Fly-Tipping & Fly-Posting

Fly-tipping is the unauthorised dumping of any rubbish waste on land other than at an authorised waste disposal or recycling facility. Fly-posting is the act of placing advertising posters or flyers in illegal places.

Fly-tipping is a criminal activity, which stops people from enjoying and using our public spaces.

It can be a hazard to road users and is very costly to clear up; it is also punishable by either a fine or possibly a custodial sentence.

Report Fly-Tipping ›

Once a fly-tip has been reported:

  • an officer will investigate the incident
  • arrange for removal of fly-tipping from the public highway
  • prosecute the person responsible where identifiable

If a fly tip occurs on private land, we will still investigate any report made; however, the responsibility of any clean up will lie with the land owner.

When reporting an incident of fly-tipping, give as much information as you can about the nature, location and size of the fly-tipping.

If you see fly-tipping in progress, please contact the police directly on 101.

Every householder, business and landowner, occupier or manager has a ‘duty of care’ to take all reasonable measures to ensure waste is removed from their property and disposed of in a responsible and legal manner. You must ensure the company or person is a registered waste carrier.

There are a number of other options available for removing waste from your property:

If you suspect that a contractor or trades person is not disposing your waste in a responsible and legal manner, please call the Environment Agency hotline on 0800 80 70 60 or report it online by visiting the Crimestoppers website.


In most areas, it is illegal to place posters on private and public property without prior consent.

To report an incident of fly-posting on a public highway, contact Surrey County Council Highways on 03456 009 009.

Report Non-Highway Instances of Fly-Posting ›