2023/24 Performance Indicators

Council Strategy vision

A place where a beautiful environment, enterprise and opportunity combine, creating a vibrant place to live, work and enjoy.

Guiding Principles

  • Putting People First
  • Openness and Accessibility
  • Acting Sustainably
  • Living Within Our Means

Community Wellbeing

Active communities and support for those who need it.

NoPerformance IndicatorTarget 2023/24Cabinet PortfolioSLT LeadBusiness AreaCouncil Strategy / Annual Plan Reference
1Number of Telecare service usersHigher than previous yearCommunity ServicesCommunityMole Valley LifeCWB1 / [1b]
2Number of community transport journeysData onlyCommunity ServicesCommunityMole Valley LifeCWB1 / [1b]
3Number of households in bed and breakfastData onlyCommunity ServicesCommunityHousingCWB3
4Number of households on the Housing RegisterData onlyCommunity ServicesCommunityHousingCWB3


A highly attractive area with housing that meets local need.

No.Performance IndicatorTarget 2023/24Cabinet PortfolioSLT LeadBusiness AreaCouncil Strategy / Annual Plan Reference
5Percentage of streets with acceptable levels of litter96%Community ServicesTransformation & PartnershipsParks & EnvironmentENV1
6Percentage of streets with acceptable levels of detritus92%Community ServicesTransformation & PartnershipsParks & EnvironmentENV1
7Percentage of trees in Zone 1 areas inspected within agreed timeframes100%Climate ChangePlanning & EnvironmentParks & EnvironmentENV1
8Percentage of trees in Zone 2 areas inspected within agreed timeframes100%Climate ChangePlanning & EnvironmentParks & EnvironmentENV1
9Number of affordable homes completed50Community ServicesCommunityHousingENV3 / [6a]
10Housing Delivery Test96%PlanningPlanning & EnvironmentPlanning PolicyENV2 / [5a]
11Local Development Scheme – milestones met100%PlanningPlanning & EnvironmentPlanning PolicyENV2 / [5a]
12Percentage of waste sent for recycling, reuse and composting56%Community ServicesTransformation & PartnershipsParks & EnvironmentENV4
13Residual waste per household360kgCommunity ServicesTransformation & PartnershipsParks & EnvironmentENV4
14Number of missed bins per 100,000 collections80Community ServicesTransformation & PartnershipsParks & EnvironmentENV4
15Reduction in the Council’s Carbon Footprint3155 tonnesClimate ChangePlanning & EnvironmentParks & EnvironmentENV6 / [7a & 7b]


A vibrant local economy with thriving towns and village.

No.Proposed Performance IndicatorTarget 2023/24Cabinet PortfolioSLT LeadBusiness AreaCouncil Strategy / Annual Plan Reference
16The extent to which Transform Leatherhead is considered to be making progress towards the Masterplan vision (1 being not at all and 5 very well)4ProjectsProsperityProperty & RegenerationPRO2 / [8b]
17Number of new Mole Valley Employment and Skills Hub clients on benefits*330Sustainable Economy & SecurityProsperityEconomic DevelopmentPRO3 / [9b]
18Customer satisfaction level for Dorking Halls85%Leisure & TourismProsperityDorking HallsGP1 / [3c]
19Percentage of calls answered within 60 seconds by the Customer Services Unit80%Internal ServicesTransformation & PartnershipsCustomer ServicesGP1 / [10b]
20Percentage of enquiries resolved at first point of contact by the Customer Services Unit60%Internal ServicesTransformation & PartnershipsCustomer ServicesGP1 / [10b]
21Number of e-forms used to access Council servicesHigher than previous yearInternal ServicesTransformation & PartnershipsCustomer ServicesGP2 / [10b]
22Percentage of commercial rent collected within 21 days of invoice90%ProjectsProsperityProperty & RegenerationGP4
23Percentage of council tax collected98.50%FinanceFinance & StrategyFinancial ServicesGP4
24Percentage of business rates collected98.50%FinanceFinance & StrategyFinancial ServicesGP4

*Following a meeting with the DWP, the target has been updated to reflect the focus of the PI (clients on benefits)