Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk


We are committed to safeguarding our community so it is a safe place for all to live in.

A safeguarding culture has been embedded within the organisation with the aim to prevent abuse and neglect wherever possible, whilst promoting an approach that focuses on improving life for all concerned.

Our staff must report all incidents or concerns they have relating to the safety of an individual.

Anyone can refer a safeguarding concern. If you are worried that someone is at risk of abuse, neglect or harm please report it.

Report a concern


  • Dial 999 for the police

Concerns for an adult

Concerns for a child

Concerns of domestic abuse

  • Call 01483 776 822 (9am – 9pm, seven days per week)

Suicide Prevention – report a suicide risk

Additional information

Visit Surrey County Council’s website for additional information on how to make a referral and what happens once you have made a referral.

Visit the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board website, including their webpage on information for residents.

You can view our Safeguarding Policy on our Plans, Policies and Strategies page.