Home Environmental Health Construction Working Hours
Construction Working Hours
The hours where noise is permitted in relation to construction and building works is:
- Monday – Friday: 8am to 6pm
- Saturday: 8am to 1pm
- Sunday: no work
Noise work may include: use of angle grinders, concrete breakers, diggers, dumper trucks and cement mixers.
No construction work or deliveries to site before 7.30am.
Non-noisy work
The hours where non- noisy work is permitted in relation to construction and building works is:
- Monday – Friday: 7.30am to 8am and 6 to 8pm
- Saturday: 1 to 8pm
- Sunday: no work
Non-noisy work may include limited use of mobile plant such as dumper trucks, diggers and cement mixers – but only for transporting materials to the work site.
Please ensure the use of radios is moderated during normal working hours and there is no use of radios at all in the non-noisy work period.
Requirements for formal permission
Where there are modest or short-term changes to construction working hours, these may be agreed informally, by us. Please email planning@molevalley.gov.uk.
Where long or more significant changes to working hours are required, a formal application may be requested.
Applicants will need to consider potential impacts and where necessary, put forward plans to manage concerns.
An application should include an updated Construction Environmental Management Plan detailing, but not limited to:
- the type of work to be carried out and the likely noise impacts
- the estimated numbers of workers on site.
- the location where work will be carried out
- types of noisy work that will be avoided in the extended hours of operation
- the location on site of noisy mobile and vehicular plant such as generators and cement mixers
- proposed mitigation measures
- complaint management, contact details of the site manager and main office
Once we have received all the necessary information, a decision will be issued and if possible, within 10 days.
In making our decision, we will have regard to where there may be unreasonable impacts. We may reject proposals where there are very compelling reasons such as significant impact on neighbouring businesses or uses, such as care homes, which are particularly sensitive to noise, dust or vibration, which cannot be overcome through other mitigation, or where impacts on densely populated areas would be unreasonable.
For enquiries, please email env.health@molevalley.gov.uk