Heritage Assets

Within Mole Valley, formal recognition is given to the value and importance of heritage assets such as Registered Historic Parks and Gardens, and Scheduled Ancient Monuments, including prehistoric remains, Roman villas and 19th century industrial heritage.

However, the National Planning Policy Framework also states that heritage assets can include

“a building, monument, site, place, area or landscape identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, because of its heritage interest”.

Therefore, it is important to remember that the term ‘heritage assets’ covers not just those assets that are designated.

We will expect that proposals for change or redevelopment of a site or an area are accompanied by an assessment of the nature and value of its heritage assets.

It is important that any assets have been considered when plans are been drawn up.

The Historic Environment Record is maintained by officers working in the Surrey History Centre.

More information

We are unable to provide conservation and historic building pre-application advice.

Email planning@molevalley.gov.uk for further information.