Council Tax Discounts

You may be eligible to claim a discount on your Council Tax. Your bill will show you if you have been granted a discount.

Please note: We regularly review Council Tax discounts and Council Tax exemptions to keep our records accurate and ensure fair billing. We are currently reviewing accounts with a Single Occupancy Discount, which gives a 25% reduction if you’re the only adult living in your home. NEC Software Solutions is conducting this review for us, including sending letters to residents. If you receive a review letter, please respond promptly to ensure our records stay accurate and to avoid any changes to your discount. The fastest way to respond is via our SPD Review Form below:

SPD Review

Empty Homes Review: Empty properties are currently being reviewed, which attract a full charge & in certain cases a premium.  NEC Software Solutions is conducting this review for us, including sending letters to residents.  If you receive a review letter, please respond promptly to ensure our records stay accurate.  The fastest way to respond is via the link on the letter issued to you.

For any questions about the review letter, call us at 01306 303027 and mention the account number on your letter.

Annexes which are used by the occupier of the main house as part of the main home, or annexes which are occupied by a relative of the person living in the main house are entitled to a 50% reduction in the Council Tax payable on the annexe.

Apply for an Annexe Discount

The full council tax bill assumes that there are two adults living in a property. A person will not be counted for council tax purposes if he / she fulfils all the criteria listed from A to C below. If, after disregarding an apprentice, there are still at least two other qualifying adults resident in the property, no discount will apply.

A) Employed to learn a trade, business, profession, office, employment or vocation.

B) Undertaking  training leading to a qualification accredited by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, the National Assembly of Wales, or the Scottish Vocational Education Council, and

C) Paid a maximum of £195.00 a week but is expecting to earn substantially more when qualified.

To complete this application, an apprentice will need to upload a letter from their employer. The letter must state the start and end dates of the apprenticeship, and the amount the apprentice is being paid. It must also state that the apprenticeship will lead to an accredited qualification.

Please upload this letter on the “Completed Employers Form” section of the application process.

Apply for Apprentice Disregard

If a care leaver now lives alone or in a property that is wholly occupied by care leavers, a Council Tax exemption will apply.

Apply for a Care Leaver Discount

For Council Tax purposes you may be considered as a Carer if you provide a substantial level of care to a person other than your partner or spouse, or a child in your care if under the age of 18.

Apply for a Carers Disregard Discount

This exemption applies to any dwelling which has been unoccupied and/or unfurnished for a period of less than six months.

Apply for a Class B Exemption Discount

Disabled people are helped with their Council Tax through the disabled band reduction scheme.

Apply for a Disablement Relief Discount

Discretionary discounts to Council Tax can be made if you can show you need extra help.

Apply for a Discretionary Discount

Empty properties where the owner or tenant has moved elsewhere as their sole and main residence residence for the purpose of receiving personal care.

You will need to attached a completed doctors form which can be found here.

Apply for Exemption Under Class I

A person may qualify if he/she has a severe impairment of intelligence and social functioning (however) caused which appears to be permanent.

Apply for a Person in a Care Home, Hospital or Hostel Discount 

When submitting your application, please also provide evidence of the qualifying benefit.

Apply for Severe Mental Impairment Discount

Where there are two people over the age of 18 resident at the property and one of those persons qualifies as a person in detention (in prison) a 25% discount can be awarded.

Apply for a Persons in Detention Discount 

There is no discount after a property becomes both unoccupied and substantially unfurnished and the full rate of Council Tax will be charged.

You still need to inform us if your property becomes empty, unfurnished or unoccupied.

Your full Council Tax bill is based on at least two adults living in a home. If only one adult (over 18) lives in your property, the council tax bill will be reduced by 25%.

Apply for a Single Person Discount 

To be eligible your course must last at least one year and involve at least 21 hours of studying a week.

Apply for a Student Discount