An overpayment of housing benefit is an amount of benefit that has been paid, but for which there was no entitlement for it.
An example would be if a claimant failed to notify us that their wages had increased and a reassessment meant that they had been paid too much benefit.
A fraudulent overpayment may occur when a person has deliberately provided a false statement or document, or has deliberately failed to report a change of circumstances with the intention of obtaining or retaining benefit.
With all reassessments, the benefits section will send you an invoice to pay within 14 days.
Pay benefit overpayments here.
Recovering overpayments
If you are still in receipt of housing benefit and you have not paid the invoice within the required 14 days, then your existing housing benefit can be reduced.
A letter will be sent to you explaining the amount to be taken, the start date and end date if this is within the same financial year.
If you feel that the amount being taken is causing you financial hardship, call us on 01306 879324 or email benefits@molevalley.gov.uk
Contact us immediately if you have been accepted for The Debt Respite Scheme (Breathing Space), so that we can temporality halt recovery action.
Further advice about managing debt can be obtained from Citizens Advice.
Payment options other than housing benefit
Online payments
Payment by debit or credit card via our online payment system.
You will need your seven digit invoice number from the front of your invoice in order to complete your transaction.
Debit/credit card
Call 01306 879324 and ask for the benefits overpayment officer to pay by card.
Standing order
Contact the benefits overpayment officer on 01306 879324 to arrange a form to be sent to you.
Deductions from a state benefit
There are certain state benefits which can be reduced on a weekly basis to clear previous housing benefit overpayments. Call 01306 879324 for more information.
By post
Send your cheque payable to MVDC, quoting your seven digit invoice number from the front of your invoice along with your name and address on the back of your cheque to: Mole Valley District Council, Pippbrook, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1SJ.
Please do not send cash through the post.
What happens by not repaying an overpayment
We will take what ever method it deems appropriate, including county court action, to recover the fee owed.
This could include consenting your employer to make deductions from your earnings, county court action and deductions from your state benefits or pension.