Change in Circumstance

If you receive either Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support and there is a change to your circumstances, or to the persons living in your household, you must tell us immediately. This includes any financial changes, such as rent increases or changes to child care costs.

Report a Change of Circumstances ›

If the change is advantageous, you could lose out on extra help you may been entitled to if you do not report the change within one calendar month of it happening.

If you receive pension credit, you may also be asked to contact the Pension Service by phone, on 0345 6060 265.

You can also notify us of any change by email;

If you call us, you will be asked to put any details in writing and send them to: Benefits Section, Pippbrook, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1SJ.

Examples of changes

Changes to your or your households income, such as:

  • earnings going up or down, including an increase in the national minimum or living wage
  • stopping work or starting new employment
  • child tax credit or working tax credit award changes
  • child benefit reduces or stops
  • an occupational pension is paid or the amount changes
  • savings or capital change
  • the amount you pay towards childcare changes
  • you or a member of your household stop or start to receive Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance, Employment Support Allowance, Universal Credit or any other state benefits
  • Attendance Allowance or Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment is awarded or stops

Changes to the household, such as:

  • there is a change in the amount of rent you pay
  • your partner moves into or out of your home
  • you get married, separate or divorce
  • your child leaves school / further education or you stop receiving child benefit for them
  • you move home
  • the number of people living with you, or their circumstances alter
  • there is absence from the home for more than 4 weeks

If you are unsure if a change will affect your entitlement, please contact us.

Counter fraud

We are under a duty to protect the public money we administer and may use the information you provide for the prevention and detection of fraud.

Find out more on our Data Matching Level 2 Notice page.