Independent Members sought for Audit Committee

We are seeking two Independent Members to join our Audit Committee to become a part of its work in promoting excellence in risk management and financial reporting. Independent Members will be expected to actively participate in meetings of the Audit Governance Committee and demonstrate independence, integrity, objectivity and impartiality in their decision-making.

Independent Members are non-voting members of the Committee, who assist in overseeing internal and external audit arrangements, reviewing and scrutinising financial statements, and reviewing and assessing the risk management of the authority. The terms of reference for the Audit Committee can be found in the Council’s Constitution which is published on our website.

What sort of person are you looking to appoint?

The Audit Committee is seeking two independent members with a wide range of skills and experience. The ideal candidates would have a strong knowledge of audit financial management.

We have a preference for candidates who have either lived or worked within the District or have a connection to the District.

Whilst operating as a member of the Audit Committee, co-opted independent members are expected to follow the Nolan Principles of Standards in Public Life, which form the basis of the elected Member’s Code of Conduct.


The Committee meets approximately four to five times a year, with meetings taking place at 7pm in the Council Chamber.  There is a requirement in between meetings to read agendas and related papers. Additionally training for committee members could be held, again these would take place in the evening once or twice a year.

Am I eligible?

An individual is not eligible to be an independent person if they

  • are, or has been within the past 5 years, a member, co-opted member or officer of Mole Valley District Council; or
  • are, or has been within the past 5 years, a member, co-opted member or officer of any town or parish council situated within the district of Mole Valley; or
  • have a relative or close friend of a member, co-opted member or officer at Mole Valley District Council

There are also restrictions on appointment for persons who have been convicted of any criminal offence or is an undischarged bankrupt and there are also requirements that the Member has not significant business dealings with the Council or any formal connection with any political group.

How long will my appointment be?

The appointment will be for a four-year term of office commencing in July 2024 and expiring in May 2028.

How will the successful candidates be appointed?

The Executive Head of Service (Finance and Strategy) and the Executive Head of Service (Corporate and Member Services) will shortlist applicants and conduct interviews with shortlisted candidates.

The Council will formally approve the appointments at its meeting in July 2024.

Is the appointment paid?

Co-opted Independent Members will be entitled to receive a small allowance, currently set at £530 per annum.

What next?

If you wish to make an application for appointment to this role, please send your CV together with a personal statement indicating your suitability for it, preferably by email, by no later than 12pm on Monday 3rd June 2024 to:

Claire Morris, Executive Head of Service (Finance & Strategy)


Post: Mole Valley District Council, Pippbrook, Dorking, RH4 1SJ