Cemeteries & Burial Sites

Dorking Cemetery

A 14 acre site contains a woodland burial area, Muslim burial area and lawn cemetery where full burials and cremated remains interments take place. There is also an ashes scattering garden, with a wall to take memorial plaques.

  • Address: Reigate Road, Dorking, RH4 1QF
  • Email: dorking.cemetery@molevalley.gov.uk
  • Open: 9am until dusk, seven days a week, including Bank Holidays
  • Facilities: public toilets, limited parking, water taps and watering cans

Part 1 – Exclusive Rights of Burial (50 years) Purchase Fee

Details Resident £ * Non-resident £
Burial (Lawn, Muslim & Woodland)

Pre-purchase of plot







Cremated Remains 760 2270
Child’s Grave Space 530 1640

Part 2 – Interment Fees

Details Resident £ * Non-resident £
Child under 12 months 350 650
Child 12 months and under 18 years 680 1300
Adult 18 years and over 1770 3250
Cremated Remains – child under 12 months 350 200
Cremated Remains – 12 months and over 450 1460
Scattering of ashes with plaque 360 1220
Scattering of ashes without plaque 90 340

PART 3 – Memorials

Details Resident £ * Non-resident £
Burial Space 680 680
Kerbs / Ledger (old part of cemetery only) 150 150
Cremated Remains Space 390 390
Childs Burial Space 280 280
Additional Inscription 190 190
Plaque only (Scattering of ashes section) 360 1220

PART 4 – Sundry Charges

Details Resident £ * Non-resident £
Use of Chapel 290 290
Exhumation POA POA
Burial Register search fee:
Up to two searches per applicant Free of charge Free of charge
Three to five searches per applicant 100 100
Over five searches per applicant POA POA
Transfer of Grant 80 80
Buy back fee 80 80

*Purchase Fee : where the purchaser of the Right of Burial does not live in the District of Mole Valley, other than when bought on behalf of the deceased who was a Mole Valley resident at the time of their death

*Interment Fee : where the interred was not living in the District of Mole Valley at the time of their death, unless the grave is already purchased and being re-opened for a member of the same family and the original person was a Mole Valley resident

For further information please phone Mole Valley District Council, Parks Section on 01306 879112 or Email: dorking.cemetery@molevalley.gov.uk


Full burials, cremated remains interments and scattering of ashes take place Monday to Friday.

New burial plots will be available for pre-purchase in June 2024.

The woodland burial area is now  full.

The ashes scattering area is in a circular bed, planted with a weeping willow in front of the memorial wall.  The ashes are scattered into the bed and a memorial plaque can be installed on the wall behind.

Chapel and cemetery buildings

A small, Grade II listed Church of England chapel is available for funeral or memorial services. Other buildings include a disused non-conformist chapel, the original mortuary and the cemetery lodge.

Searching for friends or relatives

We are happy to assist people in tracing friends or relatives who they believe to be buried at the cemetery.

There is a fee of £100 for up to five searches. Please call us on 01306 879112

Randalls Park Cemetery and Crematorium is owned and maintained by Dignity Funeral Services.

  • Address: Randalls Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 0AG
  • Telephone: 01372 363181
  • Open: 9am to 5pm, grounds are open 9am to 6.30pm
  • Facilities; 93 parking spaces, three disabled spaces

The Clandon Wood site, includes a 31 acre wildflower meadow, new native woodland, ponds and wetland. The whole site is dedicated as space for burials and the burial of cremated remains.

The beautiful glass Pavilion is also available for funeral, memorial and cremation services (the actual cremation takes place at the local crematorium).

It is recommended that residents wishing to use Clandon Wood should book a plot in advance.

  • Address: Clandon Wood Nature Reserve and Natural Burial Ground, Epsom Road, West Clandon, Guildford, GU4 7FN
  • Telephone: 01483 479614
  • Email: info@clandonwood.com