Useful Housing Contacts
A list of handy Housing contacts.
Organisation | Details |
Besom Project Dorking | Furniture provision and other help |
Besom Project Ashtead and Leatherhead | Furniture provision and other help |
Citizens Advice | Citizens Advice |
ESDAS | East Surrey Domestic Abuse Service |
East Surrey Outreach Service | Help and support for rough sleepers |
Elderly Accommodation Counsel | Accommodation search for older people |
Mole Valley Employment and Skills Hub | Employment Training Service |
Family Support Team | Providing support to families |
GOV.UK: Directory of Legal Aid Providers | Directory of legal aid providers |
Gypsies and Travellers in Surrey | Via Surrey County Council |
Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Advice and Guidance | Surrey Community Action website |
Home Group | Supported Accommodation Provider |
Homeless Link | Homelessness charities campaign |
Homelessness Statistics | Government homelessness tables |
Housing Exchange | House exchange service |
Housing Ombudsman | Resolving a complaint |
Housing Options Assessment Tool | Self assessment online housing advice |
Jewish Womens Aid | Support service |
Leatherhead START | Emergency direct access, short term accommodation |
Localpad | Private sector service for landlord and tenant |
ManKind Initiative | Helpline for abused men |
Money Helper | Free and impartial money advice |
National Debt Line | National debt Line |
Parashoot | Floating support service |
Police | Surrey Police |
Riverside Housing Association | Supported accommodation |
Samaritans | Helpline |
Shelter | Expert housing advice |
Southall Black Sisters | Advice and support to black and ethnic women |
Streetlink | Rough sleeping |
Surrey Crisis Fund | Emergency support |
Surrey Community Action | Services for voluntary and community groups |
Surrey Save Credit Union | Co-operative and community bank |
Transform Housing Association | Supported accommodation provider |
Veterans’ Gateway | The first point of contact for veterans seeking support |
Victim Support | Help for victims of crime |
SES Water | Help with paying your bill |
Wayside | Supported accommodation for females |
Womens Aid | National helpline |