Building Affordable Homes

In order to meet our target for the provision of affordable housing, there is a requirement that, where viable, on housing developments of:

  • one to 9 gross dwellings, no affordable housing contribution is required except *
  • 6 – 9 gross dwellings* in a designated rural area, a 20% financial contribution equivalent to providing 20% of the total number of dwellings as affordable is required
  • 10 to 14 gross dwellings, 30% of the total number of dwellings are affordable
  • 15 dwellings or more, 40% of the total number of dwellings are affordable

A ‘Vacant Building Credit’ may be applicable in some cases where there is an existing empty building.

Further details of how to calculate financial contributions for affordable housing are set out in ‘Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document on the ‘Adopted Planning Policy Documents‘ page.

The affordable housing provision must incorporate a mix of dwelling types and sizes which reflect the site’s characteristics, the development as a whole and local identified needs.

Applicants are encouraged to comply with the ‘Technical housing standards – nationally described space standard’ as this will normally be the minimum required on affordable housing by registered providers.

Early consultation with registered providers is recommended where ‘on site’ affordable housing is required.

Affordable Rural Housing and Community Led Housing

We promote affordable rural housing and community led housing and work closely with Surrey Community Action to provide affordable homes for local people.