Home Crime, Safety & Emergencies Mole Valley Community Safety Partnership Priorities and Action Plan 2024/25
Mole Valley Community Safety Partnership
Priorities and Action Plan 2024/25
Mole Valley Community Safety Partnership – developing our priorities in the context of the Surrey wide strategy.
Surrey wide Context
The primary aim of the Surrey Community Safety Agreement (CSA) is to set out how the responsible authorities will work together to identify and address shared priorities in relation to reducing crime and disorder.
It is a statutory document that is a requirement for two tier authorities such as Surrey under Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (as amended by the Police and Justice Act 2006).
It is also a requirement in such two-tier local authority areas, that there is a County Strategy Group in order to bring together all district, borough and relevant partners responsible for community safety activity.
The Health and Wellbeing Board performs this function.
The Community Safety vision for Surrey:
- Protect our most vulnerable from exploitation
- Protect our communities from harm
- Empower communities to feel safe
Within those priorities are a number of key areas of focus.
The sections below link those with the strategies that underpin them where developed, the mechanism for delivering those strategies and the existing links from Community Safety Partnerships to those areas of work.
By mapping these out, the Mole Valley Community Safety Partnership (MVCSP) can assure itself that it is linked into those pan-Surrey work streams and therefore can concentrate on developing local priorities where it can add value.
Child Exploitation
Surrey-wide Strategy in Place – Exploited and Missing Child Strategic Action Plan
Strategic Oversight – Surrey Safeguarding Children’s Board
Delivery Mechanism – Surrey Exploited and Missing Children Oversight Group
MVCSP link – Surrey Exploited and Missing Children Oversight Group. SE Risk Management Meetings
County lines & Serious Violence
Surrey-wide Strategy in Place – Serious Youth Violence
Strategic Oversight – Serious Youth Violence Board
Delivery Mechanism – Serious Youth Violence Task and Finish Group
Strategic Oversight – Serious and Organised Crime Partnership
Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery
Surrey-wide Strategy in Place – Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Strategy and Delivery Action Plan
Strategic Oversight – Serious and Organised Crime Partnership
Delivery Mechanism – Surrey Antislavery Partnership
Domestic Abuse (DA)
Surrey-wide Strategy in Place – DA Strategy
Strategic Oversight – DA Executive and Management Group
Delivery Mechanism – Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)
MVCSP link – Domestic Abuse Related Death Reviews and Sanctuary Scheme
Prevent & Channel
Strategic Oversight – Surrey Prevent Executive Group
Delivery Mechanism – Partners contribute to Channel Panels as appropriate
MVCSP link – Channel Panel
Anti-Social Behaviour
Surrey-Wide Strategy in Place – Community Harm Action Plan
Strategic Oversight – Community Harm Reduction Board
Delivery Mechanism – Community Harm and Risk Management Meetings (CHaRMM) and Joint Action Groups (JAGs)
MVCSP link – CHaRMM and JAG
Drug Related Harm
Surrey-wide Strategy in Place – Drug and Alcohol Strategy
Strategic Oversight – Drug and Alcohol Partnership Board
Delivery Mechanism – Serious Youth Violence Task and Finish Group
Road Safety
Surrey-wide Strategy in Place – DriveSmart Strategy
Strategic Oversight – DriveSmart Board
Delivery Mechanism – Casualty Reduction Board
MVCSP link – Safety Advisory Group (SAG)
Timely, consistent and effective communication to communities of the work that is done across all partnership agencies
Delivery mechanisms for Surrey’s Community Safety priorities
The Surrey-wide governance structure and the district and borough CSPs contribution within it.
Mole Valley Community Safety Partnership Local Priorities 2024/2025
Domestic Abuse
Lead Agency / Group – Surrey Police and Mole Valley District Council
Actions –
- To refer to Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC), Housing, Adult and Children’s Services.
- To support Sanctuary scheme
Outcomes – To reduce the risk to victims and children of domestic abuse.
Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG)
Lead Agency / Group – Surrey Police, Mole Valley District Council, Joint Action Group (JAG).
Actions –
- To tackle Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) both from strangers and through domestic abuse.
- Use Safer Streets and other data sources to review locations of concern.
- Renewed engagement with pubs & businesses to raise awareness of safeguarding campaigns such as Ask Angela
- Circulation of media campaigns to challenge public perception and encourage the challenging of poor behaviour
- MVDC Safe Place initiative promoted to raise awareness of places for vulnerable people including victims of abuse
Outcomes – Women and girls reporting feeling safe in Police satisfaction surveys across town centres, residential areas, rural areas and at all times of day & night
Violent Crime among Youths and Younger Adult Males
Lead Agency / Group – Surrey Police and Mole Valley District Council
Actions –
- Working with schools and youth groups around offending and knife crime awareness
- Provision of Friday Night Projects offering a safe space for teens to hang out and play sports and other activities
- Summer Holiday Activity Programme offering teens positive things to do while school is out for summer
Outcomes –
- To increase sense of safety in neighbourhoods.
- To reduce the occurrence of violence
- To provide positive activities for teens and divert them from anti-social behaviour
Rural Crime
Lead Agency / Group – Surrey Police
Actions –
- To support the Rural Crime Team’s initiatives to tackle issues including livestock worrying, theft and poaching
- To develop local ownership of rural crime, engaging more directly with local communities
Outcomes – To increase sense of safety for rural communities as measured in public satisfaction surveys and regular engagement meetings
Lead Agency / Group – Mole Valley District Council
Actions –
- To investigate and enforce incidents of envirocrime including fly-tipping, littering and abandoned vehicles consistently and robustly
- To map fly-tipping hot spots
- To work with Surrey Environment Partnership on wider operations including recording of reports and vehicles on ECINS
- To educate residents about offences such as Duty of Care and Littering from Vehicles
Outcomes –
- Improvement in the environment.
- Reduction in level of offences from prolific offenders
Anti-social behaviour
Lead Agency / Group – Community Harm and Risk Management Meeting (CHaRMM), Joint Action Group (JAG), SOC (Serious organised crime) JAG, ASB Case Review
Actions –
- To tackle prolific perpetrators of ASB
- To address impact of ASB on vulnerable victims and communities
- To use a multi-agency approach using appropriate enforcement and intervention
- To ensure victims know where and how to report ASB
Outcomes –
- To reduce levels of ASB from prolific perpetrators
- To reduce levels of ASB in most affected locations
- To increase sense of safety for affected people and communities
Hate Crime
Lead Agency / Group – Police
Actions –
- To prioritise investigation of hate crime.
- To provide an enhanced victim service.
- Joint communications with MVDC to educate residents about what hate crime is and why is occurs
Outcomes –
- To reduce the number of hate crimes and hate incidents
- To identify and engage with ‘seldom heard’ communities and break down barriers to reporting
Lead Agency / Group – Police
Actions – Work with local groups including Dorking BID, Swan Centre Management, other shops/ trading associations to share information and undertake target hardening
Outcomes –
- Reduce levels of retail theft.
- Identify and prosecute persistent offenders.
- Tackle repeat and vulnerable locations.
- Roll out use of DISC system