Annual Plan 2023/24

Council Strategy Vision

A place where a beautiful environment, enterprise and opportunity combine, creating a vibrant place to live, work, and enjoy

Community Wellbeing

Active communities and support for those who need it

Objective One

To promote opportunities for communities to lead safe, healthy and fulfilling lives we will:

1a. Continue to support residents impacted by the cost of living crisis, including signposting and collaboration with other organisations.

Cabinet Portfolio: Community ServicesSLT Lead: CommunityBusiness Area: Various

1b. Work with Surrey County Council and Technology Enabled Care experts to build on the success of the innovative Enabling You With Technology service and Community Responder Service, so that older and vulnerable residents can live independently in their own homes.

Cabinet Portfolio: Community ServicesSLT Lead: CommunityBusiness Area: Mole Valley Life

1c. Continue to provide Disabled Facilities Grant funding to enable residents to remain in their own homes as long as possible.

Cabinet Portfolio: Community ServicesSLT Lead: Transformation & PartnershipsBusiness Area: Environmental Health

Objective Two

To foster community spirit, encouraging individuals, families and communities to support each other especially in times of particular need we will:

2a. Build community capacity and support community infrastructure through the implementation of a grant scheme to support this work

Cabinet Portfolio: FinanceSLT Lead: SLTBusiness Area: SLT

2b. Support the development of new community groups and volunteer workforces to contribute to, for example, the Council’s response to the Ecological and Climate Change Emergencies

Cabinet Portfolio: Climate ChangeSLT Lead: Planning & EnvironmentBusiness Area: Parks & Environment

Objective Three

To encourage participation in sports, leisure, cultural and educational activities, to promote responsible enjoyment of our parks, open spaces, heritage and countryside we will:

3a. Enable young people to access and take part in a range of activities that they might not ordinarily be able to afford by running a programme of out of school activities

Cabinet Portfolio: Leisure & TourismSLT Lead: CommunityBusiness Area: Wellbeing

3b. Complete the re-procurement of leisure centres contract so that communities continue to have access to good quality sports and leisure facilities

Cabinet Portfolio: Leisure & TourismSLT Lead: CommunityBusiness Area: Wellbeing

3c. Undertake refurbishment works at Dorking Halls

Cabinet Portfolio: Leisure & TourismSLT Lead: ProsperityBusiness Area: Dorking Halls

3d. Provide funding to support communities to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III

Cabinet Portfolio: Community ServicesSLT Lead: SLTBusiness Area: SLT

Objective Four

To tackle environmental and community anti-social behaviour by working with partners to deliver education and effective enforcement we will:

4a. Implement the revised approach to CCTV across the district

Cabinet Portfolio: Sustainable Economy & SecuritySLT Lead: CommunityBusiness Area: Community Safety & Enforcement


A highly attractive area with housing that meets local need

Objective Five

To promote sustainable development that takes into account social, economic and environmental factors, including protection of the Green Belt we will:

5a. Continue to work towards adoption of the Local Plan as required and when adopted, commence work on Supplementary Planning Documents as set out in the Local Development Scheme

Cabinet Portfolio: PlanningSLT Lead: Planning & EnvironmentBusiness Area: Planning Policy

Objective 6

To encourage the creation of affordable housing to meet local needs and explore innovative methods of delivery we will:

6a. Use funds collected from developers, from sites where it has not been possible to provide affordable homes as part of that development, to subsidise the provision of affordable housing elsewhere in the District

Cabinet Portfolio: Community ServicesSLT Lead: CommunityBusiness Area: Housing

Objective 7

To work towards making MVDC and our contractors carbon neutral we will:

7a. Continue to implement the Climate Change Strategy Action Plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, including investigating options for alternative methods of funding Climate Change initiatives, particularly solar provision at Leatherhead Leisure Centre and electric vehicle charging provision for the Council motor fleet*

7b. Reduce the Council’s carbon emissions by installing LED lighting in Dorking and Leatherhead Leisure Centres*

Cabinet Portfolio: Climate ChangeSLT Lead: Planning & EnvironmentBusiness Area: Parks & Environment


A vibrant local economy with thriving towns and villages

Objective 8

To continue to drive the transformation of Leatherhead Town Centre and promote the character, culture and economy of Dorking we will:

8a. Achieve the 2023/24 milestones for Opportunity Dorking:

Apply for National Lottery Grants for Heritage funding for Pippbrook House, progress the regeneration of the Foundry/Church Street site through demolition and scheme development to RIBA Stage 2 Concept Design, and obtain Cabinet approval of the Dorking Asset Management Plan

Cabinet Portfolio: Sustainable Economy & SecuritySLT Lead: ProsperityBusiness Area: Property & Regeneration

8b. Achieve the 2023/24 milestones for Transform Leatherhead:

Claire House and James House development partner to commence redevelopment, work with our Joint Venture partner to undertake consultation and detailed design for Phase 1 of the Bull Hill and Swan Centre regeneration scheme, and Riverside Park Landscape Architect to produce the Final Concept Design Masterplan

Cabinet Portfolio: ProjectsSLT Lead: ProsperityBusiness Area: Property & Regeneration

Objective 9

To work towards making Mole Valley a prime business location with improved infrastructure to attract and retain creative, entrepreneurial and innovative talent we will:

9a. Continue targeted investment in our car parks to ensure they are fit for the future. This includes completing works to St Martin’s Walk car park in Dorking and refurbishing Lower Road car park in Bookham

Cabinet Portfolio: Sustainable Economy & SecuritySLT Lead: ProsperityBusiness Area: Property & Regeneration

9b. Retain the employment and skills hub in partnership with Surrey Lifelong Learning Partnership, DWP and a range of training providers and employers to support people of all ages in Mole Valley who are unemployed or facing redundancy

Cabinet Portfolio: Sustainable Economy & SecuritySLT Lead: ProsperityBusiness Area: Economic Development

MVDC Guiding Principles

Putting People First, Openness and Accessibility, Acting Sustainably and Living Within Our Means

Objective 10

To achieve our Guiding principles of Putting People First, Openness and Accessibility, Acting Sustainably and Living within our Means we will:

10a. Review our Council Strategy and Medium Term Financial Plan to ensure the sustainability of council services beyond April 2024

Cabinet Portfolio: FinanceSLT Lead: Finance & StrategyBusiness Area: SLT

10b. Embark on a programme of Customer Service and Digital Transformation. Bring forward a strategic framework for transformation that will lead to improved customer service, increase efficiency and reduced costs, where there is a clear business case

Cabinet Portfolio: ProjectsSLT Lead: Transformation & PartnershipsBusiness Area: SLT

10c. Continue to engage in discussions regarding greater collaboration among Surrey authorities and ensure that any changes are in the best interests of the Mole Valley community

Cabinet Portfolio: LeaderSLT Lead: Chief ExecutiveBusiness Area: SLT

10d. Consider the opportunities and benefits that could be delivered through the provision of a joint depot for Mole Valley and Elmbridge in close proximity to the existing facilities at Randalls Road

Cabinet Portfolio: Projects/Community ServicesSLT Lead: Transformation & PartnershipsBusiness Area: Parks & Environment / Property & Regeneration

* Achievement of these objectives are subject to receipt of external funding