The regulations concerning countryside hedgerow are complex, and if you remove a hedgerow without permission, you may face an unlimited fine and may also have to replace the hedgerow.
If you intend to remove an agricultural hedgerow, you must notify us before carrying out the work.
You can do this by making an electronic application via the Planning Portal.
Alternatively, download a ‘Hedgerow Removal Notice application form‘ and send it to
MVDC, Pippbrook, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1SJ, or by email it to planning@molevalley.gov.uk.
See also: Hedgerow Removal Notice – Help
Once your notice and application has been received, we have six weeks to survey the hedgerow and decide whether it is categorised as ‘important’.
The criteria in the legislation classify ‘important’ hedgerows as being more than 30 years old and having a particular archaeological, historical, wildlife or landscape value.
If it applies, we may issue a hedgerow retention notice preventing you from removing it.
For more information email planning@molevalley.gov.uk