Useful Housing Contacts

A list of handy Housing contacts.

Besom Project DorkingFurniture provision and other help
Besom Project Ashtead and LeatherheadFurniture provision and other help
Citizens AdviceCitizens Advice
ESDASEast Surrey Domestic Abuse Service
East Surrey Outreach ServiceHelp and support for rough sleepers
Elderly Accommodation CounselAccommodation search for older people
Mole Valley Employment and Skills HubEmployment Training Service
Family Support TeamProviding support to families
GOV.UK: Directory of Legal Aid ProvidersDirectory of legal aid providers
Gypsies and Travellers in SurreyVia Surrey County Council
Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Advice and Guidance Surrey Community Action website
Home Group Supported Accommodation Provider
Homeless Link Homelessness charities campaign
Homelessness StatisticsGovernment homelessness tables
Housing ExchangeHouse exchange service
Housing OmbudsmanResolving a complaint
Housing Options Assessment ToolSelf assessment online housing advice
Jewish Womens AidSupport service
Leatherhead STARTEmergency direct access, short term accommodation
Localpad Private sector service for landlord and tenant
ManKind InitiativeHelpline for abused men
Money HelperFree and impartial money advice
National Debt LineNational debt Line
ParashootFloating support service
Police Surrey Police
Riverside Housing AssociationSupported accommodation
Samaritans Helpline
Shelter Expert housing advice
Southall Black Sisters Advice and support to black and ethnic women
Streetlink Rough sleeping
Surrey Crisis Fund Emergency support
Surrey Community Action Services for voluntary and community groups
Surrey Save Credit Union Co-operative and community bank
Transform Housing AssociationSupported accommodation provider
Veterans’ GatewayThe first point of contact for veterans seeking support
Victim Support Help for victims of crime
SES WaterHelp with paying your bill
WaysideSupported accommodation for females
Womens Aid National helpline