are struggling to pay their business rates, we signpost potential business rate relief schemes and offer payment plans where businesses contact us for support. The revaluation in April 2023 has also seen a large rise in rateable values for businesses, although transitional relief (which is automatically applied to accounts) has partially reduced the impact.