Revision of Statement of Principles 2025-28

It is the intention of Mole Valley District Council to reaffirm its current Statement of Principles issued under the Gambling Act 2005 (GA05).

Under the GA05, local authorities have a duty to review and publish a Statement of Licensing Principles at least every 3 years.  The current Statement has served well in dealing with applications made under the GA05, and no aspects of the current statement have been subject to legal challenge.  No amendments will be made to the existing statement, other than updating Chapter 2 – ‘Welcome to Mole Valley District’ with the current population and relevant facts and figures where appropriate.

Any comments in respect of the Licensing Authority’s intention to reaffirm its current statement of Principles would need to be submitted in writing to by the 31st August 2024.

For information the Draft Statement can be found here – Draft Gambling Statement 2025-28.


Gambling and Lotteries

We are responsible for:

  • licensing premises for gambling activities
  • considering notices given for the temporary use of premises for gambling
  • granting permits for gaming and gaming machines in clubs and miners’ welfare institutes
  • regulating gaming and gaming machines in alcohol licensed premises
  • granting permits to family entertainment centres for the use of certain lower stake gaming machines
  • granting permits for prize gaming
  • registering small societies’ lotteries (see ‘Local Lotteries – Applying for a Permit’)

The Gambling Commission is responsible for issuing personal licences and operating licences.

Local lotteries – applying for a permit

Should the raffle require tickets to be sold in advance of the event, complete a ‘Lotteries Application Form’.

Send it together with the appropriate fee to:

Licensing Administration, Mole Valley District Council, Pippbrook, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1SJ.

A new registration will cost £40, with the annual renewal costing £20.

This annual fee is due in the two months prior to the anniversary of your registration.

We could cancel your registration if the payment is not received by the anniversary of your first registration, in which case, you would have to pay for a new registration.

You will need to complete an application form return for each lottery and send it to us within three months of each draw.

We will need to know that at least 20% of the total proceeds raised have gone to the cause for which the society was created.

The form must be signed by two members of the society who have been authorised to do so.

Read more on the types of lottery you can run without a licence.

  • we can inspect records for any lottery so it is advisable to keep records for all unsold and returned tickets for a year after the draw
  • there can be a rollover of prize funds as long as the total for any single prize does not exceed £25,000 or 10% of the proceeds of the lottery
  • tickets must be all of the same price, contain the name and address of a person who is responsible for the lottery and the date of the draw
  • tickets cannot be bought or sold by anyone who is under 16


We are under a duty to protect the public funds it administers and, to this end, it may use the information you have provided in order to access this service for the prevention and detection of fraud.

We may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes.

For more information, see Fraud and Corruption.

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