Rent or Mortgage Problems

If you are threatened with repossession or are having difficulty meeting your rent or mortgage payments and are worried about losing your home, there are various websites that offer advice and information

Before deciding to give up your housing tenancy or sell your home, try to keep making as much rent/ mortgage payments as possible whilst looking at the other options available.

Mole Valley residents who have mortgage payment concerns, can also contact a number of local organisations that could help:

You can also get free, unbiased and independent money advice from Money Helper.

Support for Mortgage Interest Scheme

Support for Mortgage Interest can provide short term support through the benefits system for owner-occupiers who are experiencing problems with mortgage interest payments and on:

  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • income-related Employment
  • Support Allowance
  • Pension Credit

Owner-occupiers who are on benefits and who are having trouble paying their mortgage should contact their local Jobcentre Plus office, Pensions Service, or visit their local advice centre.