Single Use Plastic Strategy for Surrey

The current volume of plastic waste has become a pressing environmental challenge, so we have adopted the Single Use Plastic Strategy for Surrey.

This is based on a shared vision that Surrey becomes a single use plastic free county.

The Strategy and Acton Plan provides a road map for the Surrey local authorities to eliminate avoidable single use plastics.

The five key objectives and actions we need to take to reduce single use plastics:

  • End the sale and provision of single use plastic products in order to phase out their use across local authorities own estates and operations
  • Ensure procurement policies and procedures require suppliers to work towards zero avoidable single use plastic, including at events
  • Support greater awareness and action from suppliers and contractors in finding sustainable replacements to single use plastic products
  • Share best practice, raise awareness and support partners and local stakeholders towards making their own locations avoidable plastic free zones
  • Innovate and encourage people across Surrey to reduce their single use plastic use with a particular emphasis on public locations

These objective tie in with our corporate strategy and will help develop our priority to encourage and support residents and businesses to reduce the amount of waste that is produced.